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ratchet freak

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Everything posted by ratchet freak

  1. technically both are correct but Jeb and me is politer
  2. it should be Jeb and me vs. Jeb and I, you egocentric little kerbal
  3. sometimes you just have to timewarp, if you never go over 10x you will never be able to explore jool before the next version
  4. sparing: showing mercy sparring: mock fighting to practice your skills I can't stand how many naruto fics mess this up
  5. this has to do with friction between the mesh of the truck and the kerbal
  6. note that doing this won't save any CPU/GPU as the texture will be just as big and will need to be sampled either way
  7. but would you like an upgraded drag model that ignored mass of the part?
  8. can't happen without ferram giving explicit permission for squad to do so (licensing issues)
  9. I could see squad selling a license for a console game (or developing it in house) with DLC attached
  10. that's why everyone is suggesting adding realshutes parashutes
  11. I'm still kinda waiting on the resolution of the vines arc, I mean republic city it still overgrown with them. Was it just a device to set Korra's banishment in motion? Also I noticed the Korra got tied up a lot in the later episodes.
  12. to get the slingshot you will need to burn normal/anti-normal during the mid transfer correction burn to go below/over the object you are slingshotting around
  13. Some just put a satellite around each close body with some science gear and a antenna for the "quick send science from X"
  14. where you time warping during the SOI change? Precision errors are common when timewarp is high.
  15. what I mean is that you should make sure the numbers you are dividing are doubles otherwise they get rounded down (to -infinity) and you lose accuracy, if you try -13.0/5.0=-2.6 and exp(-13.0/5.0) you will see the correct output (the ~0.07427358 you were expecting)
  16. -13/5 = -3 unless you make one of them a double or float
  17. the exponentiation function, in other words "exp(x)" is "e to the power of x" with e=2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995
  18. like the inside wheel going slower than the outside wheel when turning, I think.
  19. except neither the KSP EULA or ToS mention user-created addons/mods
  20. still doesn't change the fact that Squad can't use either without ferram's explicit permission
  21. For those people saying that Squad should just copy FAR or NEAR into stock; they can't without open sourcing KSP as a whole; Both FAR and NEAR are GPL v3 licensed (the cancerous open source license), so unless ferram (the owner of the code and only person able to change the license it is released under) provides Squad with a different license they will have to implement new aerodynamics from scratch. That is what choosing the wrong license can do.
  22. textures are unpacked in memory resulting in each pixel using a 32 bit value at best for a 512*512 texture that is 1MB plus metadata
  23. Space stations look cool and give a sense of satisfactino when building, they are also handy for the transmit science from orbit quests Probe bodies are lighter than the cockpits so the ultimate payload is lighter which creates more deltaV
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