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Everything posted by Jetski

  1. Is it possible to make a single asteroid of a specific size and orbit? Looking into the Bennu mission challenge
  2. If I'm reading the mission profile right (debatable since im technically at work and playing with my phone) It's a sort of touch and go, 5 seconds of contact then off again. Maybe simulate it very simply by nosing up and deploying a stock whip antenna into the asteroid, then off again.
  3. I mean really, wouldn't it be amazing to live in a world where you could crowd-source rocket science? Props to KSP for even just making us able to think about it.
  4. If nobody better chimes in in the next day or so, I'll try to learn enough Kopernicus to hack a Gilly analogue into orbit. I haven't played with it before though, so hoping one of the better planet modders jumps in :) Looking at you @KillAshley and @NathanKell
  5. Perhaps someone with a bit of experience modding could put together a savegame file. A very large E class in roughly the right orbit in an RSS save, or Kopernicus in Bennu as a planet (Gilly hack). Share the mod list and save game file on Dropbox. Then we can all give it a shot with the right payload weight, launcher etc. Least dV/cost posted on a board? I'm happy to help any way I can. To Do list: 1)find planet editor competent with Kopernicus to get Bennu as accurate as possible @KillAshley did an amazing job here! (also I made a hacky asteroid version for stock) 2)find part editor who can simulate instruments at least as far as mass/cost, maybe hack Dmagic configuration or something 3) create RSS save with Earth and Bennu in the right orbits and times for a Sept 2016 launch 4)Organize as simple a mod list as possible for wide distribution 5) Share and profit! Paging all volunteers!
  6. Never. Dres does not exist. Seriously, though. I pretty much visit dres every career. Basically just a Mun mission with a transfer stage. I finally used the Dresteroids for refueling for the first time. Kinda novelty but not overly useful.
  7. I freely confess I may have gotten a little obsessed with this. Moar SRBs and Jeb insisted that he must survive the mission. Made a nice little ejection seat for him that worked at least 20% of the time.
  8. Bah! What is this slowly I hear about? Challenge Part 2: How many actively firing SRBs (not Separatrons) can you fit through the rings at once? 5 in this case. Jeb is a little upset that I didn't plan for any way to recover him if he actually succeeded.
  9. Minmus cleared, Day 10. Not a major challenge as I do this nearly every career to bump up a few tech levels, and I kinda have it dialed in. Pretty much where my standard lander got developed. Bob is going to leave the sci in an abandoned lander for later retrieval and see where he wants to go next.
  10. Done. Drove the rings off into the grass so I could use the runway. 369 m/s but could tweak for faster. Edit: I don't do planes.
  11. @HoloYoloany plans to update the leaderboard or throw together a badge? Couple of good missions here completed. Also, has anyone tried an ion glider on Eve since 1.05? Interested in coming up with an efficient way to visit 2 or 3 biomes with science gear, but not sure how nerfed ions are now for thick atmo.
  12. Nobody goes to Dres. It does not in fact exist.
  13. OK, Mun cleared, and Sigrine is on her way back to Kerbin with a pod full of science. She is going to meet with a pair of drop pods I placed for her convenience in LKO, then relaunch with my Moho monster in the upcoming window. I sent her refueler probe with the last of its LF on to Moho but jumped the window by a little, we'll see how much fuel actually makes it to Moho orbit. Bob has ALMOST made it to Minmus, and it's Day 7. Lousy trajectory.... I found a great mod for this challenge if you approve. It's called [x]Science, nothing fancy: basically it's your spreadsheet but visible in game, and with filters available. It doesn't display anything that the Science Archives don't show, but the presentation is very clear, and you can have it open while flying around. Helped me find 2 gravity reports I forgot to grab while I was landed, had to go back and land again at Midlands and Highland Craters to collect. Edit: Kept going a little longer, recovered Sigrine with 10000+ science (the entire Mun), and prepped and sent up a Moho construction base.
  14. Nice! I forgot how much fun Kethane can be - ever since stock Ore came out I haven't touched the stuff. Pretty much everything I have is NERVA powered, including landers etc, hence the high dV. Im barely to day 3, so haven't reached Minmus yet, but grinding away at the Mun. My PC can't handle the part count of that orbital station methinks Keep up the good work!
  15. This was a fun 10 minutes. Pretty sure I could have made orbit with this one.
  16. OK, did some Mun biomes. Got Midlands/Highland Craters/Highlands/East Crater/Polar Lowlands/Poles on one pass, unfortunately broke my landing gear on the first landing. Suspension is frozen, and I slide downhill very quickly, so I've been doing kind of touch and go landings. Just enough time for my intrepid scientist to climb down ladder until his feet touch the goo pod and register as landed, collecting surface sample and EVA quickly. Everything else is hotkeyed, so grab and go! I also sent out a Duna construction base/miner full of engineers and an identical ship to Eve. They look ridiculous - a rover strapped to the tip of a rocket with no regard to aero or efficiency. I think I'm going to set up shipyards on the moons Ike and Gilly, then decide how to tackle the planets. Maybe bootstrap to the next planet (Moho or Jool) if shipbuilding is effective. Haven't used this construction mod yet, or really tested anything. The Duna ship doesn't have a scientist, so look for sloppy science landers with gobs of goo and bays on that one. Exciting high TWR boosters burning 4-6K dV for each intercept, ugly stuff. Nice that money is no object in Science mode. I will have an MPL present at both stations, but only because the construction mod uses it as their workshop part (to build Rocketparts). I didn't attach antennas and won't be using the labs to process data or transmit (although I may use it to reset goo at the Duna colony). I also got bored and harvested about 18 of the 32 KSC biomes. Felt like unfinished business. @eelooORbust, I'm impressed that you can harvest a planet with those low Dv requirements. I've been adding Moar Boosters to everything because no funds, and my standard explorer ship has nearly 19K dV if you count the lander (6500 DV lander). I'm not doing any ISRU with the explorers, just with the shipyards (which lift off with about 13K dV). Building ugly ships, big LF tanks and too few nukes, with a mess of Mammoths to get them going. Post an imgur album when you get a chance!
  17. I'm doing a timed challenge right now (Get all the Science...a race) and I'm learning some new concepts here. I've always gone for the most efficient windows, and waiting was never an issue. Now I can just pack on a horde of Mammoths and do nasty hyperbolic burns everywhere. Just worrying now about stopping once I get there...
  18. OK, Kerbin is completed, 2days 1 hour. Now I can stop counting hours and start counting days. Could have done it quicker but made some mistakes on reentry a few times. Total flights one Biome Bomber, one Upper Atmosphere 69K orbiter plane, one Sci Rover, and 2 lousy capsules for catching the biomes and experiments the others missed. First Mun landing is down. Turns out I forgot to connect the fuel tanks to the engines on both my Mun and Minmus early launch landers, so 2 useless ships there (resisted the urge to install HyperEdit). I sent replacement landers to both on a single launch high-TWR rocket called Better Landers, made direct ascent burn to Mun (less than 2 hrs flight time), and decoupled a lander as I flew by, letting it circularize and meet up with Bob in orbit with the fuel tanker and defunct original lander. The Better Landers rocket made a nasty adjustment burn, and will arrive at Minmus 4 days before my original ship arrives. In hindsight I should have done this to start. I'm realizing that in a timed game with no funds, there's no reason to use transfer windows or Hoffman transfers at all, except as minor dV savers. Great masses of Mammoths and horrific burns are the order of the day. On that note, I sent a rocket to Dres, basically the same as Mun/Minmus includes a NERVA lander, sci, and gobs of spare LF. 5K hyperbolic burn from LKO, and I have an intercept in 1year 226days. The transfer window wasn't for another 400 days, so this is faster if I can stop once I get there. For SCIENCE! OK, one edit: @eelooORbust I really think we should decide whether to allow Mobile Processing Lab usage. Here's the problem: Let's say I get 1200 sci on a few Mun landings. I can bring that to an orbiting lab before recovery, and process and transmit for 4800 free sci in about a week. Then I can pass it to another lab, repeat. And again. Until my Eeloo ship (launching soon) returns in 6 years or so. Then recover the science on Kerbin. I think it's possible to get nearly infinite science if we are doing this. I don't think it's a good idea, but I can do that if the MPL is permitted. Otherwise I think it's more fun to collect from all the biomes and forget MPL completely. Just let me know
  19. OK, made a start. Kerbin is nearly complete, just need Mountains and a few of the High Orbit gravimeter readings. I'm not going to try for splashed down in every biome, just Water. It feels like exploiting a glitch and would take forever. Also going to skip all the KSC science unless OP insists, just a drive around and grind, not proving much FIrst minute I launched a Minmus rocket direct ascent, and as soon as I had an intercept I launched a Mun rocket that is identical. It's a nuke powered lander with 6K dV, a scientist, and of course all instruments. Each includes a probe operated orbiting transfer stage/refueler with a ridiculous amount of LF aboard. I can hit 3-5 Mun biomes, hop into orbit and refuel, repeat. Should be able to do all Minmus without refueling, so I may take that fueler/lander pair and send it on to Dres or something, depending on windows. Once Min and Minmus ops were underway, I launched a Biome Bomber: 5 payloads with a capsule/pilot, and all sci instruments. I put it into a polar orbit, and as each of the faraway biomes came into view (Desert/Ice Caps/Badlands/Mountains/Tundra) I decoupled and deorbited one craft, collecting sci on the way down and recovering landed. While waiting for it to orbit and line up with the biomes, I drove a rover with a scientist to Grasslands/Highlands/Shores/Water from KSC. Same rover could easily collect the KSC science if needed. First Moho transfer window is 8 days away, right around when I reach Minmus.
  20. OK, I'm starting this challenge. I'm running KSP on a potato, so I trimmed the modlist a little. Just running some info mods (KER, transfer planner, alarm clock, etc) and I'm going to try Simple Construction instead of EPL to get a little lower overhead. I suspect the main barrier for me will be parts in orbit. I have a little experience setting up a long-term career type challenge like this (see Catch first Moho Transfer Window, etc) and I offer this suggestion: Post a board with times for each planet/moon. This will give us something short-term and concrete to aim for, and keep it interesting as we go. Add yourself on as you complete each goal to give us a good example. Something like Minmus Cleared: eeloOrBust Day 24, 5:42:21 Just a thought. Also we will eventually demand a rad badge Happy to help if there's anything I can do
  21. Not a bad idea, really. My concern was more how it would affect making orbit, but this should give some information at least...
  22. My thought was to design a rocket that doesn't require input to make the gravity turn - SAS turned off, so no thrust vectoring. A true gravity turn that doesn't need MJ. I think we can assume that any increase in control movements by a vectored thrust engine is going to use more fuel. If the rocket isn't pointed straight, part of the thrust and therefore the fuel is going the wrong way and therefore wasted. Likewise fins/drag control input will cause losses as well. My question is whether the physics calculations of the simple act of using the 4X warp is using more or less fuel in a controlled test. I have a plan for a test rig and a series of launches, tentatively something with fixed fins and no thrust vector, just a reaction wheel to make the initial turn. Open to suggestions. But I'm waiting to see if anyone will chime in who has already addressed this in a scientific way
  23. Burn prograde to leave Kerbin SOI, but wait until your orbit is pointed the right way. You should just start passing between the sun and kerbin at mid burn to go to Eve and in (Kerbin retrograde), and opposite side of the planet for Duna and out (Kerbin prograde). Burn as close to Kerbin as possible. Like 71K. Transfer window planner is really useful, but you can eyeball it close if you have to. If Kerbol system is a clock, Duna should be 1-2 hours ahead, Eve 1-2 hours behind. Really roughly. Play with the manouver nodes a lot, when you do a prograde burn to leave Kerbin SOI, make sure the yellow vector of the node (once you've stretched it out enough to reach the other planet orbit) is parallel to Kerbins orbit, either prograde (for Duna and outer planets) or retrograde (Eve and Moho). That gives you max efficiency. Don't burn until you have an intercept on your manouver node. If you can't get close, try rotating the node to a different place in orbit instead of using the blue arms (radial and anti-radial). Or wait for a better window. Jool is easy to catch, if you have time. Huge SOI and big moons for a gravicapture. Dres is a pain, small SOI and inclined orbit. Make your first node stretch to where you think is close, then place a second node at the green arrow (ascending or descending node) that's about halfway. Play with that node using the purple arms until you have an intercept. If it doesn't work, keep trying Hope this helps
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