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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. To get the same Density on a 10x scale you would need to set the density multiplier to ~100 but putting it that high will most likely cause your game to not load anymore, how far you can actually push it depends on how powerfull your PC is. It seems 40-45 is about the highest multiplier some people get away with. Dont forgett to reduce the multipliers for range and long range, at the same time as you turn up the density, it will help to reduce stress on your machine. Finding the best compromise between density and playability is pretty much a matter of Try & Error
  2. Ah yes, i should have clarified that i have already played arroudn with that one, i was just hoping i might have overlooked something to make it work properly. Ihave also found this very same discusion a couple of pages back, i must have missed it when i first skimmed the pages for answers. Anyway thanks for the reply!
  3. Amazing mod, i am totaly in for it! However i do play with upscaled Planets x10.625, and this makes the terrain scatter look extremely thined out (oh what a big surprise here ). Are there any settings or changes to your config to make it look closer to what i get on a vanilla sized kerbin? Or would this require more active modding?
  4. And maybe doublecheck if you downloaded the version for 1.11. I had the same problem and goofed arround for half an hour before i noticed i accidentaly downloaded the 1.10 version of K-BE
  5. Ah yes sorry, i should not have posted that one last night, since i was exhausted and tipsy at the point, and didnt do any reasearch and/or testing on the problem; i can say for sure that it has nothing to do with Real fuels, since this also occurs when i dont have real fuels installed. Sorry for that Yes it is with KSP 1.11 , and most likely the problem you linked to,
  6. I found an interesting (weird) problem: Something is off with the DV i get out of my (final?) stages. From the looks of it my engine seems to Burn more fuel then it is supposed to for a certain change in DV. For example a Satlite i fly just now: The readout in KER aswell as the readout in Mechjeb tell me i do have 842m/s worth of fuel left, I set up a maneuver node that requires 400m/s to complete. But when i fly said maneuver i end up with 306m/s left in my tanks In additon, when i launch the rocket via Mechjebs asscent guidance in the final stage (the satelite itself) i start to get a readout that says "Mass is off by X%" it starts at 0.1% and in the example case it went up to 4.6% in my parking orbit. The "stock" readout also seem to have some trouble, but there it seems to be even worse. The burn time indicator turns red, telling me the craft has not enough fuel to fly the maneuver at all (but it does) I wonder if real fuels is working correctly, or is it just that those other tools cant calculate the DV correctly with real fuels?
  7. I got the same, when i use ETT with 1.11 KSP. Seems fine when i roll KSP back to 1.10, so i guess they changes something on the Matrix Tech tree with the latest update.
  8. From my experience, the orbit heigt of ships etc is based on their distance to the center of the planed = If you scale your planets up mid game, they will end up in a lower orbit (or within the Atmosphere/inside the planet), if you scale the size down, they end up in a higher orbit above sealevel
  9. I odnt thing BARIS is the (only) cause of this, i see the same Problem using but i dont have BARIS installed. But isnce i have a metric ton of other mods active i will have to wait for the weekend before i can participate in any bughunt
  10. Just from a short glimps i'd say you have too much coverage over minmus already, with this one satelite + the dish from kerbin. The one Prequisite that is unmet clearly states that you MUST have LESS than 70% coverage of minmus for this contract to be available. so, probably just turn off the dish antennas pointet at Minmus, and timewarp until you are 100% guaranteed mission control has not line of sight towards minmus, then this contract should pop up. Note that if increased your base antenna range, and/or the multiplier for multiple antannas on one craft, in the RT settings high enough, you migt cover Minmus with Omni antennas from Mun if it is close enough, or even Kerbin.
  11. Especialy with all the new parts, i figure it might be a fussy job to get everything in place, where it fits well.
  12. Isn't this exactly what the Reputation Decay in this mod does?
  13. Since Squad is based in Mexico City, where it is 01:16am, while i am writing this, i'd say we will have to wait some more.
  14. Is there any Solution in sight for the bug that upgrades are not saved, or maybe a workaround i can try? (something like a Manual savegame edit?) The problem i get is that the upgrades i buy are pretty reliably NEVER saved (at least so far)
  15. Apparently i managed to delete this entries without causing even more problems =D TY
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