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Everything posted by SpaceCars

  1. Love the effects through this! Don't like this incompatibility bug however: #98. Hope its useful info!
  2. Since you are all busy with the effects and solving it through Real Plumes, you might want to know about this incompatiblity that I've found for the current install through CKAN: #98. Hope it helps!
  3. SpaceNews.com just published an article in which NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot explains: "Asteroids that are several hundred meters across  the current class of destinations that NASA is considering  should have many boulders on their surfaces, based on spacecraft observations of several such objects." However, I still doubt that those are loose boulders, so I hope they pack a thruster with a bit more 'umph' than those ion engines.
  4. Do asteroids generally have loose rocks? I was wondering how they are planning to pry one loose, esp. if it's some blob of unknown dirt/ice mixture that is partially fused to the rest of the asteroid. I'm also guessing that the lander will have limited ability to maneuver once landed, so it will need to have a good candidate quite close to it's landing site. Looking forward to see the robotics improvements they come up with! Although I'd love to have seen the original constellation plans become a reality, I still think this is a very cool mission (and at least it gives the Orion capsule a good shakedown ).
  5. Your creation is now featured on Kotaku! http://kotaku.com/a-rocket-crossed-with-a-helicopter-only-in-kerbal-spac-1690999765 Congrats!
  6. So should I see a difference in thrust in the VAB when I select atmospheric? I have KIDS installed and Thrust Varies with ISP activated, but I don't see a difference in the VAB. The TWR on the read-out on the launchpad seems correct though.
  7. I really love this series and you are teaching me a lot about space history, so I just wanted to say: "Thank you!"
  8. I really love both your lander and the whole RC Saturn V. It inspired me to build a tiny moon probe for my next missions that totally rips off your design:
  9. With the advance from the first contracts that he accepts, I bet.
  10. Done, no problem. And by the way, xEvilReeperx, thanks for a great mod! (And sorry for hijacking your thread with ckan issues.)
  11. Nope, I've just used the GUI to refresh and install. Just now I tried: ckan update ckan upgrade ScienceAlert which re-installed 1.8rc2.
  12. I've just tried removing and re-installing through CKAN but it still gives me 1.8rc2. I've also tried clearing the CKAN cache, manually deleting Science Alerts and re-installing, manually deleting the CKAN cache and registry.json, and removing all CKAN files and re-downloading ckan.exe but it still offers me 1.8rc2 as latest version. (Win7 PE, 32 bit.)
  13. Doesn't seem to be the case as of now. Perhaps something went wrong? Might it be seeing 1.8rc2 as a newer version than 1.8.3?
  14. I think the intermediate height missions are mostly there to be more forgiving to new players learning to get into orbit the hard way. I always skip them!
  15. That is actually quite realistic. To get good coverage at high latitude, such orbits have been used for communication or television satellites in real life: e.g. see the Molnya orbit or the Tundra orbit. Further, what about a spy satellite which you want to pass over a specific site? Or a mapping satellite, which you could best place in a Polar orbit? Other than that, it gives a good challenge for new players to learn about inclination.
  16. The argument of periapsis is a numerical way of telling where in the orbit the periapsis is. So it is shown in-game in the map view. If you rotate your orbit (e.g. by burning radially, toward the blue markers) you see the periapsis and apoapsis shifting. Thus you can just visually line up your apoapsis with the required apoapsis in map view to complete the contract. Note that the margin is quite large enough that you can fulfill the contract by eyeballing it without having to resort to any read-outs.
  17. I've had the same problem. The contract called for a new unmanned probe with power and an antenna and as extra it required a materials bay. I launched this and it ticked all the boxes in the contract except the launch a new probe part. Looking at the code for the Fine Print mod (on Github) it seems that it not only needs power, but a power generator. I'm guessing that the battery doesn't count as a power generator and you need a solar panel. If that is the case, then the contracts should only appear once you have a solar panel unlocked (or RTG), which I haven't yet. I'll test this theory once I have solar panels unlocked, but it will have to wait untill I have time to fly another few missions and unlock more science.
  18. I'd love to see folders or categories in the sub-assembly and saved crafts windows in the editor. It would save me having to dig through all my created crafts in order to find the correct payload.
  19. I've been trying to get the PackRat rover delivery system to work with FAR by renaming the fairings so that the title includes "fairing". FAR correctly detects the fairings, but nothing inside is shielded. I'm guessing that this is a problem with the PackRat models and the FAR code that calculates if parts fall within the fairing bounds. Has anyone had any experience with these parts and gotten them to work with FAR? EDIT: Reinstalling the latest version of FAR helped solve problems for all other fairings I used, but not the PackRat ones.
  20. Ah thanks! That explains a lot! Just a suggestion, for the remote tech players this might be a bit late for setting up their comsat network. E.g. for doing the MCE orbital science contracts they'll need to have a connection route. You might consider changing this, although I can understand that it might mess up the pacing with both types of satellite contracts starting to show up at the same time. EDIT: Not strictly true that you can't do the orbital science without a network route. I've just learned to use the flight computer!
  21. Hi, I'm a new user and really like the idea of MCE contracts. However, I've been having trouble setting up my comsat contracts for my remote tech network. I want to set up a low orbit network so that I can fly drones, and it has to be around 1.5 hours orbital period (around 770km low orbit). All the options are really clear, however, the contracts are not showing up. I have both flightControl and advConstruction tech, so that isn't the problem. And I've also tried using the debug toolbar to clear and regenerate contracts. When I look at the cfg file, I see that it did change the name of the contract, but it didn't change contractOrbitalPeriodMaxInSeconds or contractOrbitalPeriodMinInSeconds which are both still at values close to synchronous orbit. If I change those to a different value this doesn't change the orbital time in the custom contract settings. Furthermore, when I turn the option "No MCE Satellite Contracts" to true, it floods my offered missions list with satellite contracts (normally it's just the one). Any tips on how to debug this? I'm on KSP 0.25 (x86) on Win64. EDIT: I just noticed that it does have maxOrbP and minOrbP which are set correctly and that do reflect changes in-game, so ignore my greyed out comment.
  22. Thanks! I saw that but didn't think just posting a link would be much appreciated. So when I do a mission that's actually interesting, I'll reformat it and post it to that forum. I'm now putting my first probe, Robbie Mk1, into an orbit around the Mun.
  23. SpaceCars Aerospace just completed its first orbital spaceflight above Kerbin! You can read the mission report here. Now that I'm keeping mission logs and doing mission planning I'm having so much more fun than in my other, more loosey-goosey, campaign! E.g. I knew that this orbiter would have to do its own circularizing burn, so it felt really great when that prediction came true.
  24. Ah thanks for the link! With multiple stages I still find using the KER and stacking weight easier than doing the calculation, but it is nice to know how to do it by hand. I should have guessed that I wasn't the only one with that question and should have done a diligent search first, whoops!
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