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  1. Sorry, i was on the toilet, what can i get you? Waiter! Elon Musk has parked his tesla in my soup!
  2. that may be a cause, but I've only ever had it happen to me when I've been flying at around 300-1000m in altitude
  3. Do you mean having more flags to pick from as a stock mechanic or having flags as parts because i'd suggest using ZZZ flags it makes whatever your agency's flag is into a bunch of decal part variants(Curved parts, 0.625m, 1.25m, 2.5m and others)
  4. I don't know if it has already been requested but is there any chance of a razorback, radially attached cockpit (like in Retro-future)?
  5. You wanted it hot, no? waitoror, there's a moonwalking Michael Jackson on my soup
  6. I thought to give it a hint of Asia - y'know with cats and all - sorry if that's not what you wanted WAITER, im pretty sure Putin and Trump are not supposed to be dancing on the surface of my soup
  7. Its not BD armory, but heres a contract pack in working order http://spacedock.info/mod/70/Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP)
  8. You ordered the 'Blow your head off' special, did you not? WAITER! I blew on my soup and its getting hotter. LOOK OUT SHE'S GONNA' BLOW!
  9. Quick! Doctor! He's going............. *whispers* MLG. (Doctor) *faints* WAITER! There is an angry Russian in my soup; I think he's making something....
  10. I think BahamutoD initially said it would, when deployed, have a certain chance to confuse the radar guided missiles (e.g. aim-120) so you could try putting more chaff on your aircraft as he also said the chaff and flare effects stacked. (you'd get more of a chance of dodging a missile with 6 chaff rather than 2)
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