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Everything posted by arachnidan

  1. KSP 1.1 (1230) MM 2.6.22 PR 1.0.3 Apparently not working. I'm figuring out how to solve an issue with Real Chutes breaking my save so couldn't test this much.
  2. well, the farthest i got was a flyby on duna in 1.0.4, ever. I normally start 123912093 new careers before I stop playing for some time. Then there's a new KSP version and I start over. xD Also, I like to heavily mod ksp. I already reached 5gb in 1.1 and not all the mods I like are updated...RT is holding me right now since it's one of the must have for me.
  3. Well I think i can't help there then. Last time I tried RT (1.0.5 ksp) it worked as intended. Pressing SAS is delayed. Coming back from time warp makes your craft resume the attitude instantly and real time. All corrections are made from the craft itself and are handled by the probe. While the initial signal is sent from KSC, all the following corrections take place real time from the probe. In 1.1 I don't know since the flight computer is bugged and I couldn't go beyond LKO yet. I've been doing some manned missions but now I stopped playing cos if this bug. I never had a problem with RT in the past, and while the furthest i got was to Minmus, there already is a signal delay to make a bug noticeable.
  4. Not sure what the SAS delay or not discussion is all about, tried to understand but it doesn't make sense to me. There is a proper delay when enabling SAS and once SAS is on, there is no delay anymore. The SAS will stay on. If you want to steer a probe manually or by setting a different attitude, you have to send a new signal, thus, delay. The probe is not AI, it's you controlling a satellite. If you want the probe to take different attitudes with no delay, you have to set up a queue of commands which will still have an initial delay. There must be something I'm missing here.
  5. The problem with the craft spinning around when using the flight computer is gone; however, as posted earlier, now the craft wobbles around the node not being able to stay on it. My game is heavily moded, latest ksp version (1203) and latest RT (1.6.11)
  6. Yes, scratch that about the fix. It worked once but I guess the problem is still there. I tried it again and the ship spins non stop. Using orbit prograde or retrograde also is bugged. And I did try removing other mods and the problem is still there. Also, this has been added to the issues list in github. At first i thought it was my G25 racing wheel but this only happens with flight computer, not in pods with kerbals, and still happens with wheel unplugged. Just adding info to help in the only way i can xD
  7. I just found the issue. Till now I didn't know we had trims, so somehow i trimmed (accidentally) and the ship kept spinning out of control. Just for anyone with this problem, Alt+x to reset trims.
  8. I have tried the fix. When i use the flight computer's SAS the satellite spins non-stop. When I point the sat pro grade to the node, then apply the SAS from flight computer it holds that position. Once the node is almost completed (aka it's in its last m/s) the sat tries to follow it, but when it gets to 'kill' SAS it starts spinning all over the place again. I'm using a couple of other mods, the ones that come to mind as to be affecting this would be persistent rotation and mechjeb. (mechjeb's sas works correctly) MJ is off when trying flight computer SAS but also tried with it on.
  9. I know this is TOO old, but I just managed to clear this mission after removing Community Tech Tree mod. Then I added it back and nothing bad happened (yet xD)
  10. Little typo: Materials study from administration The materials shine. You assume the want to look good when facing their bosses.
  11. KSP AVC is currently reporting I'm using 3.0 and allows me to get the updated 3.0.1. However, I'm using 3.0.1 already. Just letting you know =)
  12. Well, I'm guessing it's extremely rare since it only happened once to me (playing 1.0) and I play ksp since .24. Also I have always used SM (I didn't download it for 1.0 though, and now I downloaded it for 1.0.2)
  13. I would like to say that I got this duplicate kerbals' bug without having SM installed. It solved itself after quickloading the game.
  14. Hmm okay, thanks for the answer. I think I will download it then, since I will be able to just swap in-game later. =)
  15. Hey fella stand-byers... does anyone know which are the parts that will disappear when KAS is updated? That's the only reason I'm waiting for the update. Will it be just the containers? Thanks!
  16. This is (one of) my must have. My space station is literally waiting for the update. Cheers and keep up the good work.
  17. The Mediafire link doesn't appear as a proper link. And good job with the update =)
  18. People should be able to figure out how to remove the check by themselves with the little walkthrough available at x64 unfixer site. If they can do that, they are wise enough to not bug mod authors with x64 support.
  19. Well good luck there xD They announced next update is release 1.0, and that they are dropping 64 bits version (or at least for now). - - - Updated - - - I believe it's KSP version.
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