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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. I wasn't called for, but I'm here anyway! @Green Iron Crown?
  2. Hmmm.... Delta-V? Not seeing it...
  3. There may not be any weapons in Kerbfleet, but I don't want to find out what happens when Sarge's censors take a break!
  4. Can't do it, it wouldn't stand up, even in a kangaroo kourt. The explosive charges were badly degraded, which is why the Kerbals don't have any concept of violence- no need to worry about the Intrepid blowing up! However, if you would like to get out of charges of mutiny, piracy, or a parking ticket, let me know.
  5. @the_pazter, @CliftonM, @agent 902, what do you guys think? We haven't seen @Gaarst since February 19th. Should we move him to a backup role?
  6. 4/10, hard to read, and there are partial images. The table is too long, too. Try shortening it, or shrinking the images.
  7. gee, that's a LOT of work. just curious, what does it think they are?
  8. Does anyone know if @Gaarst is still around? We might have an open position if hes not.
  9. Awesome! I just started playing with this, and I added some mods to make it better for me. I will Rep as soon as it unlocks (25 rep/24 hrs ) Recommended mods: Kerbin Cup Hullcam VDS Take Command TextureReplacer
  10. 3/4ths of the way there! Better start writing something for me, Endersmens!
  11. Ok, Kasper, level with us- how long have you been saving that picture? The engine nacelles are from a difference build, but it seems relatively recent, due to the Mk.3 parts. I'm guessing 1.0?
  12. I move my football huddle to the white ball. Break!
  13. Haha, poor whatshisname. BTW, I think you mean 2:1 odds. 1:2 odds is OK, but we normally put the chances of something happening before the chances of it not happening. What's that I hear? NO! I'm not a professional gambler! I'm insulted! I'd lay 1:1 odds that your [OH MY!] is a [WHOA!]!
  14. He brought a parasol, too, so he doesn't get burned.
  15. Hi @ILikeIke! I think that the video issues are on your end. As for kOS, we are not using it right now. There has been some discussion about it, but we lack the know-how to write a script for it.
  16. Yes, it is! No, it's also a major factor when you're trying to plot a good intercept from far away. I've used decouplers to get an atmospheric Periapsis from inside the Mun's SOI when I'm out of fuel.
  17. yeah, that leaves 1000000 left. I can work with that. Not if you were born in 1969!
  18. @Torgo That's actually pretty sweet. But you've also told me your birthday and birth-year. Care to go for the trifecta and give me your SSN?
  19. First! And I don't need the Closed Captioning this time! Anyway, awesome stuff here, @Kuzzter... but you already knew that. Nice job!
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