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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Wait, why am I not on there? I was [COLOR=#00ff00]Light Green[/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00][/COLOR][COLOR=#00ff00][/COLOR] as of November 20, I should be number 154!
  2. [quote name='Red Iron Crown'] It's basically a nice way to say you like someone's post. There's no real benefit to having a lot, and no downside to giving it.[/QUOTE] That's one of the best ways of summing up the entire rep system I've seen.
  3. In other news, I got my card in the mail today! [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/9faNGQE.png[/IMG] My dog got to it before I did, though. :blush:
  4. Well, that's boring. I still want to see it, though. It might change in other ways, too. Who knows?
  5. No, we learned that it was canceled- ZNG forgot to show up! :P The "mod" that CliftonM posted is not a mod- it's a webpage.
  6. [quote name='Endersmens']There's not light green bar on the new forum though. So that work will be gone anyways. There has to be a new method of category, which will be number based. I can't control that. :/ [/QUOTE] Yes, and that's what I'm saying- we should wait to see how the system works, instead of figuring this out now, when we don't know all the information.
  7. I don't think that's entirely fair. While I understand that you, as OP, have a lot to do, I know that there are users who have worked long and hard to get their first [COLOR=#00ff00]Light Green[/COLOR] bar. By only counting the top 100, you exclude guys like Mulbin and Wooks- both long-time users, both of whom did very rep-worthy things. On a more personal note, you also exclude me. :P But I think it might be wise to see how the new forum looks before jumping to conclusions. As a wise man once said, "Only fools rush in" [color=#FAFAFA]"but I can't help/ falling in love/ with you."[/color]
  8. [quote name='CliftonM']We should make a countdown timer...[/QUOTE] Yeah. I second that. I found one online, but I couldn't link it here.
  9. INB4 the 3rd page! I'm loving it Kuzzter. It's really cool to see the story arc change from "For Science!" to "For [s]Science[/s] Funds!" to "For [s]Science[/s] [s]Funds[/s] ???"
  10. OY NOY! Oh well. We have a launch in 5 days 20 hours 08 minutes 35 seconds!
  11. HEY! I'm still waiting for my card! You can't change it on me! I demand a lawyer! ... oh. Wait...
  12. So, do we have pictures from today's launch? They should probably go here and on the OP.
  13. So, this is slightly morbid, but how much ∆V is in a human body? And what is the best way to get to it? Let's assume that I've just breathed in. What gives me a better ISP: exhaling through my mouth or nose? Or what if I take the body's assembled molecules and use them as rocket fuel. If I have a proportionally sized engine, what is my ∆V? And what's the best I can get?
  14. [quote name='Columbia']Now you are! Kongrachuleyschuns![/QUOTE] Hey, that's right! I'm just waiting for my card to come in the mail.
  15. What they said. It's funny how you can go online, among the millions of people out there, and find two who share the same interests. Scratch that- it's not funny, it's mind-boggling.
  16. [quote name='ZooNamedGames']Mk3424, our FDO found something which is a good replacement.[/QUOTE] Eh? No, I'm not Canadian. But still, what is this referring to?
  17. [QUOTE=KasperVld;2306775 I've taken [URL="http://i.imgur.com/W73ty98.jpg"]this screenshot[/URL], which is only a [I]rough indication[/I] of what the new forums will look like. And ignore the missing avatars :)[/QUOTE] I only just saw this thread... but I'm on the new forums?
  18. [quote name='ZooNamedGames'] Thanks for the offer Dman, but for the sake of being easy I'll just use the MR from FASA.[/QUOTE] I thought that you would do that. I've been having a problem with the "Stock" FASA builds; they're not building correctly. It looks like everything attaches to one node. Tell me how that works out.
  19. [quote name='ZooNamedGames'] EST, but I'm thinking of making it 2:30 to work with others.[/QUOTE] Sorry, but I really can't make it. I have school on Monday. However, I can make the booster/capsule for you. [quote name='Mods_o_joy']Thank you![/QUOTE] I hope you're good at docking! :P Rendezvous is up to the Mission Control.
  20. [quote name='Cuky']Felbourn, could you please link me to the mod you use to add custom text on your crafts? I was unable to find it here on forums.[/QUOTE] If you look at his last video, he shows you how to do it.
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