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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. So, let's add 168 hours to the countdown timer, shall we? It puts the launch at 1900 hours GMT. Sound good?
  2. We don't call it "reusing names," we call it a "new iteration of a proven design!" And this is yet another wonderful iteration of the White Dart. Dman979. I'd really like to see if the original still works. Am I doing the signoff right?
  3. I agree with ZNG. Family is more important than this mission. Nothing you need to say, nothing you need to do. My condolences.
  4. [NOTAMOD] I think it may be locked? I'm not sure. [/NOTAMOD]
  5. That would probably be the easiest way to get it to a 200x200 km orbit. It would keep us from having to plot an optimal trajectory, too. If it's possible, keep MJ from using the transfer stage. Also, here is the updated craft. The RCS thrusters were broken on the transfer stage, so I switched them out. You'll want to remap them to AG 4, though. http://www./download/stocl53a4y033wv/Geosat__Transfer_stage_S-IB.craft
  6. Ok. Who is booster, since I'm AFD for this? Ok, so 4 seconds of burn, then liftoff! Sorry, can't help you there. My computer can only handle KSP and some internet, not a streaming feed. What if we invited a streamer to this?
  7. Well, it's very unconventional, to say the least. I like the asymmetric design. One thing- where do you start your gravity turn? It looks like you just launch straight up, and then burn at Apo. It'd be more efficient to do a gentle turn to 0o, so you get there at your apo.
  8. Hey, can you guys check to make sure that I set up the action groups correctly? I launched it a few times as a test, but the D-979 was having trouble with the RCS. It may even need to be changed to another set of thrusters, but I want to make sure that I didn't mess anything up first.
  9. The transfer stage (which I'm calling the D-979) can make it to a geostationary, 0o inclination orbit with >500 m/s ∆V to spare, but that's a really long travel time- 10 hours from GTO burn to circularization burn, plus up to 24 hours of tiny orbital adjustments. So, here's what I suggest: burn to orbit with the first and second stages of the S-IB. Decouple the S-IVB200. While you guys run systems checks on the payload, I'll deorbit the S-IVB200. After about a half orbit of the payload, we burn at the ascending node to put our apogee at the descending node, with an altitude of 35,786 kilometers. Then we recheck the payload and transfer stage, plot a burn to circularize, and end the simulation, assuming that the company we put the satellite up for will circularize, and decouple the payload, and conduct station-keeping on the orbit. The steps, in general order, are: Disable RCS on the payload and D-979 Burn S-IB stage Decouple S-IB stage, fire retro and ullage motors Engage RCS Ignite S-IVB200 stage Release payload fairings Burn to an optimal 200 km orbit Cut J-2 engine Separate payload and D-979 from S-IVB200 Enable RCS on the D-979 Run systems checks on the payload and D-979 Plot deorbit burn for S-IVB200 Plot GTO burn for D-979 Deorbit S-IVB200 and burn D-979 for GTO Run systems checks on the D-979 and payload Plot circularization and inclination change burn end sim
  10. 1. Are we going to Geostationary Orbit? The payload has more than enough ∆V for it. 2. If so, does the burn to GTO count as a major maneuver? 3. And does the planar correction/transfer to geostationary orbit burn count as a major maneuver? Each burn, if we're doing them, is about 1.8 Km/s of ∆V.
  11. So, what I would recommend is to add some small SRBs to the booster that will fire into the tanks in case of an abort, so they explode. Also, since this thing can go to GEO, and this is just a test, I think that we can use timewarp without ruining the feel this launch. Otherwise, our 1-hour launch becomes a 24 hour affair.
  12. http://www./download/ggb5odta6zrzuoy/Geosat__Transfer_stage_S-IB.craft this is my Satellite, the transfer stage to get it to Geostationary orbit, and the S-IB. Besides FASA, Realism Overhaul, and its required mods, it uses Procedural Parts. Action Groups 1: Toggle solar panels 2: Toggle antennae 3: Toggle satellite RCS system- press twice on launch to disable until decoupled 4: Toggle transfer stage RCS system- press twice on launch to disable until S-IVB burnout 5: Toggle S-IVB Flight pack engine 6: Toggle J-2 engine 7: 8: 9: 0: Looking forward to Saturday!
  13. So, seeing as I'm booster, do you want me to mate the final payload to the S-IB? My satellite+ transfer stage doesn't connect right without some things, like a Procedural Parts tank (empty, or with some lead ballast for weight). If you give me the payload by 1700 GMT (1200 EST) I can have it back to you by 2200 (1700 EST).
  14. that's cool that they have the transcripts. What is the mission we are launching? Does it have an IRL equivalent? Also, here's the payload I designed. It masses about 9,013 kg. http://www./download/vycabvkiu7ewap2/Geosat__Transfer_stage.craft Uses FASA, RealFuels, and the whole Realism Overhaul set of mods.
  15. Granted. Your rockets don't work. I wish for a permanent, real, licensed in my state, non-injured, immortal, reusable, living, human, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, speaks the same language as me, likes me (and will continue to), will win cases in civil law when I ask him to, gets me money back, makes me look good, and will remain my lawyer in perpetuity.
  16. Granted. The Anti-lawyer mechanism stops working. I wish for a permanent, real, licensed, non-injured, immortal, reusable, living, human, cheap lawyer, who is good at law, speaks the same language as me, likes me (and will continue to), will win cases in civil law when I ask him to, gets me money back, makes me look good, and will remain my lawyer in perpetuity.
  17. Welcome aboard, FlexUmbron! Playing since 0.14? That's a heck of a lot more time than me!
  18. Hi Mudkip! We've got a Modkip here, too. Welcome aboard!
  19. But will the mod work in Realism Overhaul? The Saturn I and the Saturn IB only share the first stage (the one with 8 H-1 engines, and a 150 second burn time). The Saturn IB and the Saturn V only share one stage (the S-IVB, with 1 J-2 engine and a 480 second burn time). The Saturn I and Saturn V do not share any components. The Saturn I was a test of the S-I first stage and the S-IV second stage. The second stage was then changed to the S-IVB, and used on the Saturn IB for testing. Finally, the S-IVB became the third stage for the Saturn V. Since I've looked though FASA and couldn't find and S-IV parts, I suggest that we launch a S-IVB. There may be a mod to get the S-I, but as I said above, it might not work in RO.
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