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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Yes, it could. What won first? The Soviet? In other news, I'm looking forward to getting... next year. Uggh.
  2. Well, mine got visited by Badie, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. Anyway, I got so many PMs in that past 2 weeks that I'm surprised when I log in and don't have any pending notifications.
  3. Going as something really scary for Halloween- a new driver! Getting my first driving lessons this evening. My dad told me that if I hit too many kids I can't drive till next week. Happy Halloween!
  4. Alleged barratry! Alleged mutiny! There's a Kerbfleet General Order saying that no court case may exceed the RAM limits of Kuzzter's computer.
  5. Not really. If Jeb knows how to pilot planes/rocket ships, I would consider him a flight risk and try and have him held without bail. Also: What would happen if there were no prosecutors? Criminals wouldn't be put in jail for lack of a case against them. Without defense attorneys? Innocent people would be put away. Let's look at something obscure, like patent law. Lawyers help to clarify the differences between patents, which would otherwise be the subject of- you guessed it- lawsuits. In sum total, I think that law is complicated, but lawyers are a necessary evil.
  6. I'm here so often, the only letters I can type into my URL bar without getting something forum-related are h, j, n, and y.
  7. Rockets are better. You can cure yourself of the addiction if you had willpower.
  8. The yukon doesn't have the best potatoes. Russets are better.
  9. You may only go up one number. If two people post the same number consecutively, the number remains unchanged after the second post.
  10. hi CJ! It's great to have you here! As you already know, we love to help. I suggest the Tutorials or Game-play questions Subforums as a start. Hope you stay awhile!
  11. I crashed... my game. Not one, but three times. It was most certainly not glorious, and I might not ever try to launch the Saturn V from FASA again.
  12. Will a monthy trainpass suffice? I want aboard, even though I missed my IRL train this morning!
  13. Hi PotentiallyHabitable578! Two years of lurking is nothing- there was a guy here a bit ago who had lurked for 3 years, I think. I don't remember his name, though. We're all glad you decided to join, hope you have a nice stay! Welcome aboard!
  14. Just looking at the link, I thought that it would go to the Onion. Why do people believe this stuff?
  15. I learned that not every page on Wikipedia can be traced to philosophy- there are two towns in India that link to each other.
  16. I went there last year. It was awesome. Besides the space stuff, there's a lot of other cool things there. It also helps that I spent my time there with a group of English girls. Foreigners for the win!
  17. I've been reading ahead- just wait 'til the time travel stuff. Then your head will really hurt. Happy landings!
  18. I don't know you. At all. 10/0= undefined.
  19. While trying to land an airplane because he's the only one who didn't eat fish for dinner.
  20. I, for one, am looking forward to the G.R.I.N.D. I want to see how Mort's plan will turn out!
  21. Hi! I haven't tried the challenge, but don't worry- my first post was in Forum Games, not here.
  22. Can you get cited for backseat moderating in a "report post?"
  23. only if you count orbit. TUBM is located at Omnicron Persei 8.
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