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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. It's an interesting idea. Did you know that the first Kerbals were aluminum foil figures that @HarvesteR put into his model rockets?
  2. I would never do that, and it's almost a bit insulting to think it's a possibility. To steal a phrase, "with great power comes great responsibility." What kind of moderator would I be if I edited perfectly fine content to fit my whims? How could any moderator have the trust of the community after actions like that?
  3. Good post I like this post. It's valid, too (Strontium's atomic number is 38 Not a good post- it's invalid, since it doesn't follow the proper numbering sequence. Invalid- it's continuing from an invalid post. The last valid number was @TeslaPenguin1's 38. 37 (-1)
  4. When you're a moderator on the KSP forums.
  5. Wow, the round's almost over again! Let's make sure there are no mistakes hiding in the thread. Spoiler alert: there are. Alright, this post looks fine. Let's call it Alpha. As does this one, which we'll call Bravo. And this one is going to be called Charlie. Wait a second, am I seeing double? I name this post Delta. This post is invalid, but it was invalidated soon after it was made. It doesn't get a name. Hmm, I have concerns about this post. Let's call this post Echo. I have concerns about this post, too. I dub thee Foxtrot. @The_Cat_In_Space posted Alpha, which is a valid post. The number was moved up to 41. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) posted Bravo, which is also a valid post. The number was moved up to 42. @The_Cat_In_Space posted Charlie, which is a valid post. The number was moved up to 43. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) posted Delta, which is not a valid post, since it doesn't change the number. @XB-70A posted and was invalidated and ignored. @The_Cat_In_Space posted Echo, which is not a valid post because it either continues from an invalid post or it is a double post. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) posted Foxtrot, which is not valid because it [pick one] changes the number by two, double posts, continues from an invalid post, or jaywalks. In short, the last valid number was @The_Cat_In_Space's 43 (Charlie). 42 (-1)
  6. Moved to Gameplay Questions and Tutorials. Welcome aboard, @Mikenike! Most of my experience in the game has come from failing- a lot. I sincerely recommend trying to fail as much as you can. The harder it is to fail, the better you're getting at the game! As for the specifics of your questions, I'll leave that to the other- smarter- forum members to answer.
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