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Everything posted by Dman979

  2. Well, it wouldn't be much of an example if people didn't know what it meant, right?
  3. Ohh, good catch. I guess that PG-13 has changed from what I remember. In that case, keep it G. Yes, there is such a list. But I can't share it, as that would make it too easy for people to get around it.
  4. No it's not. Without going into specifics, it's a good idea to keep language at about the level you might see in a PG-13 movie.
  5. Please keep all posts on topic. Namely, supporting this. I support this. (I joke. You can weigh in to say that you don't support this, and it won't be off topic.)
  6. Dman979


    Welcome aboard, @StanInSpace!
  7. So, some of you might have noticed that my avatar was different for the last month. I feel like I owe you an explanation, to clear up some confusion about what it was.

    Since January, my dog had been acting sluggish and lethargic.

    On May 11th, we took him for an ultrasound. It turns out that he had a tumor on his spleen. Two hours later, he was in emergency surgery to have it removed.

    The vet did a biopsy on it, and it turns out that it was a benign tumor.

    Two weeks later, he had recovered a bit, but then didn't get better. The vet ordered another biopsy on a different part of the tumor.

    It turns out that my dog had cancer.

    His breed (Flat-Coated Retrievers) can get a very aggressive type called a malignant histiocytoma. It's a cancer that can start anywhere on the body, and will spread to the bloodstream. It doesn't respond well to chemo, but therapy can slow it down.

    We started him on chemotherapy pills the same day.

    By May 29th, he stopped taking his pills. We had to struggle with him for an hour to give him his pills, in peanut butter. By that time, he wasn't eating normally. He loved food, almost more than us. We once timed him finishing his dinner in under a minute. Now, he would leave food in his bowl for an entire day, or more. We had to hand feed him, and bring his water bowl to him.

    He was weak, and dehydrated. He was also developing swelling in his abdomen and losing muscle tone. We had to carry him outside on walks, and frequently he couldn't make it out our front gate.

    Around June 3rd, he stopped eating entirely. He could only lie in his crate. He barely showed interest in us.

    After some heart-rending conversations, we said our goodbyes to him, and took him to the vet on June 8th.


    My avatar for the last month was a mourning ribbon, in honor of my dog.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NSEP


      Sorry for your loss Dman. RIP.

    3. Spaceception


      I'm so sorry for your loss, I know the feeling of losing a dog ;.;

  8. Moved to Unmodded support. Hope you get help!
  9. Some posts have been removed. Please do not get personal, even if it is meant as a joke, because on the internet you can't tell if it's a joke or for real.
  10. Welcome aboard, @Confused Scientist! That depends. We don't allow users to reserve posts (i.e., posting an empty box to fill in later) because they don't usually get filled in. If you post the first chapter within ~10 minutes of posting the introduction, the forum will automatically merge the two posts into one. If you post the first chapter >10 minutes after the introduction, or after someone else has posted, it will be in a separate post. Hope this helps!
  11. Welcome aboard! This is absolutely the right spot for an introduction. Nice to meet you!
  12. Congratulations to this month's TOTMs! Just a reminder to everyone: the TOTM are community suggestions. We'd love it if the other users here helped us mods out. See something you like? Let us know via PM!
  13. Moving to the Lounge, as it's not about the KSP network. I hope you can get help soon! Edit: Doh! I thought this was in KSP network. My bad, it's staying right here.
  14. When the US Constitution was being written, the delegates to the convention were never all in Philadelphia at the same time. The Coast Guard is the oldest continuous seagoing branch of the armed forces. It's also the only branch not to be under jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. By international treaty, we are required to have a Red Cross. We fought a war with pirates. Of the Mediterranean. Arkansas is not pronounced Ar-can-sas. The Arkansas legislature passed a law telling people how to pronounce the state name. During the Civil War, Missouri had regiments fight on both sides. Minnesota is the northernmost continental state. We almost went to war over Washington State.
  15. You shouldn't have done that. Now I have to remind everyone that it's locked, always been locked, and had never been unlocked.
  16. Thread reopened. Try to keep it under control, guys.
  17. Locked at OP request.
  18. Came for the Munbug, stayed because @Vanamonde wouldn't let me leave.
  19. Personally, I remember when I first joined the forums. I went out of my way to acknowledge the help that @Mulbin had given me, and I was happy to see a favorable response in reply. I'm sorry that @JacksonGrayling isn't receiving the same kind of welcome I got. Welcome aboard, Jackson! I hope that the rest of your time here is nicer.
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