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Posts posted by VITAS

  1. i would also suggest using as much ready made stuff as possible if you dont have any idea how stuff works. so i would suggest using bootstrap for css.

    personaly i would suggest to go to the arts section of this forum and ask kindly for a logo. maybe someone is willing.

    logo generators always look like word art :)

    btw if you get someone else to do stuff for you make sure they write you a few lines allowing you to use their work for your site.

    take a look at http://d-mp.org/ something i did 1.5 years or so ago for darklight.

    see how the layout is repeated on every page and im using colors only where its important.

    (and stick to the main colors)

    the trend now is to go very minimalistic. a few years ago designers would have asked where the design is.

    most trends in websites are influenced by guis people use every day ....mainly operating systems (windows, macos, android,...)

    also there are trend colors. we are now in a cyan turquiouse phase but ill bet you 1 camel and 3 pigs that after that orange will be hip. (trends work in cycles and theres always the move to be the opposite of whats now "in" amongst trendsetters)

    the 90s where quite blue (the color) and if you look at hipsters thats exactly the fashion style they weare atm.

    arround 2000 was orange the big thing and thats what i think will come back again next.

    so you can decide:

    do you want to be "now" with cyan like colors or "tomorrow" with orange?


    another thing d-mp.org will show you is the use of rgba troughout the site. it sets all the shades. so if i wanted i could just set a bright colored background and it would colorize the whole site.

    also im using mm and cm instead of px.

    reason beeing that especialy mobile devices have very high dpi ratings and i want to gurantee that all elements are always the same size (and profit from the high dpi count)

    btw that site uses slim php

    its up to you if you want to use python or php. its mainly about what you know best.

  2. There was somethign called the 4k site challenge a while back.

    from the birth of the web the goal of sites was to give the user somethign to look at as soon as possible.

    having 20s loading time on a 5 Mbit/s? Mbyte/s? connection is simply unaceptable. some ppl still have analog modems and isdn.


    regarding site design:

    i always start with a color set of 3-5 colors and shades. then i decide on a primary and secondary color (the rest are for warning messages and other stuff)

    there are some rules to colors:

    • 75% off ppl say blue is one of their favorite colors
    • black isnt a color (no light)
    • white is all colors combined so doesnt count either
    • green is fresh (especialy if you mix in blue to get cyan or turquoise colors)
    • yellow isnt good because its simply to bright
    • red gets attention
    • there are cold and warm colors (blue is cold, red is warm)
    • humans have a good perception of green (so it doesnt have to be intense)
    • and so on

    After you found your colorset choose two fonts:

    1 display fonts (for logo and headlines). it can be artistic

    2. one flow text font (it has to be eeasy to read and has to have some connection to your display font)

    rules about fonts:

    there are serif and sans-serif fonts (that little tips you see on times new roman are serifes)

    usualy serif fonts are easier to read but dont look as modern

    comic sans is a nogo

    make sure your font transports the feeling your site should carry (and match your colors)

    e.g. a technical site could be cooler have sans serif fonts that are futuristic and clean. a site about e.g. nature would have more playfull serif fonts and warm colors

    next up is sitemap

    think about what pages you need and how they are connected

    you only have 3 seconds to grab someones attention on your startpage if he spends that time loading it hes gone forever. if it looks crowded and confusing hes gone too.

    try zto imagine beeing a user and try looking at other pages (how they guide you and offer the right options in the right places)

    now its time for site layout

    you have a head with logo, navigation thats always there

    clicks on logos should bring you back to the index site

    a menu should be clearly visible but not trying to steal the show from the sites content.

    a footer is always there

    you can decide weather or not it should be shown at all times or not

    it usualy contains legal links and other stuff

    The content is the star of your page

    make it readable and keep as few different layouts as possible troughout your site.

    else it confusues people and makes development harder.

    if all of that is done you can make your templates, optimize them for fast loading times and only then start building your actual site (including backend code)

    also: use some framework.

    for php ill suggest "slim framework" its uhm  slim easy to learn and fast.

    i hope that gets you on track






  3. Following up on my last post:

    i now set up the cdn and we will deploy it as soon as its tested and integrated into the code.

    We arent in urgent need of servers but improving the infrastructer is always a good idea.

    (python and php devs are needed more)

    For people who want to donate servers:

    We need the following specs

    • at least 100Mbit/s connection
    • ubuntu 14.04 lts or debian prefered
    • 160GB+ disk space (RAID1)
    • root (you can setup a vm or container)
    • 4gb+ RAM
    • fixed ipv4 (+ipv6 if you have)
    • located in a real datacenter (no home servers)
    • usable by us for at least 6 month
    • at least core i7 or xenon (no atom, pentium or celeron based cpus)

    locations we prefer:

    • south america
    • australia
    • asia
    • east europe


    Happy easter



    P.S. current server locations (more will follow)


  4. Yes there will be.

    I got a bit distracted from the cdn thing.

    Mainly because the current setup is laughing about the bandwidth demand. (average of 30-50Mbit/s on its 1Gbit/s line). GenPage donated some cloude nodes and we started setting them up as CDN but didnt finish. If you are good with server stuff youre welcome to setup mirroring. (The current setup uses Kubernets, docker and tinc and geoDNS but lacks some rsync or cluster FS setup)

    If thats working im happy to integrate more Servers in order to reduce roundtrip times.

    Please tell me where your server is located (geographicly and datacenter), whats its bandwidth(conenction speed), which OS / distro you are running and if you can setup docker and/or a vm so we can have root acc on it or can deploy containers.

    You can join us on irc.esper.net #spacedock

  5. Thank you and other for using it. I made many webpages and ive learned that a following arround it is more important than design or functionality.


    1/3 but all running on the current ksp version and activly maintained :)

    challange: try one mod per day for one year


    BTW theres stuff that can be done to speed things up but it takes  many many man hours so it will be a while.

    if someone wants to help: we need python AND php (with symfony) devs.

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