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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. All it needs now is a couple of cup holders, and a fake V12 engine in the front, and it'll be perfect for the demolition derby. But in the meantime, we go to Mun and Minmus to collect samples for science. Maybe even send a bear for a leisurely stroll around the craters. Additional: Apparently I wasn't kidding:
  2. I don't even use that probe part anymore. If a Mir Module is going up on a proton, I just select it first, and once at launch, use Crew Manifest to empty the thing of stowaway Kerbals. The Kerbals are disposed of properly.
  3. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... anyway, yes. They said in the past (before the April purge) they were going to continue adding more stuff. Number 1 thing: The Ceres (Orion capsule look alike). My hope is Kyle and Winston have great jobs, and they are working on that 401K. Then again this is the internet, and things tend to lean over backwards, form a wormhole, and then rip through common sense. Well, sometimes that happens
  4. Attention users: We are not complaining about the lack of update. We are complaining about lack of why they are taking a long time. I have no problem with waiting if I know what is halting them from working. For all I know they are not interested in KSP that much and are playing WOW instead. CONJECTURE (hopefully). Like I said, no problem waiting, I just want to know why I have to wait.
  5. They're getting smarter... and this topic is getting furrier....
  6. Finally, another soul who wants to know what is going on! I still use this pack, but I would like to know why the long absences.
  7. After all this time, I have managed to find out what was causing the Buran on my computer to have random part failures. (note: this was all post launch. Pre-launch warp had no effect) Previous case 1: Decoupler between Buran and Second stage would disconnect from the second stage after a warp. Previous case 2: The Mir Core Module would disconnect from it's docking port inside of the Buran's cargo bay after warp. Previous case 3: Same thing with Kvant-2. I decided to get Hyperedit today to test some stuff, and I got the idea to test the Buran parts while I was at it. Turns out it WAS THE FREAKING STRUTS. I had struts connecting the Mir core to the forward cargo bay part during those linkage failures. I have found out that moving those struts to the rear cargo bay part with the Mir core and Kvant-2 meant no disconnection. I also used struts to connect the Buran to the Second Stage. One strut going from second stage to RCS nose section. One strut each going from the Second stage to a wing. I took those off, and no more disconnection (but the woobles! oh well). I ran tests to make sure the game didn't fix itself, and sure enough, if I use my old strutting habits, disconnections would happen. For now it seems I have fixed this issue (but the woobles!), so I'll go ahead and be happy about KSP again (wooooobles!). I'll also like to use this as evidence that Hyperedit is a useful tool for testing stuff out. The current version still works with .20.2, but the creator isn't developing it anymore, and has issued an invite to the public for anyone who would like to take over. I can finally get back to Kerbal Bear Program.
  8. Unfortunately I don't have many sources, but from what I remember, the Horizontal cabin (what bobcat is making) was the earlier design, and the Vertical Cabin is the later design. Not saying they didn't redesign it yet again right before cancellation though
  9. Go to spaceport, search Bobcat, Huzzah.
  10. Time to torture RocketTurtle with pictures! Testing is underway to balance the Atlas V (light). (full album here) There's a few cosmetic touches needed, as well as a possible but non-game breaking bug with the CCB. I'll let Chimer4 post about that if he wants. Like I said, non-game breaking. Within the next 2 weeks seems reasonable, so long as Chimer4 doesn't run into any roadblocks.
  11. Expand your Mir! Double it's lifespan! Ship up more bears!
  12. You forgot the true first step: Ask for permission to use the models. Mind you I have no idea if they are freebies for all to use, or if there would be a licensing issue. Ah copyright, holding back creativity.
  13. What I meant was you didn't tell us about yours and Kyle's absence. Your sudden disappearance left us without much information. We had no real idea if you and Kyle were just busy are if you two had left KSP for greater pastures. We also have no idea if you two have continued work on this mod, or if you're going to keep it as is, only updating as KSP updates. I know I'm asking a lot here, but I think I represent the community when I ask that if you create something a plethora of people enjoy, keep us updated as to whether or not you'll be busy for any length of time. You don't have to be specific, just "Going to be busy for a couple of months or so." will suffice.
  14. The better question, winston, is what are you not doing?
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