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Everything posted by bokrif

  1. I experienced the same problem. Sorry I have no images or video but the problem seems to be based on my testing that the smallest US wedge, the one that has 4 radial attachment point, is doing to much contracting and compressing based on the forces applied, then it starts to wobble to a point of catastrophic disassembly. In short, the wedge doesn't seem to be rigid enough. I experienced this problem when the wedge was larger than length one. I tested it with basic batteries and stuff not other modded US parts like DMagic. The symptom is the same as in @FellipeC's video.
  2. It works. Also my previously posted issues are currently solved with the latest release. Good job!
  3. Sorry, no craft file, I haven't saved it. Different configurations on the same 4 part pod (heat shield, LFO tank, pod, docking port) A: 4 radially attached XT-L2 Landertron Retrorocket B: 4 SuperDraco Engines from Kerbal Reusability Expansion mod + landertron computer C: 6 SuperDraco Engines + landertron computer In each case after reentry the pod crashed into surface while the engines were working. When I droped from below 10 km, landertron successfully decelarated the vessel, only heat shield were crashed in some cases. There seems to be a delay of the landertron kicking in. Kerbal Engineer calculates the height of the suicide burn, and it seems landertron fires below or just right at the height showed by Kerbal Engineer. My hypothesis is that it reaches the calculated height then initiates the engines, but the real height when the engines actually thrust is a little lower than the neccessary hence the 80-90m/s impact velocity. Howeve when I drop from below 10 km, vehicle doesn't seem to accelerate as fast downward as after atmospheric reentry. This slightly slower acceleration/deceleration gives enough time for the landertron engines to thrust. Maybe my game settings of physical calculation time or what is too long for landertron? It may need more extensive testing. I had time only to figure out it really has a problem.
  4. It works. However I recently tested the computer and the larger SF engine on a simple return vehicle on Kerbin and the SoftLanding functionality is not working properly. Maybe the problem is with my KSP, but landertron fires the engines too late and the return vehicle crashes at a speed of 60-90 m/s (couldn't log the exact number). DV budget and surface TWR of the various configurations should be enough for landing the pod softly and safely. (I tried putting more engines on the pod, but the result is the same.) If I just make a free fall from lower heights the same engine configurations softly land the pod.
  5. Thank you @Ker_nale! I'm going to try it out. Meanwhile the information you requested: KSP Craft Organizer version 1.4 [LOG 00:55:40.640] ******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) ******* Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4) RAM: 8101 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 840M (2019MB) SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dumx.dll]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8 Log started: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 00:55:40
  6. I get a blank window of Craft Organizer when I hit the button in VAB. Also this blank window breaks the VAB and I can only exit it by using an other mod of Quick Exit and Quick scene switch or something like it. My game is heavily modded but KSP Craft Organizer worked well before. I don't know what have I done wrong.
  7. Hi, I don't know if your mod causes the issue, but my KSP.log is filled with numerous logs as: Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object 'SpaceCrane' is inactive! 809 instances in a relatively short game. I noticed this error happening mostly (or exclusively) while in VAB. Perhaps it's nothing, I don't know. Just curious and wanted to share.
  8. The new Tantares has no alternate black/green textures. Is it possible to use the old black one, or it won't work? Edit: I tried to to keep the APAS A, B, C docking ports from the old Tantares, but their texture is misplaced or wrong. I guess the Soyuz and the APAS ports use the same texture file. How can I correct the texture problem?
  9. For those who don't know the answer: I checked the game and MKS EL patching does not affect KPBS EL parts. They still mine MetalOre to produce Metal and RocketParts.
  10. I'd like to put together a spreadsheet to calculete the exact supply demands (incl. the Nam-o-Matic conversions) but I'm not sure about the method. How does USI LS actually calculates consumption and production/converison? Daily? Hourly? Second by second? Does production and consumption happen in the same time unit btw?
  11. Really great mod! I really appreciate your work. I've read that KPBS is "lightly" compatible with MKS though I have a question to those who use it with MKS: how does KBPS EL functionality handle the MKS EL changes? For example does it still use RocketParts? (Sorry I cannot launch the game to test for myself.)
  12. It says the new tantares is not compatible with the old one. If it's a new mod, can you use it in parallel with the old one?
  13. I know it was probably discussed earlier and it's a lame question but why use such a risky landing profile?
  14. According to: I'd say the descent of the lander went well. Of course if it malfunctioned during the last phase, crashed or just didn't turn on when landed can be a possibility. Edit:
  15. Do any of you know if Routine Mission Manager works with 1.2?
  16. Hi, first of all, thank you for maintaining this fix for HGR! I wanted to ask if I delete some unused HGR parts from GameData, will the community fix generate errors? I'm not that familiar with ModuleManager.
  17. I love EPL. First of all, thank you for creating and maintaining this mod. Secondly, I got a little problem: I changed the EPL settings.cfg so the recycler recycles into RocketParts, but in all 3 attempts the recycled craft produced no RocketParts on the station, even though it had plenty of storage for RocketParts. What am I doing wrong?
  18. I got this mod installed via CKAN (Bahamuto Dynamics Parts Pack and BahamutoD Animation Modules). I grabbed the animatin module .dll from the above linked Quiztech pack, but still the parts doesn't function as they were originally. Most likely I'm missing something, but what? Can you give me some hints? I would really like to use the XT Landertron for smart rocket aided landing with the animation.
  19. Can you tell me which was the most up-to-date version for KSP 1.04. (Still using that because I decided I will update my gazillion mods when 1.1 comes out.) Thanks!
  20. Hi, I happily landed a ship with a ton of science and 4 heroic Kerbals. I happily recovered the ship. Got the bunch of science and the recovery message box told me that the 4 Kerbals were recovered, they got the xp and stuff. Final Frontier summary also popped up. I hit the Done button and when I checked the Final Frontier window and the Astronaut Complex they all say that these 4 Kerbals died. I reloaded the quicksave, exited the Kerbals, recovered the ship and than the Kerbals separately from the Tracking Station screen. Result is 4 dead Kerbals. They had plenty of USI Life Supply, and the respective setting was set to turn off the dying part of this certain mod. I carry the save since earlier versions and I'm playing a stable 1.04 version until 1.1. This phenomenon didn't happen before. I also found a similar topic but I didn't want to necro it. What may be the problem? (On the other hand, how can I properly resurrect my dead Kerbals?)
  21. One question if I may deviate from the topic a little: how did you make the craft which down from the top big soyuz and left from the CTV, and based on the Spektre command module? I couldn't find a suitable decoupler in the size. (This problem applies to the other great Tantares pods.)
  22. Good idea, wanted to download it through CKAN and it's not there despite showing the CKAN badge on KerbalStuff.
  23. Hi there, first of all I love all these Tantares parts! But my question is, which part is intended on top of the Tucana / PPTS crew module? For example I tried to put the inline parachute that I guess is intended on the soyuz, but it doesn't fit the "whole" on top of the PPTS. Any suggestions?
  24. Nice clear design! Did I get it right, that you use Fuel Tanks Plus? Can you explain the end portion of the frigates?
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