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Richy teh space man

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    Senior Rocket Scientist

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  1. Looking forward to exploring the solar system and seeing what new features there are!
  2. It takes practice to get it right, but unlocks so many possibilities.
  3. It does seem odd that Tylo has 0 atmosphere given its size.
  4. I dislike Tylo, I feel it should have some kind of atmosphere, even a thin Dunaish one would make sense to me.
  5. Mainly around what the crafts purpose is, then what revision Say if I'm making a space station, I start with SS #1a If I find the SS benefits from a tweak in design or launch vehicle needs work then it becomes SS #1b, then SS #1c, etc If I rebuild the entire thing from scratch it becomes SS #2a, then SS #3a, etc I do also custom name craft in game if they're going to be a significant part of my space program, like moving crew to other planets and back with their science.
  6. There used to be a thing with signatures on here where we would post which planets we've reached/landed on. Guess thats lost to time though. Maybe a poll would work instead?
  7. Maybe Jools just a giant plant that everyone thinks is a planet
  8. Think it was a random comment on a youtube video that got me to looking it up
  9. And end up with around 5000 naff DLCs within a week? Yeah pass
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