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Everything posted by Deutherius

  1. Its engine is obviously malfunctioning. Otherwise it would just easily rotate the universe a bit and then draw it slowly upwards, until the planet was touching the landing legs/gear comfortably. That or Zoidberg decided to take the pilot's seat for a second.
  2. A refrigerating refrigerator stolen for Obama, the refrigerator is a frigid refrigerator of refrigerating in a refrigerated frigid refrigerated refrigerator. Accordion to popular mithril refrigerators, the Wii is better than waffle crumbs, and should definitely be swiftly refrigerated from Maxmaps.
  3. There we go again... (feel free to call me names) Quoting first relevant valid post, you can confirm the rest yourself (and you should, in case I'm wrong). Deutherius: -6 (nulled by next post) The Laythe Initiative: -4 (posted at the same time, overwriting me) Xannari: -5 (valid, even though unintentionally subtracting - this is why you should state the operation you want to do, avoids confusion) The Laythe Initiative: -4 (valid) Xannari: -3 (nulled by next post) Deutherius: -5 (posted at the same time, overwriting Xannari. Last valid post.) Xannari: -2 (not valid, even if his previous post would be - remember that you have to string valid numbers with at least one other person) And not even 5 minutes later you did it again with mythbuster. I know it's just a game, but it has rules. For a good reason. And if you're wondering, no, I don't get a kick out of quoting rules and correcting people all the time. I'd be more than happy if everyone paid enough attention to get it right. (I might, however, get a kick out of keeping it to myself next time and using it much, much later) So lets just slow down a bit to avoid problems like these, alright? For ease of continuing: Game is at -5, set by Deutherius. (unless anyone proves me wrong, of course)
  4. -6 Surrender now, or feel the Kraken's grasp later (on a particularly hard mission in KSP, no doubt)
  5. A banana slug stolen for Obama, the refrigerator is a frigid refrigerator of refrigerating in a refrigerated frigid refrigerated refrigerator. Accordion to popular mithril refrigerators, the Wii is better than waffle crumbs, and should definitely be swiftly refrigerated from Maxmaps.
  6. 2/10 I have seen your title around, Major. Apart from that, my memory fails me.
  7. The flipping when landing issue might be caused by SAS - are you sure you used the correct mode? If you click on radial in, the ship will try to point its nose to the body of the SOI you are in (which would explain what you described. From the physics standpoint, being top heavy would not influence the passive rotation of the craft in any way while in space - at least not in KSP (as gravity gradient is not modelled) - but it's a useful analogy). If you tell the ship to hold retrograde while landing (which is useful), whenever you overburn and start rising again (even by a miniscule ammount, which would be shown as 0.0 m/s), the retrograde marker flips towards the ground - and SAS will vigorously try to follow it (which is not useful - but it would explain the landing problem). What you describe about the EVA sounds like phantom forces - basically (as far as I understand it), sometimes parts (including kerbals) get... Entangled, so to speak. Controlling one exerts the same forces on the other. Was the ship following the same movements you were performing by the kerbal? If so, this might be your answer. If not, the answer might be Kraken. Actually, the answer is always Kraken. Hail Kraken.
  8. -7 If thou seekest to add, thine desires shall be requited... not.
  9. A banana slug stolen from Obama, the Wii is a frigid refrigerator of refrigerating in a refrigerated frigid refrigerated refrigerator. Accordion to popular mithril myths, the Wii is better than waffle crumbs, and should definitely be swiftly confiscated from Maxmaps.
  10. -5 Or thou shalt feel the wrath of the Kraken
  11. Indecently overexposed elitist woefully ushered ragdolls everywhere rather elegantly. Right? kshrtjse
  12. A banana slug stolen from Obama, the Wii is a planetsized refrigerator of refrigerating in a refrigerated frigid refrigerated refrigerator. Accordion to popular mystical myths, the N64 is better than waffle crumbs, and should definitely be be stolen from Maxmaps.
  13. First of all, questions like these usually belong to the Gameplay question and tutorials or to the Support forums if you think this might be a bug. Second, unless you give us at least a picture of your vessel, all we can do is guess. My guess is that you are burning radially or in a anti/normal direction to the node. Are you sure the control element or the engine is pointing where you want it to? Third, no, TWR doesn't have anything to do with this. You've already said that burning the engine changes the orbit, so thrust is produced, however small it might be (0.15 isn't such a bad TWR). Well, unless you set up a node with ridiculous amount of dV needed, then it would just take a long time to notice any difference.
  14. Considering the fact that the Mk1 cockpit IVA (not the new inline one) has had a "Life Support" panel for quite some time, it's probably just an eye candy.
  15. Happy birthday! I hope you like ones. Here's one for you: 2 - 1 = 1
  16. Oh my god, dat Mk3 and Inline Mk1 cockpit Question: Does the Mk3 cockpit IVA have the two small ceiling windows? If so, are they usable/suitable for IVA docking?
  17. From the first page: MechJeb is permitted. Also any helpful mod is accepted which doesn't add parts and doesn't change the physics (information mods, alarm clocks, enhanced navballs, docking cams, texture replacers, clouds, protractor, fuel balancer, chatterer, etc). Docking cams are permitted. Good luck with your mission
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