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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. Seeing as how debris on rails doesn't have a massive impact on performance unless you get into the dozens, I think it's OCD that has claimed another
  2. I have mobs of mods, but I THINK it's stock that an EVAing engineer can "scrap" any part that doesnt have a child part. I dont know if that restriction applies to struts.
  3. Why are Kerbals green? Their skin cells contain chloroblasts.
  4. Use the CoM, Luke. Don't trust your instincts. A tip for you, sir: build your landing stage in the editor, drain all your fuel from the tanks, place pairs of chutes equidistant from the CoM. Return fuel to tanks. Keep building. And in case you knew that: I always try to drain my fuel to zero when landing on Kerbin on descent. It doesnt recover THAT many funds
  5. Hey KSPers, Had a sudden bug jump up on me today. I wish I could give you a log, but KSP isn't generating one for this crash. Basically, I load up the game. It goes through the usual 30-60 second loadbar, and just as the "loading" orbits in the right lower corner show up, the mem usage jumps from 2.5 GB to 3.2GB+ and windows takes over and says it's stopped working. The only thing I've changed recently is installing Dmagic's modlets, tempgagekiller and portraits, and i've played the game one session since then (which ended in the VAB freezing out since i accidentally clicked on a part heavy radial assembly and was trying to ctrl+z my oops) Any of this ringing any bells?
  6. Your CPU is a little on the light side, but more noticably, you have 4GB ram. While KSP is designed (sort of) to not need more than 3-4, you are sharing that last GB with the rest of your OS and whatever else is running. If you're going to upgrade, I'd get a second channel totalling your ram to 8gm As for editing Config, a main difference between 1.0 and .9 is a lot of textures got switched to DDS, which should IMPROVE your performance, but may not act the same way when editing the config. Hope someone more knowledgable comes along
  7. Works for single Kerbal craft ;P
  8. How are the thumbnails generated? That could be a lead to getting low-res rendering
  9. If we're talking just a rocket, you dont have to go as fast as you can. if you stay under 300m/s and 10km altitude, you should be able to recover your speed enough to make last minute course corrections.
  10. allow me to explain some terms! Apoapsis (the "Ap" in the upsidedown house in your orbit ring) is the HIGHEST point in your orbit. If you burn prograde (the green circle with three fins in your navball) when at your Ap, you will increase your periapsis (lowest altitude of your orbit, upsidedown house with "Pe"). Inversely, if you are at your Pe, and you burn retrograde (the green circle in your nav ball with fins and an x in the middle), you will decrease your Ap altitude. You can do this to either circularize your currently eliptical orbit to either a higher altitude, or a lower one. If, say your Ap is not high enough, burning prograde when at your Pe will keep your Pe the same, but will raise the Ap. So lets say your target orbit is 300km x 300km (that's a circle, where both Ap and Pe are as close to each other as possible) and your current orbit is 70 x 120. When at your Pe, burn prograde, watching your Ap rise until 300km. Now wait until you reach your Ap, and burn prograde again (this will be in the opposite direction of your previous burn!) until your Pe raises up to 300km. Non-flat orbits are a little bit more complicated, but not by much
  11. I agree that the techtree is not conducive to realistic satallite networks w/ RT. Try StockRT, which takes away all the added antennae and boosts your initial comm 16 to 5Mm, making it a reasonable geosync antennae
  12. Had a little trouble with the Space Station contract pack not recognizing my first KSS as being in LKO, even though it was.... So I made a second one! Unfortunately, scientists are worth their weight in gold, so I had to move the crew over from GISS Horizon, to GISS Horizon II.
  13. Sounds like a symmetry bug. Only way to fix for now is to rebuild, possibly from scratch :\
  14. Pic 3 in the album is um.... well...... yeah....
  15. .625 "wingtip" LF tanks. fins that fold flat fuel dump valve umbillical style docking ports.
  16. It sounds like you arent maintaining a constant, Line of Sight connection to the KSC with at least one satellite with an antenna in range. In general, as explained in the suggestion above, "Omni" antennae dont need to be "pointed". As long as they're extended and powered, they will pickup all things with an antenna within LoS and range, but the sat will only have a connection if you can trace that back to KSC.
  17. Noticed kind of a frustrating bug - don't know if it's fixable. When I put 1x6 solar panels in a 2.5m service bay, when the craft passed over the atmo without the bay having been opened, the panels tried to auto open through it.
  18. Just wondering if that's the intention of the mod - like there's only so much resources left that you have to squeeze the sponge on Kerbin until you can get equipment to minmus. Or if it's just an exorbant price issue. Would be kinda fun if fuel price was variable based on how much fuel is available on a simulated market - one only resupplied by the player. Would encourage players to land their refined fuel with the intent to fill thirsty rockets ready for launch. Just trying to get a better idea of what the OP means by "strategy"
  19. Hmm, is it in mind that there will be a limited supply of fuel and mat'ls to build rockets on kerbin in the beginning?
  20. I like to do 50/50 with about 2 seconds early. The Maneuver nodes do not account for how much your TWR will change during your burn, so most successful burns actually stop about a second before the total time that the node SAID it was going to need. Also, there is somehting called "suicide burns" in which you develop a trajectory that will intercept a planetary body, such as Mun, create a maneuvering node AT where your trjectory intercepts the ground, and then pull your maneuver until your apoapsis disappears. Executing this burn as close to perfect as possible will save you the most fuel, but is obviously very dangerous if you mistime it . For these burns you want to start your burn when your burn time MATCHES your time to node (or about 10 seconds after, again, for the above reason). If you burn too late, you will "get" to your node with only half your speed lost
  21. Trick for getting equilateral Sat network around Kerbin (as for RT): 1.Send up one rocket with however many satalites you want (because i'm different, we'll say 5 for this example). 2.Establish orbit for first satalite. Say, 2.868Mm, or a bout 6 hours orbital period. 3.Release your first satellite (make sure the antennae are extended first ) 4.Decrease periapsis by 1/10th the time to previous periapsis(in case of 5 satellites. In case of a different amount, 1/(x*2), x being # of sats, for example, for 4 sats, decrease by 1/8th the time) In this case, that is 3-.3 hours, or 2 hours 42 minutes. 5.Complete one full orbit back to apoapsis, and burn back to a circular orbit. 6. Congradulations! You are 1/5th the way through your orbital plane, and can release your second satalite! Repeating this with the other three will generate an equadistant satallite pattern.
  22. Bouyancy is a little tricky if you want speed, but generally, look for parts that have a high crash tolerance (40m/s+) and use gobs of those as your water contact surfaces. This is why many boats in ksp are not pretty
  23. ^ No points for Cap'n Naysay! Might try this tonight. In the meantime, i suggest you add to your rules: No physics altering mods, or provide different categories for mods like FAR and deadly re-entry. Also, give us a single glamour shot of your SSTO; as they say, no pics, no clicks
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