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Everything posted by Venusgate

  1. To third party naysayers: Pacman. To non-violent naysayers: Animal Crossing I voted.
  2. My first attempt at orbital refueling! Desfal: Looks good out here. Begin pumping operation, over. UCOSS Washington then went on for a final burn into solar orbit.
  3. Here's a tip! Focus on a planet in the map view. Clik on the parameters icon (center right icon that looks like a planet with a ring) Look for "Rotation Period" Divide by 2!
  4. I'm fairly sure the purpose of this is that some planet(oids) have wildly varying terrain, and even with a perfect 3km orbit, you might warp into a mountain.
  5. Just noting, your final picture lacks the 4x4 plate. have you mounted an inline decoupler to a plate before?
  6. I'd say unless your discovery is "asymetical builds" you didn't discover p-factor with counter rotating engines
  7. Been slogging through the building upgrade grind in restarted career mode. Decided this time around im going to make all extra-kerbin landings require the buddy system by design. Also, black is ..... - - - Updated - - -
  8. "*spacebar*...*spacebar*...what? *SPACEBAR!**SPACEBAR!**SPAAAAAAACEBAR!*..... ...oh s***..."
  9. "Just a sec, I'm trying to get into orbit."
  10. Consider that with the new heat, aero, and resource systems, it's going to be even longer for all of your favorite mods to update their compatibility. Like... a month after 1.0 release. Sorry for stating the obvious - just noticed a considerable amount of folks asking for release dates for this reason, and threads getting locked before i can make this point. I'll go back to not playing KSP until 1.0+1 month now
  11. I really only use it for it's namesake... debugging. For example, there was a big in the MCE Historical contracts that had you put the Rendevues Vehicle into one orbit, and then to dock with it in the next mission, you had to achieve and maintain an orbit twice as high. Or when suddenly the game doesnt want to do crew reports when you are traveling right over the spot the contract calls for.
  12. Trying to play with Adios on hardmode. Had to come up with a few new idears.
  13. There is nothing. You are insane.
  14. I don't understand. Why would you need to load your game even a second time?
  15. A small addendum: you can attach a SAS capable probe core to a single seat manned craft that doesn't have a pilot in it to take advantage of SAS. Just imagine that Bob's control display has a Plexiglas shield over it with "DO NOT TOUCH" in big red letters printed on it.
  16. From what I have seen, the Maneuvering nodes don't factor in ISP or stages, they just work off of your current TWR. Let's say you start a 30 second burn at 10.0tons at 15 seconds to node. You're probably done burning at +14seconds with 9.9tons (.1 tones fuel spent) and your TWR has gone up a little. Magnify this to 60 minutes, and yes, the discrepancy will become much bigger. This also happens during "suicide" burns for landing. My advice until SQUAD develops a more complicated "Burn Time" equation: start taking note of the leftover burn time for each class of ship you are using, and subtract the split from the burn time. I.E. if you're space stations are ending up with 20 seconds left over on a 3 minute burn, start burning at 1 min 20 seconds to node, instead of 1 min 30 seconds. Even this method is not perfect, but it is more precise.
  17. I too have this issue. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109165-Station-Science-TH-NKR-Science-Lab-breaking-rightclick-menus-in-VAB-and-flight
  18. I believe a EVA kerbal can manually activate an antenna and target.
  19. Bug: Right clicking on the science lab in the VAB (or in flight) will not bring up any menu and additionally will make it so all other right click menus do not show up. How to reproduce: start with a new vessel. place science lab. attach any other part that might have a right click menu (tanks, solar panels, etc. right click on attached part (to prove your right click menu is working) right click on science lab. (nothing happens for me) right click on attached part (to prove right click menu borked. I am playing with a slew of mods and dont have a good idea of howto make a backup to see if it's Station science specifically, but it only started happening playing .90 and the mods that I think might have bearing that i'm using are Station Science, Tweakscale, Tweakable Parameters, and the SETI mod. Can't find this issue with any other part. Log has a line: "[ERR 08:41:34.909] [ModuleScienceLab]: No Container Module found at index 0" Rest of log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ibl977js0wnazq/KSP.log?dl=0
  20. ^ Wow! I'm kinda newish, but i haven't heard of someone getting a stable orbit with a turbojet
  21. Probably not the first. Certainly not the last.
  22. You find out your awesome plan to parachute down to Mun's surface might have some bugs to work out.... at 5km and 500m/s. 4km and 475m/s.... 3km and 452m/s....
  23. probably the first 75 hours of my ksp experience, I didn't know about maneuvering nodes (pushing 500 now)
  24. Trying to tweak universal storage mod to take advantage of the compressed sensors is a tad difficult when there are no (early) parts to counterbalance the .32t science bay. ended up sticking everything i could wedge on the opposing side and while it stilll wasnt enough... I made a face accidentally!
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