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Everything posted by Forty21112

  1. Will try and report back on results when I'm back with my KSP install. EDIT: It works, but now I have to balance it out. Thanks a lot guys!
  2. No, I was able to change tanks contents but I would have to put the module in the cfg. Which is not good if you want to delete it. I'm now looking for a way to do the changes without going into the parts config file.
  3. Gotcha, but when I want to change a tanks' contents, I would have to change the part.cfg itself. Would there be anyway to do that with a MM config?
  4. Hi, I'm planning to make MM config for the 0.625 RCS tank to be able to change between RCS, .50 cal, 20mm and 30mm ammo types. Note that, those are resources from the mod BD armory and I would probably be using Interstellar Fuel Switch. And since I have no experience, I'm hesitant to start before I have some idea of the wheres and hows. Any help is appreciated.
  5. If you happen to be installing BD Armory in 1.0.4, don't. BDA is still not supported with the latest version of KSP and should be done on your own risk. When DL'ing in 1.0.2, just drag and drop the gamedata folder and if asked, merge and replace files. BDA is very picky when it comes with where it wants its files. Hope this helps.
  6. @Tex: I've never thought about watching MJ do it before. Will do on a separate save. Thanks! @Geschosskopf: So wait, I've looked thru the stuff, and it looks very complicated. I'm not a rocket scientist, so I need help. Do you mind explaining some stuff? Maybe with a focus on getting there and staying there.
  7. So, I'm having a blast landing and doing other stuff on the mun when I realized, 'There are other celestial bodies out there, and I do not know how to get there!'. I can do a hohmann transfer, but I know that's not going to work. I don't have a single clue how and I think this might postpone my career save. I'm sorry for the nooby question, considering I've been around lurking since 0.13. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. It's perfect! Thanks! Rep for you man.
  9. What the title says. I'm modding KSP to function like a fighter plane simulator. All is in place, but I've found that using the current controls is hard when aiming with a fixed gun. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. I'm more interested in the end cap of the shuttle. Anyway, I've tried to do it back in .25 with little success, so it will be hard, but not impossible.
  11. @Above: 5dim's Contract pack is your to-go solution. It is limited to just career though.
  12. Yes! And it can go one step further by having 3v3 dogfights. The AI at the moment is a bit quirky, but with some work, its really fun.
  13. As far as I know the basic jet engine doesn't look like that. Did you change the model and/or texture of the jet engine?
  14. 400 with Vsync seems like my playable limit. It goes 450 without Vsync. Which is odd, now that I know not all players experience this.
  15. Would you happen to use Vsync? On my PC, no vsync seems to add an additional 50+ parts before being unplayable.
  16. Panzer, maybe you can go up a notch by putting that option in weapons manager and adding the options Use custom tracer colors (or something along those lines) and their RGB values. That way, players can have it whatever color they want, unless that's what your planning already. This is a great idea, you should definitely continue working with it. Good luck, man, I hope you come up with something great.
  17. Start by setting Steer Damping to half of the default, and adjust Steer Factor to 15. Those settings can be manipulated in AI Pilot Flight Manager.
  18. @Prometheus: Ahhh.... that makes sense. If you don't use Burn Together, its not that mandatory then. On the subject of AI Settings, can you please explain the settings? I just leave it alone except for the altitude setting.
  19. Why exactly is that needed? I've been dogfighting without them and most of the time, its fine. Can you please explain? I suddenly feel like I've been doing things the hard way.
  20. What the title says. I've tried it with both MK2 and MK3 cargo bays, and none of them are clickable. What I mean by this is, when I click the cargo bay while in action groups tab, it doesn't highlight it and show any options. I can click and highlight any other part just fine. Right click menu shows Scale, Start Open/Close and Close/Open button. Which is weird, since AFAIK, Start Open/Close button isn't supposed to be there. KSP 1.0.2 is the version of the game.
  21. Armed and Disarmed options are only used by the player. What it does is basically allowing you to use the LMB to fire weapons. AI Guards don't need to have their weapon manager Armed to fire weapons.
  22. Let's keep that as a last resort. All I'm looking for is something that can do what I said above, preferably something that cannot be traced back to the mastermind, if that is the right word.
  23. For example, I got into a fight with someone. Let's say that someone has a laptop he loves so much. What is something that can delete a file IE: System32 when run a specific amount cycles? Or even better, render the entire machine inoperable and unale to repaired? Just imagine his reactions (On mobile, can't put Technology prefix and no laptop is/will be harmed into making of this thread.)
  24. @Prometheus: Its not sarcasm, you really do have a nice name. About the mods, I don't think any of mods that I have may conflict with BD Armory, which means I'm going to be stuck to floating cases for a little while.
  25. @Prometheus: If you take a look at the second pic, you'll see the bullet casings are behaving anything other than normal. So yeah. (Cool name you have btw )
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