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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I have a couple of questions if someone has a moment. 1. A Rhino powered craft will show a TWR of up to 1.98 in the VAB for Kerbin but be unable to takeoff the pad? I'm not sure whats going on with this one. 2. All craft require an initial TWR of 2.1+ to take off on Eve when the body is set to Eve in KER. I would have thought it would be 1+ when the body is set correctly. I don't necessarily think these are errors just gaps in my understanding.
  2. I tried building a rocket using all mk2 and mk3 parts but it would not go straight
  3. Possibly the real problem is that KSP tries to fudge. If you are going to have a small planet have it. Don't fudge the gravity. If you want to make it easier then make it like mars. No need to then have 1 earth gravity but half the dv to orbit.
  4. I have not had any problems so far from orbit, usually only engines are exposed. I once had a drill get very hot. - - - Updated - - - It does look much nicer and sleeker.
  5. mk2 cargo bays are light and you can seat a Kerbal in them, getting them in is hard. Only had one try at ascent so far and upper stage motors were swapped. It was my first flight from the pad all the way to Eve with this so problems can be expected. - - - Updated - - - Like this, this is my Jool GT Lander, it's also an SSTO on Kerbin, it would work as an upper stage, but Every time I have tried to fly on Eve it has ended in explosions. 10t
  6. Do you have a laptop with nvidia/intel switching graphics? If so it can be a long and hard road. If it's a desktop with a GTX card it's as easy as pushing a button, unless you have already tinkered, if you have go back to scratch and push that button.
  7. Goddamit, I was just about to finish another, 70t, the core is almost exactly the same as yours. I've got 500t on the pad. I have launched and landed, haven't done an Eve ascent yet, still testing staging.
  8. A few people have done it, the dv requirements are much lower only 7500 m/s but it has to be aerodynamic and the Kerbals need to be protected going down and up. Most landers are over 100t and people are landing them empty and using ISRU. I have a prototype of a sub 80t lander full that I am working the kinks out of. The Kerbin launch weight is only about 300t so far which may balloon out a bit as there is some interplanetary dv to add.
  9. I can't believe my old Intel graphics macbook does, I came across the problem today when testing a biggish launcher, but f10 and it went away.
  10. Also there is a mod to remove it.
  11. Eve or bust Real men/women do it with little green men/women - - - Updated - - - Bill is my co-pilot
  12. Makes sense, it's for decoupling things, while the separator is for stacking stages. Don't mind we did not have a seperator for a long time.
  13. I like the first comment from Sarbian in that thread!
  14. For a complete newbie install Ubuntu first. The next thing you need to do is add proprietary drivers for your video card. The open Source drivers that are installed automatically are no good for 3D Gaming. You can find them by going to the Menu, Applications and then look for the Additional Drivers app. You can get proprietary drivers for both AMD and nVidia though as you have discovered the nVidia ones are better supported. If you have installed Ubuntu then you need to also do a couple of things (I believe Mint may already have them), you need to install Codecs for Media and stuff like truetype fonts and Java. Follow the instructions on a page like this to help you get the additional stuff you need for a full desktop experience. You don't have to follow it slavishly, but at least restricted extras. Then add Steam and install KSP, you need to add a launcher option in steam for Linux to run the 64bit version properly. Something like this LC_ALL=C %command%_64 there are another couple of options for OpenGL mentioned in the linux support thread.
  15. Go higher, changes are hard in low orbit, go high and then cone down
  16. I was watching my intake (shock cone) drag today at around 1200m/s and it was at 2.0, I closed the intake and it went to 0.3?
  17. You can't survive high heat anymore so your kerbal will die on the way up.
  18. It's definitely possible, the Eve Lander isn't even that big anymore, only requiring 8,500m/s and can go down empty at less than 100tons with ISRU. Tylo can be done with an SSTO, in fact all the other planets and moons apart from Jool (which was not excluded in the original post) can be done with the same lander. Then it's just a big interplanetary stage and a lot of time. - - - Updated - - - Making use of command seat in pre 1.02, won't work now.
  19. This is how they work in the new update, they also only use liquid fuel and not oxidizer to compensate a bit. You can look up the many discussion threads about it.
  20. You can definitely build the device, then you will need a mod like BD Armoury to arm it and aim it. Alternatively install kOS and program it to intercept a satellite.
  21. They are all as minor as the windows bugs and annoyances rather than game breaking. At least Linux has 64bit, they are hardly worthy of a caps tirade. - - - Updated - - - In fact there are many more high and critical windows bugs
  22. The Linux version is not working, I have not seen these issues so it is probably down to your install. Give us some reproducible examples instead of saying the entire thing does not work.
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