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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I said it in another thread, its not all macs. You guys should get together and figure out what you have in common. E.g. I have a 2011 macbook pro with Intel graphics running Yosemite. No crashes not even from the temperature gauges, I turn all the graphics setting down. No big mods but it plays. Stop saying all macs unless you have more specific information.
  2. I play on my 2011 macbook pro all the time, I can count on my hands the number of times it has crashed. All graphics turned down and no big mods. I can even launch decently large vessels like an Eve launcher.
  3. These are really good, I especially love the dogfight
  4. Was testing out some mods in a new save, wanted to fly around some of them in a nice plane so quickly threw this together, sucky name but the plane is real winner, fast, manoeuvrable, orbit capable (It's got some runetakes clipped into the rapiers which means it won't run out of oomph till after 25km. Sort of like a sub orbital air superiority fighter. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eetbmwrreq8hyn/Arrowhead.craft?dl=0
  5. I have purchased it several times, not everyone has gotten the same value out of it that I have. Still I do not regret a single giveaway. i think I have got more play value from this game in comparison to Half-Life (counter-strike), Star Craft, Battlefield Series (even then I had to buy new games) and Oblivion/skyrim. Most of those games were around for years after release as AAA games didn't move as fast then. These days a AAA game lasts a few weeks.
  6. Eve Astronomers Kerbinside (south pole base) Scatterer
  7. Is there something pointy on top of the command pod, a bare command pod has a lot of drag, I had to use a nose cone on Eve ascents.
  8. CKAN, Module Manager then Stock Bug Fix Modules (this is a must) Tools and Parts, KER, MechJeb 2, KAX, Thrust Controlled Avionics Visual, EVE and Astronomers Pack for Eve - tried scatterer but it does weird things on OpenGL Linux.
  9. Decent is fairly easy, you might need to adjust the deployment altitude of the parachutes, Eve is hilly, just follow the retrograde marker with airbrakes open the whole way, the drogue chutes are staged first, start deploying when you are under 150ms (the mach effects should have disappeared by then). Oh yeah, don't land on slopes of more than a couple of degrees. I am putting together an album, ascent is basically straight up for 30km (control throttle to keep the craft from overheating), you will have left the boosters behind by this point, start your turn carefully till about 80km where you are completely out of atmosphere. It's easy to get the height but you need to keep an eye on your orbital speed to get an orbit. Note: I have been spending a bit of time on a Chinook replica.
  10. Yes, I have landed it several times from orbit, I am making some changes because the range of landing altitudes is limited. When full it comes down faster at higher altitudes putting more strain on the landing gear. At almost sea level it is fine. I have relaunched it from Eve as well.
  11. My most autocorrected pain Herbal Space Program Also 1100ms is easily enough at 22km, this is the cut over zone to rockets, you already have most of your orbital velocity. If you are not using Rapiers then an lv-t30 should kick you the rest of the way to orbit.
  12. It did not break any records but I think Bill liked his SRB Ute
  13. This happened in .90, Jeb had gotten on the Eve Lander trike on the highest mountain on Eve. Mission control forgot to activate the brakes before swapping control back to the lander. The gentle slope turned into a nearly verticle 7km descent which no amount of brakes would stop. In the dark. Dear Jeb, sorry.
  14. On a contrary note my macbook runs KSP noticeably better now. Yes large ships cripple it but even small ships would choke it previously.
  15. I don't know what the proper way is but it can definitely make 100km orbit. KER tells me the TWR is 2.58 on the first stage. - - - Updated - - - Yes, you can send it empty, launch weight is then below 100t. On Eve land on some rich resources and you can fill the tanks (takes a long time). Then you can launch it back to space and rendezvous with a mother ship.
  16. You can use lander legs but you will need a lot more and spread out. That makes it difficult to fairing, looks like a huge sperm. - - - Updated - - - Yep I have tested the atmospheric entry, open the airbrakes before you hit atmosphere, it gets toasty but nothing explodes.
  17. It may be greater physics simulation. The aero, heating and attachments have changed significantly.
  18. This prototype Eve Lander and Ascent Vehicle was an early early development model. While it works it is sensitive to landing altitude and has been superseded by later models. Features Heat shield and air-brakes (both detachable) for re-entry Detachable Parachutes for landing MK2 lander Can on base for easy egress and entry Drill, storage and ISRU to refill tanks if you want to send it empty to save weight Lots of solar to run ISRU 8500ms Delta-v and 1.6 TWR on launch, sea level to 100km orbit Craft File
  19. Usually when planes go out of control it is a lack of directional authority caused by either Center of Mass too close or after Center of Lift, drag at the front exceeding drag at the back (this is usually the speed flip) or making to large a maneuver at speed.
  20. The Bare Minimum - Eve Lander and Eve Return Vehicle, Air Brake and Parachute Landing. Can make it back to 100km orbit as long as your piloting skills are up to snuff, it's not easy getting up from Eve. Basically straight up for 30km then start looking for your orbit angle. About 124t full, easily launchable from kerbin with an edit: Interplanetary stage. Drill, ISRU and panels if you want to send it empty and spend weeks filling the tanks.
  21. Also boot up a 64bit Linux version, you will need the memory overhead with all those mods. You can use simplescreenrecorder to record the gameplay. If you are a linux noob use latest Ubuntu desktop then follow one of these guides to get it setup properly with graphics drivers http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-15-04 if you are using AMD or mobile hardware this may not be a good idea. Better stick with Windows.
  22. That's right it is an achievement of itself. I don't think people are nitpicking just figuring out how they could do it too.
  23. Also, movie maker or iMovie possibly with Adobe After effects. Assault also has Reardon's help to make custom models and planets.
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