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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I just watched it as well, and while it didn't follow the book exactly it was good to see some hard sci fi on TV. I think they missed a good scene with the protomolecule, it was really hard to see and not very scary. I am adjusting expectations on the characters and what they look like, and the pacing seems a bit off, but I think these are all fixable things or will lessen over exposure. Not sure why they needed the Indian UN lady to be so hard assed, maybe they are speeding up the story line on discovery of the protomolecue, it doesn't really gel with the image of her in the book.
  2. [quote name='Azimech']Nice, but why does no-one ever build the 1701-A?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=#252525][FONT=sans-serif]The [/FONT][/COLOR][I]Enterprise-A used the same shooting model as the preceding NCC-1701. When first unveiled in the concluding sequences of [I][URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_IV:_The_Voyage_Home"]Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home[/URL], the main hull numbers are changed to [I]NCC-1701-A, but the smaller hull numbers on the side of the lower part of the model still read [I]NCC-1701, an oversight by the effects crew.[/I][/I][/I][/I]
  3. Saw this a while ago on reddit, facebook and Popular Mechanics!
  4. [quote name='gag09']You know what would be super cool some constructive criticism.[/QUOTE] What goes around comes around, unless we all put some effort into not only building but reviewing others craft, Spacecraft Fridays is the best place to start and look for others who have not had feedback for their cool stuff.
  5. [quote name='gag09']You can do that stock by selecting the offset tool and switching to the action group menu.[/QUOTE] It has a distance limit, no offset limits removes the distance limit.
  6. Here is my New Shepard replica finally. It is a surprisingly complex build for such a simple ship. It does what the real one does, takes a half a dozen passengers to the edge of space and returns capsule and booster separately. If I was doing it as a non-replica I could probably manage it in about 5 parts and with 16 Kerbals. I also took the time to write a flight manual, because of course that would not be as easy as the non-replica way either. Thanks for checking it out. Flight Manual and stats after the Pictures. Download Blue Origins New Shepard Flight Manual Total Assembly including gantry 165 Parts New Shepard Ship 18.5m tall 63t 152 parts dV 2496ms 1 S3 KS-25 ‘Vector’ LF Engine Optional: Transfer Kerbals. There is a Kerbal in the Lander Can under the fairing, use the mouse to zoom and move until you can see it under the fairing, EVA the Kerbal and right click on a Command Seat to seat him, you do not need to make any Kerbal walk. Then one by one transfer the Kerbals from the MK 2 crew cabins (with lights) at the bottom of the gantry to the Lander Can under the fairing (the one at the top of the gantry is for looks only). After each transfer EVA and seat the Kerbal. Repeat until all Command Seats are taken. Non Optional: Set Control Right click on the Probe Core visible between the TR-38-D Decoupler and the Fuel Tank and choose ‘Control from here’. T Z 1 (folds gantry deck (Antennae) and releases Stability Enhancer) Wait for craft to settle Space to stage Fly straight up until fuel is exhausted, press x to zero throttle. Wait a few seconds for any relative motion to dampen and for craft to be in zero gravity. Press Space to stage capsule separation. Capsule should continue higher than booster giving your passengers their zero G ride. Switch control to booster, shift locked fuel in top tank to bottom tank. This provides enough fuel to land the booster with a little margin and a bit of bottom ballast. Click the brake button to deploy airbrakes. Craft may spin a little but should remain upright, if possible make small adjustments to keep it centered on vertical. At about 1000m lander should have slowed to under 100ms and you should be prepared to throttle up and land. At 500m throttle to full and keep reducing to keep craft under 20ms until very close to ground. Throttle up gently to reduce landing speed to under 10ms and quickly cut throttle immediately upon touchdown. The capsule parachutes will deploy at about 1500m and fully deploy at a 1000m and it should gently land close by.
  7. [quote name='Majorjim'] I don't 'tell' anyone how to build.. I know the game, I know building in it, I just give advice. Please don't use inflammatory words Selfish. [/QUOTE] That was pretty much what I said, you were just giving advice. Sorry, wasn't trying to be inflammatory, I was trying to defuse some of the angst with a bit of humor.
  8. [quote name='andrew123']Mcarthur see Doge craft. Mcarthur say Doge die with Russian TEL S-300 VM. [url]http://i.imgur.com/eLyCZPm.png[/url] [url]http://i.imgur.com/4KuVSXp.png[/url] But in all seriousness, that is a nice trainer.[/QUOTE] Must update OP to say Target Drone ;)
  9. Truth is he tells everyone how to build ;) it's just his way, he isn't being patronising. He has your best interest at heart. I know I reviewed one of your tanks for a Spacecraft Friday a while ago and it was impeccable.
  10. Newest version, is almost right I think, the airfoils/brakes that pop out on the real craft are just not easily reproducible. 60km+ apo and quite easy to land, a breeze with Mechjeb. [IMGUR]1WF0O[/IMGUR]
  11. It needs moveable fins on the bottom and the airfoil ring changed to have slightly different airbrakes in 4 groups of 2
  12. Newest version, 1 Landing can, 6 seats, Kerbal can get out of can inside fairing and get in a seat, have to build a gantry to load Kerbals up to can, I stick a mechjeb unit on the probe core to get the landing right, I've done it manually once or twice but yeah... [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3NqbGFu.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/IfkdTGH.png[/IMG]
  13. [quote name='Spacetraindriver']Why is it always I get decent views but no replies?[/QUOTE] It's no use wondering, replies can vary from release time/date, interest, mods etc. I looked at it when you posted, thought 'cool' but it's last version and I have to get on and finish my destroyer, which is quite a bit bigger.
  14. [quote name='Himynameisjake']looks pretty slick. how many kerbals can you take along?[/QUOTE] 6 kerbals 2 in pods
  15. OK this is my first successful test version, the launcher lands separately, bonus large mannish object looks [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/kP6h93m.png[/IMG]
  16. [quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']I don't know, but it looks like it holds about 4 or 5 people. I'd probably use 2.5m parts in KSP.[/QUOTE] 6 person capsule, if you take a man to be 2m tall the launch vehicle is about 14m tall, probably making the capsule another 2-3m on top of that [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] it will be hard to do those legs [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] This guy has already done one but it could definitely look better [IMGUR]K28Au[/IMGUR]
  17. [quote name='9t3ndo']Get it into Orbit an back. RCS is still missing [URL]http://i66.tinypic.com/df9ehe.png[/URL] [URL]http://i65.tinypic.com/jqm16r.png[/URL] [URL]http://i67.tinypic.com/1oaurs.png[/URL] [URL]http://i65.tinypic.com/2q8sx15.png[/URL] And yes its mean to be a Sabre ^^ [URL]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/5150/1628374-1973492_gallery.png[/URL][/QUOTE] It's funny but the tail fins you used would be almost an exact match but reversed with an elevon added
  18. Found this only so far [IMG]http://i.space.com/images/i/000/050/221/iFF/blue-origin-new-shepard-150915a.jpg?1442345489[/IMG]
  19. [quote name='Arugela']247 parts at 56,000 tons is like 227 tons per part average. How did you get individual parts that heavy? Is one of those numbers is wrong? 8) (I'm assuming this isn't stock then.) And why would you keep it all to yourself?![/QUOTE] He has built a mod that's why, it's no use you downloading the craft unless you have the mod, this is his announcement thread because he is here more than anywhere else. Well done Azimech, I wish I could build a mod, and the part count on the carrier is amazing.
  20. [URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/140482-Blue-horizons-launched-and-landed-their-New-Shepard-rocket-after-suborbital-flight-yesterday[/URL]
  21. [video=youtube;9pillaOxGCo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pillaOxGCo[/video] Video, wow this is amazing. I know it's not hardcore launch stuff into outer space, but it's a giant step for rockets science and rocket economics. Being able to return and redeploy all parts of the rocket is amazing!
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