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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I am using the same and mine works right up till it runs out of memory, I assumed thhat was because I had EVE as well but maybe it is a memory leak.
  2. So in your steam Ksp launch options you need to put %command%_64 _GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 This used all my memory so you had best use the 64bit switch
  3. It seems you put the source of ReconstructedHeight in the zip file too Haha, I'm out of memory, need to pull my box apart and add in a couple more sticks [ERR 16:21:20.713] Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Trying to allocate: 65540B with 32 alignment. MemoryLabel: Texture Allocation happend at: Line:411 in Memory overview [ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 344566591B | peak: 344609435B | reserved: 348892241B [ ALLOC_GAMEOBJECT ] used: 27186924B | peak: 29555965B | reserved: 28791996B [ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 426862298B | peak: 571404864B | reserved: 427097925B [ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 94356B | peak: 94356B | reserved: 112703B [ERR 16:21:20.713] Texture '' has no data [ERR 16:21:20.713] No Texture memory available to upload
  4. Thanks Blackrack for all the hours you have put in, rbray89 and Nhawks17, you guys too, I am just a huge fan of all of you.
  5. I spent a couple of hours earlier adding mods one by one to figure out which one was crashing it, turns out none of them.
  6. I'm out on my phone or I would make a quick and likely very bad one, how close does the resemblance to an f-14 need to be, I only use stock parts and I am not sure I could do swing wings in less than a week.
  7. Gah, can't add to original topic, go here to post an album of your craft If you don't know what this will do, see for yourself
  8. Maybe there is more to it, can you actually make pink in Kerbpaint?
  9. I have seen a lot of these type of threads blow up, usually because someone gave someone else a bad review. I would be very selective and do not show a craft if you think it is bad and do not promise to review peoples craft. There are people here who think they deserve awe and admiration and will post a link to their thread and then blow up when you don't do anything with their submission which probably didn't even obey the rules in the first place. If I was you I would put some rules in place straight away like the Spacecraft Fridays thread (and some people have blown up at that when their genius was not immediately recognised) and make sure every submission gets a reply with those rules. In fact a good place to start would be to just video review the craft featured in Spacecraft Fridays (with the caveats already mentioned) then you don't even need submissions. Whew, just trying to save you having your thread locked later. So with that in mind, here is my submission the Blue Origin New Shepard, first the Album This is the release forum thread, flying instructions are in there, you can get the craft from below Download Best of luck with your video series, I thought of doing one but don't have the time, but I can help out a little if you need something. Cheers, SM
  10. Nah not offended just didn't want you to mistake it for something it wasn't.
  11. Was not set up for FAR, and I didn't claim it was, it works very well in stock. I do not experience low speed instability, but it has a hidden wing, which FAR probably ignores, in FAR it might need more lift area.
  12. I can only think that the OP who it seems may be a brony? Has been told Pink is shameful as some sort of homophobic slur. As a father of two girls I find the thought as ridiculous and juvenile as the people who probably harbour it. I would make a pink rocket and be proud of it. It would need to use older parts as Kerbpaint has not been updated for any new parts. I will paint my next project pink, it's a tank not a rocket will that do?
  13. Yeah, this made Spacecraft Fridays from Azimech so it should be pretty good http://kerbalx.com/SelfishMeme/S-EX-1
  14. I have an SSTO mk3 flying boat that uses hydroplanes. Also a Juno powered mk1 seaplane with short pontoons. Both have many similarities with your assesment and a couple of differences. Also you forgot high engine placement requires care as the thrust is assymetrical and can push the plane further down in the water.
  15. hmm someone has enabled something I just observed as I was about to comment
  16. You should really have put this in the Spacecraft Echange forum, you can see my recreation there too and compare. 165 parts, just for FCISuperGuy, depends how detailed you want to get. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126504-blue-origins-new-shepard-replica/
  17. Well that's a bag of poo, it will take a while to get the first page back, or is that happening automagically?
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