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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Is it stock? Just wondering if mods could have caused it, by some reports 1.05 is a bit better performance wise. I know mine was crashing on some craft till I got rid of all mods and started a new save, then copied the craft in and they were fine.
  2. Also with bearing the landing gear could go inside rather than on the outside
  3. The game is not confused, it is doing the correct thing, it is directing air downwards to lift the wing, which is exactly what flaps do. You are thinking about them as pitching around the com rather than making the wing go up. That is why the outward elevons on the wings are not usually involved with pitch control, and the inside elevons (or flaps) are utilised through the deployed toggle.
  4. It did not seem to, I think that when your readout changes between surface and orbit there used to be a bit of difference in speed, maybe thats it.
  5. Do we need one? Admins feel free to delete move whatever.
  6. Normally your wing ailerons are for roll only (this is not your problem, just a design tip) the wing ailerons are pushing the wing up in this configuration as the airflow is being directed downwards.
  7. Damn, I am going to have to rebuild a lot of craft, if I space while in offset they are under the wing, but are correct when I reattach. Must be a size difference in Pylons. Also both Pylons and hardpoint are decouplers, but they still decouple the wrong way (at least to me) fighters and such have hardpoints that detach the munition not detach the hardpoint. - - - Updated - - - I'm guessing this may have killed a lot of tank turrets, anyone checked theirs yet that have the structural pylon bearings?
  8. I noticed the bays open quick in editor and normally in flight, nice. I like the Deploy limit too, makes for no clipping. I love this SSTO, one day it will fly to Jool as intended.
  9. First in with a learjet - - - Updated - - - Yes, this was my first thought as I made a Fairy Swordfish, wellington, a destroyer and I was going to use a stripped version of pTrevTrev's u-boat to do a little battle re-enactment. - - - Updated - - - Also I was tempted to make a fist craft <- see original subject
  10. He's saying what the new parts and fixes will let him do, not what the mods will let him do
  11. I was only a bit dissapointed, I like realism but appreciate freedom to do a little unrealistic things.
  12. All those extra models would triple or more the memory needed, fuel tanks that did not explode immediately on comtact could catch fire though, raising their temp till they explode, then we could get fire suppression parts.
  13. I'm a bit disapointed by the removal of the jet engine extension, all that was needed was a 90' nozzle to make it work for everyone, yes jet engines take up space.
  14. Yeah I looked at all those radiator panels and thought how many times did that explode, the mosquito I was making suffered the same problem and I gave up on it.
  15. One of my first builds back in .20 or something, can't remember, I don't think it was as early as .18 which was the demo I think at the time This is the rescue mission for my first Eve landing, it also required rescuing I had no idea how hard it was to get off Eve when I started, it was just a nice easy planet to get to.
  16. Depends what you mean by content, I don't think anyone is sure what new parts 1.1 will bring, apart from antennas, it is supposed to be the same as the current game but in unity 5. I know they are redoing the wheel modules but will the models change? Otherwise I am not sure there is any new content. Is it parts or planets or game modes, 1.1 will probably have less than this update.
  17. It looks like a nice plane to me, I wouldn't replace all the engines with rapiers, if it can fly with just two turbojets they are good for making in atmosphere cruise backs as the rapiers are thirsty and don't work well below mach 1.
  18. I have been playing around with 50's scifi craft while maxing out my desktop, I had an i5 2500K with a stock fan, never bothered overclocking it. Was feeling the performance blues and decided to get a new fan and SSD. I have now bumped it up to 4.5Ghz from 3.3Ghz and o the glorious FPS! Then I set the GTX570 to ignore application settings and bumped the AA to 32 and AF to 16, bye bye FPS but hello ultrasharp detail. It is almost as stable, a few niggly things with scatterer and stuff, it seems to be much more sensistive to loading the RAM up. Anyway have some screenshots of my explore the Kerbol system like an Andre Norton character, the Stellar Patrol ship Starfire. She has a launcher and about 3K of dV on the 3 nukes, she can land on anything, taking off might need a refuel on Kerbin and Tylo. She can only just limp into extremely low orbit on Kerbin (hence the launcher). But in space and full of fuel she can visit lots of places in 50's style.
  19. I love a 50's rocket ship, next stop Minmus for that green retro scifi planet look (actually this version isn't going, not enough dV, the next one looks promising)
  20. Is a light Ground Attack aircraft that could also be used as an advanced trainer. It is fast and maneuverable. Updated for 1.05 it includes an engine swap to the Panther engine, enhanced maneuverability, and upgraded missiles that are very accurate. Weapons consist of two rocket powered kinetic missiles and one kinetic bomb in the bomb bay. These loads could be reconfigured for more conventional explosives. Action Group 1 toggles the bomb bay. Download
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