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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Once you have done a reasonably long trip on the surface of Duna you realise the issues faced.
  2. I had a quick glance only, it seems to be OK, the part count is twice what the current rovers are and we know from testing that having multiple high part count vessels interacting on Duna is a surefire way to summon the Kraken. It needs docking ports front and back and be able to survive several rolls, plus have a self righting mechanism in case it gets stuck on it's side or roof. It needs to drain power but not so quickly you have to recharge every 5 minutes, this is while hooked up to the second rover and carrying the RTG, I found two of the large batteries, plus two RTG's for 4 driving wheels to be about perfect. The second rover should not be able to drive on it's own and contain enough solar panels to recharge. Then you need to do a drive, go get the RTG or a bit further and see what happens when it rolls and how often you roll.
  3. Cool, I was just cleaning up the Delta II and Pathfinder. I felt a bit guilty, I had slapped the lander on the Delta II and called it a day. I found out later it did not work very well. She is a beauty now though 197 parts, should be 198 (I need to add a battery), and I have a Pathfinder on a Duna Intercept right now. I also worked on the rovers and the Hab, I'll upload them tomorrow.
  4. Goodbye little buddy. I put a new Pathfinder Lander on the Delta II and gave it all a good tweaking. It's solid as rock and I have Pathfinder on a Duna Transfer right now after completing the SRB kick, I used the second stage to do the first part of the 836m/s burn and the the SRB to complete it. A bit cheaty but it's not like I have a roomful of guys with sliderules behind me to calculate these things to the last few ms. And the SRB kicks like a mule, hard to control, finished it off with a teeny eensie bit of monoprop.
  5. I also wouldn't use the big 4, recruit some new Kerbals, I have some notes on what to name them to get the profession right, one other way is to play with leading and trailing spaces, they don't show up in the game but can change professions.
  6. I think you will have to make the crew and then put them on the Hermes before you send it up. I'd rather not edit the save file by hand it can cause issues.
  7. There is a mu exporter and the ksptoblender importer has a lot of manual tweaking and no fairings at all. Still just have a look at ehnsolios (spelling) render thread to se what can be done. You can also do a lot of easy moviemaking in ksp itself with camera tools and kerbcam
  8. You rock, I am setting up another save file, with new craft, going to try some welding too. Make sure you note the steps to reproduce the flyby so we can set it up in new savefiles.
  9. Its quite well known and there have been a lot of threads asking for a rebalance and a much needed 2 man capsule.
  10. You might want to list the mods, It's very impressive, I have no idea how much work it takes though, though 560 parts is always going to be hard.
  11. You can probably run at full rez, KSP's performance problems don't stem from graphics but the CPU physics thread. The only thing that helps that is a faster processor. I run it full rez on a 2011 Macbook Pro with Intel integrated graphics I only turn down things that affect the physics thread like debris and some atmospheric effects.
  12. Had some ideas on reducing the rover partcount, it only handles slightly worse, but is is much more rugged. 44 parts down from 88. Hopefully will offset the higher partcount on the MAV. It's becoming like a used car lot up there. Ares 3 Used Vehicles and Radio Towers. I changed the lights afterwards to just one set of the brighter ones protected in the frame.
  13. You can land it, and refuel it, and it has a bottom entry. 130 parts, 60t, 4300m/s dV in the ascent stage, parachutes and thrusters for landing, uploading it. I hate the big ass rockomax decouplers but I was having seperation issues when staging the chutes, I have that fixed now and will go back to the svelte stack seperators.
  14. Do you mind if I pinch your refueler core and attach it to my MAV, I have it down to 129 parts and 43 tons. So it's easily landable and launchable and hopefully low enough parts that the Kraken won't come when we drive 160 parts worth of rovers next to it.
  15. For some reason I can't download the welded craft zip file? but i am on safari on OS X will try linux later
  16. Thats really good, the refueller is much more compact than mine, good job. I didn"t see a way to get in from the ground. Currently there is no landing capability, I quickly got it down to about 20ms with 6 drogue and 6 main chutes a couple more should do it. It is very hard to keep retrograde in atmosphere because the rcs is not strong enough alone. It"s already 170 parts before trying to land it. It's great for a replica but not so good gameplay wise.
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