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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. You got rid of the engines huh, what are you using for the spring, not cubic stats I hope lol. So when are we gonna see some images and craft files, I can't wait.
  2. I'm thinking about an ad, "When your job is dangerous and possibly lethal you need a vehicle much tougher than you are" Kerbodyne DR200 Whatney Duna Rovers Magazine "Quite simply the only rover you want to be stranded on Duna with" Top Gear " We stuck some parachutes on a DR200 and chucked it out of a shuttle, if you can believe that, it survived...it is one tough nut" <- said in Jeremy Clarksons voice
  3. OK Troops, I have replaced the RTG and Tested it twice, once on Kerbin and once on Duna, no Kraken appeared. I have uploaded the craft to curse, it should be available soon. I also put the RTG and Rovers back on Duna (RTG is picked up) edited the save file to bring Mark Kermney back from the Kraken Zone. But he is back on Kerbin and Merbly is on Duna. Will fix it later when we have done some more testing. So we should be good to continue testing. The RTG and the Save file should be available soon on curse. - - - Updated - - - Mark did not come back for some reason, will look into it later.
  4. I have built a new RTG unit, just adjusting the docking ring height and then I will test.
  5. Also with the suspension are you testing on Kerbin or Duna, if it's really good on Kerbin it's probably to stiff for Duna
  6. That looks really good, and it's LESS parts than the old one, wow. The Whatney rover is supposed to be a normal rover that he cut half the roof off and made a pressurised tent in it to hold the RTG and his life support stuff. Thats why mine was a bit cludgy to represent the half assedness of it. Yours looks much better though, can we make the back panels look a bit rounder? From what NASA says even having a flat floor in a pressurised habitat on Mars would be difficult.
  7. As long as you are willing to tempt the Kraken yes
  8. 59 parts is OK, as long as it fits in with the way the book describes it, a tin can that fell over on landing that needed parachutes and thrusters to land. I have uploaded a new ascent vehicle without the mod part sorry - - - Updated - - - Hey man, we have every craft built now, but some are just placeholders that work but need to be rebuilt to work better or look better. Your best bet is to look through the stuff we have and see if you can improve something, then put a link to the craft up here and I will add your name to the contributors.
  9. That sounded like the intro to a steamy encounter! I like the gas station, the stock game needs one, with recharging port!
  10. The Descent Vehicle and the Ascent Vehicle both need work, but I have updated them a bit already, I will get you a link for the craft files - - - Updated - - - I just got that exact same problem, but it was after I picked up the RTG and was heading back to base. 2 RTG's and 2 Batteries seems about the right mix of power, it's going down at full throttle but not so much you won't get a good drive out of it. - - - Updated - - - Here is the descent vehicle, needs to fit 6, be small and tin can-ish, needs chutes and thrusters for descent, must have enough TWR to do a small hop when almost empty (not get back to orbit). Here is the new Ascent Vehicle, needs to seat 6, be able to land and then refill it's tanks (not in a hurry, it's only supposed to have one RTG), leaves refuelling stuff behind on Ascent, docks with Hermes. Go to it! Can't wait to see them. - - - Updated - - - Well with the Linux Graphics driver update and the black screen issue, I feel I did not get the most out of the night, Mark and the Rovers have disappeared. Might have to do some save file editing. - - - Updated - - - Some screenshots from the RTG jaunt Who built that it's all wonky
  11. Did you ever finish your pathfinder I remember you seemed keen on that.
  12. Sure I"ll take a look at it - - - Updated - - - I have had other craft that caused instant game crashes when something activated. I will test it and maybe build a new one.
  13. I packed the rovers into the Cargo Modules though, so they don't need a special launch vehicle. I bet I could do the 4 weather stations in one cargo module.
  14. I thought you said the thrusters were using monoprop? They should only do that if RCS is on?
  15. You should turn off RCS, it's only for righting the rover if it rolls. Also there are no reaction wheels, so SAS has no real benefit. I have seen some other habitat mods, when I have some spare time I will check that one out. OK so 9 empty cargo modules, since everything else would be delivered in them. and build 4 weather stations. OK will see about rearranging the site as per your explanation. Um the DDV crashed while I was placing it....totally meant it I found I couldn't dock the rover to the hab, the gravity makes the suspension different on Duna, need to fix that. I haven't tried the RTG on Duna yet, good luck. I found that with 4 batteries and 4 RTG's there was no need to recharge, I am down to two batteries (like the book) and two RTG's, let me know if it is enough. After some inebriated testing with a friend the other night, ABBA does not make rover driving more interesting. If my nephews (younger better looking and more interesting) are interested we might do a Live stream of the more interesting parts in a play through. I still have to write the script on how to do everything, like don't turn on the RCS. With steering on the back rover it does turn faster but is more likely to roll, when you are on the trip you hardly turn anyway. I know it's a pain around the base. Also to save EC you can turn the engines off on the back rover. It limits top speed to 20ms but is the best way to avoid rolling. I used half the charge getting the rover to the base from the RTG, then the other half trying to dock.
  16. Epic Rover Journey We have gone Beta, what we need now is promotion, promotional material and help finalising the save file for people to play. Come and help out and make this the best free downloadable content around. We have ideas for advertisements, cinematic, posters and writing, just come and ask in the forum thread. Download the pack yourself on Curse. Contribute on the Forum Thread
  17. I do like the look of it and 450 parts for something in space is not out of the question, does it have enough thrust and power to do a Kerbin return, how many Kerbals does it seat, I am adding at least two more docking ports to mine, how many does yours have?
  18. Well I just uploaded a beta save file to curse with all the assets in place, when it's approved it can be downloaded for testing. Still to do so far: Ascent Vehicle and Descent Vehicle need work Cargo Modules need to be placed arrangement of Ares 3 site RTG pickup Testing Pathfinder trip second test trip to ascent vehicle test Rover docking port adjustment on Hab Module (slightly higher and more verticle) Ares 4 Ascent vehicle, forgot to put ladder down before detaching probe core
  19. Found it http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128414-1-0-x-FairingTextureSwitch-Switchable-Textures-on-Stock-Fairings%21-July-11
  20. OK I have uploaded the new rovers ( whatneyised one) and improved Ares V (thanks JAFO) and cargo module, still needs tweaking, I want to be able to dock the rover and move the cargo module before deployment.
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