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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. The orion is 4 to 6 crew, depending on which version
  2. Majorjim is right, i did not need to clip any aero surface in at all, just some verniers to make it turn against the torque of the SRB's, mines 2/3 scale, that seems to be 1/3 scale. - - - Updated - - - new Download is now live!
  3. Update 2! Images have been updated, craft file soon, need to remove some mods.
  4. The lets fix this little error (using the height of a 4 segment SRB rather than the 5 segment), I hate that the colors wrong, paint it, wow looks good, I should make a video now scatterer seems to be working really good on OpenGL, OK there a few other changes I need to make and mods to add to make the video better, also it would look better if this worked like that, lets rebuild that bit to fit aaaaannnd, virtually a whole new rocket later. Update to original coming real soon now (need to get rid of the mods, mostly cameras). This thing has been launched so many times in the last day or so, it's image is burned into the LCD.
  5. I'm not sure the estimated cost per launch of the Ares was 1 billion, compared to 59 million for the Falcon 9, it only took half the payload, but you could launch more than 10 Falcon's for the cost of an Ares 1. Anyway I think we have derailed the thread enough.
  6. Would love to see you divide up the SSTO's by returnable (would bump me up the ladder for no effort at all )
  7. I like a smaller Hermes, the movie version surprised me with how big it was, it would probably cost the GDP of the US for a year to launch it.
  8. Apparently the Ares 1 was several times more expensive than the Falcon 9. It pained me to find that out especially after just putting so much work into my replica.
  9. Sprucing up the Ares 1, almost ready to update the download. You can see a launch here
  10. I know Yukon is doing a Hermes, but don"t let that stop you submitting your own. There is no predermined list. I will pick whichever craft fits best with the gameplay and the asthetic.
  11. I built this Ares 1 and Orion capsule as part of the pack for 'The Dunatian' a stock playable save file based on 'The Martian' book/film. I discovered a small error and went back to update it. I had always hated that it was not the right color stock, so while I was working on it I gave it a paint job and some decals. She is such a beauty I made a little video of her launching and deploying Orion. Hope you enjoy. Note: Sorry if you don't hear music, still playing with it
  12. I built this Ares 1 and Orion capsule as part of the pack for 'The Dunatian' a stock playable save file based on 'The Martian' book/film. I discovered a small error and went back to update it. I had always hated that it was not the right color stock, so while I was working on it I gave it a paint job and some decals. She is such a beauty I made a little video of her launching and deploying Orion. Hope you enjoy. Note: Sorry if you don't hear music, still playing with it
  13. Not confused, it was a joke - - - Updated - - - You can also find it in the book Fallen Angels Jerry Pournelle, one of the authors, was one of the instigators of the Delta Clipper project.
  14. So I made it, trouble is no anomaly. I'm using high terrain detail so it should be there. I have been cruising around trying to find it but no luck. everything I can find so far says it should be at -30.8,-28.8 but no luck so far. Rover is still in good condition, sans roof. I am going to change over to a slightly updated model here and then do the next leg. Edit: with a good route planned I probably could have done it in just over an hour, as it is it took me almost three. -30.3 , -28.8 will check it out next time.
  15. I think the problem is 'some' things will be in different threads, like maybe thermal, while physics will be another, so yes it is multithreaded while not necessarily producing a high part count.
  16. Actually it could be optional as long as there is a couple of hours more than the quickest short trip before the launch window, which you can timewarp through.
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