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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Thanks, I will check them out tomorrow. - - - Updated - - - Thanks mate, I will check that out tomorrow, if I remember it does not have the pobe core. I don't care too much about sojourner, but we may need the probe core (and antennae presumably)
  2. Flag_decals found it on curse, just a part that uses whatever your mission flag is
  3. Well mine have ranged from complete unfolding panels with rover on the panel to my latest which I think is even simpler than Yukon's, but I have to deploy the rover underneath the pod with a chute of it's own. Doesn't matter really I'm not going for authenticity on deployment on this (well not anymore anyway).
  4. I've actually got enough stuff I could do a first flush test of the ground based part. I know there is lots of stuff to improve, the DAV is too tall, the DDV looks a bit too cobbled together. The Ares V needs work, I have about 15 Pathfinders, none of which are very good, the last one is the best but still needs work. I was going to tow the solar farm (rather than a second rover) but I think a modified rover with extendable panels might be better. The hab needs finishing. The torpedo doesn't work....um sorry wrong project.
  5. Hard Mode, that's a good idea. It will still be a race either way, the Hermes is not waiting, theres no way to make it wait.
  6. I can see from that top shot the two engines are not mirrored, whats happening there?
  7. I'm unsure what problems you are having, usually the installer can see NTFS and even resize it, Windows 10 may be the issue, I have no experience with it.
  8. I downloaded yours and thats some part count, mines not finished yet.
  9. Linux does recognise NTFS partitions and can read them out of the box
  10. Yeah I thought it might be a bit of a trip, I think the rover is pretty good on Duna and will take some of the risk out, but it will still mean pressing the w button for a good long while.
  11. That's fantastic, I am working on something similar and you just made all my effort look like poo.
  12. Wow, thank you for putting so much time into this. I really appreciate the effort. There are some great ideas there. If I can I would like to explain what I had in mind, and if you could adjust your scale a bit we can meet in the middle. I am not rejecting anything, it is really good stuff, We just need to harmonise our goals. So the main aesthetic difference between this and The Martian is that it's KSP/Duna, and it's supposed to be fun. In my mind I was not trying to recreate the hardships and boredom, I was trying to create a Content Pack that was fun to play for a couple of hours. With that in mind I did not want to make the rover journey too long, it would be extremely tedious. I did want to show off Duna a bit, so anomalies and varied terrain (where possible). Though I have no final route in mind I did have a think about it previously and had this as a place marker (from kerbalmaps). Edit: Whoops I forgot, I thought of reversing the positions of Ares 3 and pathfinder, so when you find pathfinder/sojourner you find an anomaly over the hill from it, as a sort of gag. I have no idea yet how long this trip would take, I have been working on the craft pretty much exclusively so far. I have all the stuff dropped on Duna for testing but it's not in a final state yet. I'd love for you to continue contributing, you obviously have some good ideas. Cheers, SM
  13. I see no reason to stop making it better, as you learn you can fix things or you might just think of a btter way to do something.
  14. Actually you can do it with down to almost .5 TWR on air breathing
  15. I know, I just thought it would cost less dV starting from a Kerbin retrograde orbit?
  16. I think Unity 5 is only experimental on Linux, but blender and kspblender mod work
  17. Wrong thread bud, but thanks, is too big to be of use as a torpedo though...or is it? nah
  18. Nope, surprisingly resistant to exploding unless they happen to have already been deployed.
  19. Found this wonderful thread about it, the guy tried stuff with the density of collapsed stellar cores lol
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