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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I hate Mediafire and Dropbox, just wanted to say that, Kerbalx and Google Drive
  2. I've done a non hinged SSTO VTOL, the weight is the main concern, I tried to go all liquid (or very little oxidiser) with a nuke though (for range), with just Rapiers it might be better.
  3. Nope, does not work for me. Do you have Stock Bug Fix Modules installed? The editor is so pissing me off at the moment, stuff that's radial symmetry goes to mirror and theres no way to get it to go back, gah - - - Updated - - - It looked like the oscar-b was hard up against the first cubic strut so I offset to give a bit of clearance, no joy.
  4. I bet a good storm would blow it away I'm not going to test fly it, but I'm sure Mad Rocket Scientist will!
  5. If you don't use an elevon does the antenna have wnough aerodynamic force to spin it?
  6. Has anyone got a good part for that, all mine are way too big?
  7. I have not tested this yet, but I am going to, it may fry my computer, I don't care.
  8. LOL, I'm thinking of burying another jet inside the fuselage where it can't be seen, if I can stop it being blocked, just to add a bit of extra top speed, maybe you could get a ram jet in there? - - - Updated - - - Also you can attach the oxstats to edges and cubic strut frames, they can be offset and rotated really far to cover gaps, plus they reflect, which looks good in the glamour shots, apparently Kerbpaint can recolour them too, I am going to test that later. - - - Updated - - - Your nose is very draggy and heavy, I have an Improved MK3 cockpit that will help Download also lots of wings mean lots of drag, the Big-S wings would be better, but probably won't fit aesthetically.
  9. Fixed up a few things, Rear Elevators only pitch now, front elevators only roll (left overs from control testing sorry) Front bubble turret slightly misaligned, fixed z fighting in wings (though they don't look as smooth) fixed steering in rear wheel inverted, for taxiing airbrakes toggle removed from brakes action group (though it wasn't there in my save and retract added instead, hopefully this will fix brakes issue when landed) Action Group 1 to toggle bomb bay Action Group 2 to drop bomb Pulling to the left slightly, slightly fixed Edit: updated stats
  10. Nah mate, I feel sorry for the people who don't get this feedback. Doing the SCF made me test lot's of craft and realise that they need the feedback to improve. I don't think hardly any of the people who comment actually download the craft and give relevant feedback (like Rune said, don't just say great job), I was lucky you guys had a go and bothered to let me know the faults.
  11. The body looks a bit heavy in the belly, but I think the real problem is the wings are too high, I have an idea how to move them down, will see if I can make the tips thinner too, thanks very much for checking it out.
  12. Thanks for the feedback, I will fix the airbrakes and steering, that's really good of you to tell me. - - - Updated - - - I will try and use your fix for the airbrakes, thank you. I think the wings are too wide at the tips, but that shape is difficult
  13. That looks really good so far, I get the shape coming through strongly.
  14. This is a 1:1 replica (at most a percent or two out, except crew, weight, top speed and armaments) - Now updated, fewer parts, uprated engines, higher speed Stats Crew 2 (Command Seats, no view) - recommend Take Command Mod, there is a probe core for no crew flight Parts 370 (was 374) Weight 25.3t (was 26.6) Top Speed 80m/s (288kmh) unladen, 75.5m/s laden, (was 67m/s) 1 bomb Operation Flying is very easy, to take off full throttle and stage, it will take off by itself, I use SAS but you don't need it. Landing is easy, just line up the runway and pull the throttle, let her settle keeping her straight. Action group 1 to open bomb bay doors (apparently airbrakes may remove themselves from action groups, it may be necessary for you to redo them) Action Group 2 to drop bomb Do not stage again or the turrets will fall off. Download Same plane I just did some painting Big Album, the newest images are at the end, includes development pictures
  15. As far as I know, things like the OX-STAT are essentially physicsless, in that their mass and drag are added to the parent part and no physics is run on them, just the parent.
  16. There are a lot less modded craft submitted, and it's more difficult to know whats a good build and what just mod parts. Sorry Rune, I didn't try your dropship, I was running short of time, and I also did want to get some other builders some recognition. I will give it a go and give you some feedback, I know it will be great just like your other stuff. That's going to be a problem for you going on, topping the last creation.
  17. I don't know if anyone said this but when attaching elevavons and they are vertical, make sure you have angle snap on and push it into the wing slightly further, they will then rotate to align with the wing.
  18. Is easy to land too, it's sort of floaty I guess you could call it.
  19. There are not any requests in Spacecraft Friday, also I'm pretty sure it did not turn up in my trawls from the week. Edit: also also it was posted before Rune's turn last week, that's why I didn't find it.
  20. Also it takes off with no input, just full throttle and stage, it just rises gently into the air.
  21. Actually I was thinking of including your boxkite, but I didn't really get around to the mod craft because of time constraints. Also it did not have a prefix on the thread, so I kept missing it when I was trawling, then I would see it and go, I have to get to that, but was not in a place I could do anything about it, and then I run out of time. It was a pity because it looked interesting.
  22. Yeah, the Wellington was going along quite nicely until I started on the Cockpit and ball turrets, now its 380 odd parts, good a lot of them are physicsless.
  23. Nah I copied Rune's layout and it must be some leftover, I will fix it, thanks
  24. Having just about finished my first real replica plane I feel your pain.
  25. I tried this on your tank but I found it to be very unstable, the turret would sink into the deck, eventually the whole tank blew up. Otherwise it was a good looking tank.
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