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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. So I headed due west (270) from those co-ordinates and I finally got a view of the crater walls by the time my batteries (plural) ran out. About 10 minutes in. I had added 2 RTG's but they did not provide a great deal more range. So I think with the trailer rover we will get somewhere north of 15 minutes out of a charge before needing to stop and deploy. A Duna day is 18 hours long, so there is no way to run out of sunlight, so a straight run is possible with stops for recharges. The rover is good and had no problems, it is still possible to flip it if you really try. I am making a couple more adjustments. I included a Science Junior just in case we want to at some point add a science run as part of it, the hab has a science lab. They should all have short range antenna's except Pathfinder and the DAV.
  2. I have some ideas, but need a little time to test them out, just in case I don't here they are, rover wheels work on fairings, so you need a long fairing clipped through the door for the rover wheels to run on, also they seem to work on solar panels, so try some ox-stats too. - - - Updated - - - Did you know one of your wheels was backwards in the craft file? No it wasn't solar panels don't work Nope not fairings either
  3. Aerogui and rcsbuildaid for in editor - - - Updated - - - Also as air runs out your wings lose control authority and your gimbal and sas are more important
  4. Usually violent sudden pitch changes are due to drag or CoM change, so the nose drag increases with speed, the craft flips if it exceeds the rear. If the CoM shifts behind the CoL the craft again flips. It will be one or the other.
  5. They are supposed to be somewhat broken, so the player can fix the problems and learn about how to do things at the same time
  6. Alright so I built a new rover using all the trickiest suspension and CoL shifting ways I know. Simpler, less parts, lighter. I also removed any probe cores and only had the single battery. On the good side, on Kerbin it is virtually unflippable, I didn't manage it but I think I could given the right slope. On the bad side, on Duna it is still relatively easy to flip, I will soften the suspension some more, good on Kerbin means too hard on Duna. The real problem is how long the battery lasts, about 5.5 minutes in game time, obviously you are not going far with that, I could not even leave the crater. With the second rover it will have more battery but more weight to move, I am thinking of sneaking in an RTG or two to extend the range, not infinite but at least a proportion of the Duna day. Then the driver will need to stop and extend the panels on the second rover to recharge before nightfall. Edit: Have updated download links on first page. Also added JAFO to the contributors
  7. As you get more weight above the wheels, it helps less and less, I had two at one stage in an earlier heavier version, it seemed to be better without. Plus clipping and mk2 bays...uh uh - - - Updated - - - Haha, how stupid am I, the rover already has one, lol I just pulled it apart
  8. Done it, and it's only unflippable on Kerbin, the current suspension can be tuned which is better - - - Updated - - - The first version was actually a mix
  9. At the moment EVE and Scatterer, which I reinstalled recently, when I used scatterer a while ago on my Linux OpenGL system it was very buggy. Just for fun I tried it the other day and it works really well now.
  10. I have ideas for a rebuild of the rover that will make it a lot lighter and more damage resistant, and also maybe handle a bit better, it needs to be really good or people will abandon it before it even gets started.
  11. You can use lander legs to impart force but there will be no rotation
  12. I think most people might put up with more time than me in a rover lol. I did a lot of testing recently and even started an elcano attempt (quickly abandoned) that ended in URD when I tested the x4 physics timewarp
  13. Sounds good to me - - - Updated - - - I'm still concerned the real time drive length maybe offputting.
  14. Yeah right now with stock, unless we stick a docking port on it that can attach to the rover, then with the new antennae comma in 1.1 a use might be found for it, maybe a mechjeb module for rover autopilot lol
  15. I will fix up the links, the solar farm is included with the new hab module anyway. I have SAS on the hab module because a lot of the time it isn't oriented correctly when landing using hyperedit. There may be a way to reorient using hyperedit but I don't know it and including a reaction wheel is trivial. I was thinking about the small crater to the right/north of the anomoly canyon? A fellow aussie, 😎
  16. Did some more work on the Hab Module, looking good I think, Interior needs completing and one more rover docking port (just a copy of the solar farm docking port). Updating the craft download on the first page. - - - Updated - - - added the rover docking port, will upload later, Inside is a science module, action group one deploys panels and ladders. It has SAS for landing. I still need to put a floor inside and some bunks and stuff, part count is still pretty low so there is room for some gribbles - - - Updated - - - It sometimes crashes my game, reverting, better recovering.
  17. Would just like to thank you for bringing a little life into this. I must admit I was getting distracted from completing it. Cheers, SM
  18. Good stuff, we should probably place the base closer to pathfinder, that should reduce the total trip significantly
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