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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Made some improvements to thw rover. Some structural intake bumpers have made it virtually indestructible on Kerbin, you get more air on Duna so we will see when I do the next leg.
  2. Just picked myself up an RTG in stock....hehehe <-evil chuckle Seriously there has to be more ways to stuff up than, I rolled the rover, or I went the wrong direction. Add I forgot to pick up the RTG, which won't stop you driving, but it will make it take longer. - - - Updated - - - More compact version, on the rear
  3. You need much more anhedral? on the wings, they look dead straight to me
  4. The only eligibility criteria is that it was released or commented on (no bumping) in that week, after that it is all the subjective view of that weeks maintainer. People keep thinking they need to submit their craft and some expect a mention, but because it is completely subjective they are sometimes dissapointed. Nothing wrong with a bit of promoting though
  5. Is it possible to add velocity along the forward axis? As in I want to complete a manoeuvre node by adding the velocity using hyper edit. I tried but ended up going completely the wrong way, the choices that make sense to me are normal and prograde, is it one of the others like up? Also to complete a project I want to hyper edit a ship into a duna flyby with kerbin return (think The Martian), so far my best thinking (my brain hurts) has got me 14,400,000m orbit around Duna, change the periapsis to 100km of Duna, Create another node that tries to do a Kerbin return while retaining the periapsis. Use Hyperedit to add the velocity and then save the game when the periapsis is the required time away. Is it easier to do? Can someone help me do it?
  6. It would be very much appreciated if they did, but I'm expecting most to at least need work on wheels, and the suspension is probably a gonner. I'm wondering how my non-antennae probe cores are going to fare? What about you?
  7. As far as a ship in flight, wouldn't the same fix for a landed ship work? An invisible stratchy part that is in contact with ground, just as long as the last recorded altitude.
  8. Actually don't use a fuel hose just put a docking port straight on the launch clamp
  9. Even better launch an SSTO to orbit, then spawn a fuel bowser attached to launch clamp on the runway. Land SSTO then refuel. You might need cargo doors and a truck so you can spawn cargo at the launch pad rather than on the runway.
  10. Often different ways, e.g when I built my Ares V I started with the core, then added the boosters from my Ares 1. I built the cargo module seperately in the SPH because there was a lot of mirror symmetry and the rover and other modules I wanted to test were there. With my Delta II 7925 for pathfinder I built the rocket well before Pathfinder because Pathfinders a ..... ....... ........ .......
  11. Often when I try and edit a post on my phone when i click in the text box it deletes the post
  12. By the way, I'm pretty sure packs are eligible too, so one could if one were so inclined review something like The Dunatian, just sayin
  13. Soo, Thursday huh, just thnking about all the nice crafts I released or updated this week that no one commented on, the downloads are encouraging though. I hope we have a tester this week like Majorjim and I....just random thoughts
  14. There are about 5 space shuttles ahead of us! - - - Updated - - - I wanted to tell you too, check the Hermes alpha download for my docking port connector. I think it will make your Hermes a lot more rigid.
  15. I will give that a go, thanks man - - - Updated - - - So I am looking at making a Trailer for the release, coming soontm , which is really time consuming, and I have to learn a lot of new skills, so if anyone is interested in helping me make it feel free to chime in. This 10 seconds is what I have so far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4nQyS2YeVE Exciting news! Even though it is still Beta and only posted a week ago, this project has risen to the 3rd page of most monthly downloads for all shareables on Curse, just about to pass Clivman's constellation pack, sorry mate.
  16. I think it's possible but I don't know how to get it, so far all the packs I have tried, changed the suits but not the visors.
  17. Yeah some mod I downloaded, justwanted shiny visors. Pretty low, I mean compared with trying to duplicate the real thing.
  18. You have probably thought of this but if the front horizontal flight engines are not slightly offset from the rear ones their thrust will be blocked.
  19. Made mine a while ago while setting up for the Jool Grand Tour, it can SSTO on Kerbin or Laythe. No clipping. Parachutes for landing on rough terrain.
  20. Another piece done, when the Antennae might actually be useful in the next version, will probably need a docking port and decoupler to add it to the rover.
  21. Update: Have now included a download with the Pathfinder and Sojourner mission. Screenshots coming soon.
  22. This will solve a lot of issues people have with large ships.
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