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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. You can land it, and refuel it, and it has a bottom entry. 130 parts, 60t, 4300m/s dV in the ascent stage, parachutes and thrusters for landing, uploading it. I hate the big ass rockomax decouplers but I was having seperation issues when staging the chutes, I have that fixed now and will go back to the svelte stack seperators.
  2. Do you mind if I pinch your refueler core and attach it to my MAV, I have it down to 129 parts and 43 tons. So it's easily landable and launchable and hopefully low enough parts that the Kraken won't come when we drive 160 parts worth of rovers next to it.
  3. For some reason I can't download the welded craft zip file? but i am on safari on OS X will try linux later
  4. Thats really good, the refueller is much more compact than mine, good job. I didn"t see a way to get in from the ground. Currently there is no landing capability, I quickly got it down to about 20ms with 6 drogue and 6 main chutes a couple more should do it. It is very hard to keep retrograde in atmosphere because the rcs is not strong enough alone. It"s already 170 parts before trying to land it. It's great for a replica but not so good gameplay wise.
  5. I got serious, I worked out how to do a compact refueller stage on the DAV, it's definitely land-able (code have not managed yet) but it's close, I stuffed up the last landing trying to figure out whether to wait for chutes or hit the SRB retro thrusters. It is still bottom board-able too, in fact that's why it works. ISRU's are dogs to mount but this way works. I am going to put a docking port on the top adapter, though the film MAV did not seem to have any docking capability. - - - Updated - - - Downloads are up on curse for the new DAV and DDV
  6. The MAV is pretty stable actually its the refueler which is tippy understandably. Needs to be laid out in a row I think.
  7. I stole some of CommanderSpocks ideas to test out an idea I had. The MAV is perfectly useable too, 43 parts, 4300m/s dV. What do you guys think? It's very tippy and could probably do with some refinement, it does save us having to shoehorn all that crap onto the MAV. I had an additional inspiration from the movie that Commander Spock could use on his design. The MAV is also open on the top, so if you use hullcam you could watch the launch from inside!
  8. You can release whatever you like, it does not matter if you want to release stuff you let me use in the pack, its yours, I think you should release them. I would love to have a look at your MAV and possibly put it in the pack, you should probably release that too.
  9. Yes, but I had the bright idea (sarcasm) to be able to do the whole thing yourself, because I know KSP'ers like to do stuff the hard way. So you can launch and land everything from Pathfinder to the MAV, (I made an exception for the Hab).
  10. They look good, I don't think I can go near that part count for the Hermes, JAFO's computer would spew its guts up on the desk. I have had to be pretty part count restrictive around the base, we found all the high part count craft summoned the kraken quite reliably. Also the Rovers are supposed to fit in the MK3 cargo modules.
  11. Downloaded low part count save to my 2011 macbook pro and it runs smooth, did an RTG retrieval no problem with Mark Kermney onboard. Problem solved it seems even for slow computers. However the rover is not quite as good to drive, there were patches were it just slid, the old rover did not do this. On the bright side I rolled it twice and only lost one solar panel. I activated the engines on the rear wheels of the trailing rover to make it a bit more responsive.
  12. Downloaded and flown, I added two struts between the tail cone and the Dashboard (the tail was wobbly), also the tailplane control surfaces were not set properly, they were active for everything. Also the real one only has ailerons on the top wing, and the wings were straight, maybe thats one on the bottom wing too inboard. Otherwise it was very manoeuvrable and fun, good replica.
  13. That is a great tool, pity it's windows only I am sure I have seen it mentioned elsewhere. We probably want a shorter faster flyby if possible. It might require some playing with figures. In my head I am playing at a starting altitude of 100km, it probably makes no difference but that is what I have optimised the craft for.
  14. You can find the download link to curse on the first page of this thread, don"t download the craft individually they are different in the save as I wait for some updated craft files.
  15. It"s probably a good idea, everything needs to fit together, rovers, rtg, hab cargo modules etc
  16. Have you downloaded the save file and looked at any of the current craft?
  17. Sorry on my phone, they looked like the big lfo boosters - - - Updated - - - That would be ridiculous, what was I thinking, shouldn't walk and type
  18. Yeah double thuds next to each other with something square clipped around them - - - Updated - - - Though that would be six thuds how many times the required twr is that? - - - Updated - - - Would be good for a dragon Mars transport replica as well
  19. It"s quite tall making it difficult to land on slopes. Also ISRU? My current one is wide on purpose, but I love your thrusters. - - - Updated - - - Whats with the huge mono tank? - - - Updated - - - You only need about 1000ms to get to duna orbit, could be a bit overkill. - - - Updated - - - I sound so critical...sheesh
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