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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. You guys are funny, my most ... moments in order of WTFness (though I loved the book and liked the film, .... see my sig to see my obsession) 1. Cutting suit to use suit pressure to fly around, I bet everyone here has tried to fly an offcenter thrust craft (film) 2. The Mission COMMANDER replacing a SPECIALIST to do the EVA rescue, I almost shouted at the screen (film) 3. The whole MAV to Hermes intercept, see the pages of complicated orbital stuff in The Dunatian thread about trying to accomplish this (book/film) 4. The Hermes (see offcenter thrust again, look at that stupid cabin) (film) 5. The bomb, (see offcenter thrust again) (film/book) I would expect the weakest spot in an airlock to be an overpressure leak valve or something, possibly the air dump vent. Because I doubt in a big airlock like that you want to dump the atmosphere out the door when you want to open it and an explosion is not going to rip the door off, it's going out the vents first. /rant I still liked the film, that end scene was a bit of a sore point for me it seems like they just dumped everything we would actually do just to make a big end scene, that ended up kind of just being awkward, especially as their spin would have increased not decreased as they got closer.
  2. It does speed up going down hill. It depends on the rover, if they work well like ours I think you could maintain 17m/s or a bit more nearly all the time. If you do get to any steep places then you are probably going to have to go manual. If you go flat out everywhere you are going to roll eventually. It happens anyway because you tend to sit with your finger on the W key going flat out. - - - Updated - - - Got the assets loaded and took some Map screenshots, uploading save file, then I am ready for another rover run. - - - Updated - - - Part count around the base I estimate at about 160
  3. It's not a mod, it's just the trim control, that's why I feel dumb
  4. I am downloading several of these type of craft I must have the most powerful bearing of all!
  5. I have a feeling KSP doesn't always tell you the truth, but what it thinks is the truth at that point in time.
  6. Best way I have found is take the blueprint, and the measurements off Wikipedia or something, build a frame in KSP to the right dimensions, use Kronal Vessel Viewer to produce your own blueprint, then scale the original blue print in your photo editor of choice until they match. Then you can always produce another blueprint in KSP and compare it to the scaled blueprint as you build to get all the dimensions you don't know, wing chord, fuselage width etc.
  7. I feel dumb, cruise control for Rover https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3oag12/psa_use_the_trim_controls_laltw_or_lalts_for_easy/
  8. That looks incredible, whats the partcount like? Also I noticed you probably have rigidity issues because of the docking ports. You may want to steal the ones from my Hermes they will help with floppiness.
  9. I'll get you a screenshot of the current one, I don't think there are any presently, it does indeed just look like an extended capsule. I have tested a few landings on it. I added tilted back seats like the movie in both the DAV and DDV, but it means you need to remember to fly from the probe core. The MAV also comes in a version with a hole in the front of the capsule so you can use hullcam to watch your ascent from the eyes of the Kerbal.
  10. Progress was slow, I made a video of a Pathfinder Launch, then I started to place some assets for another runthrough, ran into an issue with the hab so I set about fixing it and cleaning it up. Have placed the hab and a rover with mark in it, now onto the rest of the assets. It's annoying how one small change can waterfall through.
  11. Remember a plane change at a high altitude takes very little dV - - - Updated - - - A very hyperbolic orbit with a plane change and then swing round and catch up?
  12. I suspected the book and the movie made this seem a lot easier than it is in real life, when I first read it, I said well thats some ......... The plane is the launch angle at least, then it's a matter of getting high and fast.
  13. Thanks Majorjim, I too like the books two rovers, he rolls in the book and has to recover, very much like Duna. It is just better with two rovers. - - - Updated - - - Outstanding stuff, so I'm guessing you are getting ready for a beta of the quicksave that we will be able to time forward to several hours before the game starts? I am starting to pull all the assets together for another quick save of all the new stuff and I must must do the last leg of the rover journey.
  14. I have been doing some craft testing and fixing, the rovers are good, very good, tested on Duna and picked up the RTG no worries, no flips so far, I could if I wanted to but I would have to work at it, best thing is no skidding. Tested landing and ascending in the MAV, which is an SSTO, the second stage is completely superfluous, if we need some extra dV we could just ditch the second stage engine and decoupler. Also if you fill the landing stage that has enough TWR and dV to get you a pretty good head start, the MAV could probably come back to Kerbin on it's own easily. The Delta II and Pathfinder are...good, it's fiendishly difficult to pilot the SRB booster on the probe and get it just right, but thats what you get for authenticity. I am trying to add more resources on the probe to make injection easier but every bit of weight I add to the nose affects the balance of the whole craft giving it a horrible rotation. Not sure what to do with that one. Oh I also tested the Ares V and cargo delivery which went without a hitch, impressed a friend no end. - - - Updated - - - - - - Updated - - - Better picture of Pathfinder on it's way to Duna - - - Updated - - - Entering Duna's atmosphere ready to ditch fairing and deploy chutes
  15. Well some good news the DAV still has 3000m/s of dV after reaching 100km orbit
  16. I will trust you on this, I was just repeating something I saw on another thread. Is it still a flyby at the edge of the SOI of Duna? - - - Updated - - - Also I was thinking that when the physical possibilty of it is proven, when you set up a new file, you can simply add the velocity using Hyperedit rather than doing all the pe kicks. We have to add a counterbalanced DDV to Hermes yet as well, plus a non encumbered version for the pickup.
  17. Apparently we might want a retrograde orbit, and to launch to the west to maximise the Landers dV and lessen the dV for the return.
  18. Meanwhile I just got into Duna SOI, immediately lost target, now I can't set target, had to make a manual node and wing it got orbit after overshooting by 1000m/s.
  19. He has gone absolutely above and beyond with this, when I asked for help he really came through. Post
  20. I really like it, can you use sn actual mars landscape picture as the background, and a bit less global illumination so there are shadow. Also I want to don an ad for the rovers " the real Hero of the Dunatian" - - - Updated - - - You can just use Hyperedit, it takes 2 seconds - - - Updated - - - OK I wanted some time to reply to this properly. I am so blown away by the amount of work gone into this, I already repped you so I can't again but this deserves it. I want to post this somewhere else so everyone can see it. This deserves so much more recognition than I can give it. I am not even sure I CAN replicate those steps, or I should say I'm not sure I can devote the time to understanding how to replicate those steps. But I am glad it's possible. Again I wish I could rep you more.
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