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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I built this Ares 1 and Orion capsule as part of the pack for 'The Dunatian' a stock playable save file based on 'The Martian' book/film. I discovered a small error and went back to update it. I had always hated that it was not the right color stock, so while I was working on it I gave it a paint job and some decals. She is such a beauty I made a little video of her launching and deploying Orion. Hope you enjoy. Note: Sorry if you don't hear music, still playing with it
  2. Not confused, it was a joke - - - Updated - - - You can also find it in the book Fallen Angels Jerry Pournelle, one of the authors, was one of the instigators of the Delta Clipper project.
  3. So I made it, trouble is no anomaly. I'm using high terrain detail so it should be there. I have been cruising around trying to find it but no luck. everything I can find so far says it should be at -30.8,-28.8 but no luck so far. Rover is still in good condition, sans roof. I am going to change over to a slightly updated model here and then do the next leg. Edit: with a good route planned I probably could have done it in just over an hour, as it is it took me almost three. -30.3 , -28.8 will check it out next time.
  4. I think the problem is 'some' things will be in different threads, like maybe thermal, while physics will be another, so yes it is multithreaded while not necessarily producing a high part count.
  5. Actually it could be optional as long as there is a couple of hours more than the quickest short trip before the launch window, which you can timewarp through.
  6. What I meant by TWR was the efficiency of your engines or ISP, like Rune said, you have a very high TWR indicating low ISP engines. I just said it in a much worse way without ads
  7. You may be wondering why go to pathfinder at all, there is no need. We cannot use any part of pathfinder to complete the journey, it's only symbolic. That may be true now, but in the future with 1.1 we are going to have ranged antennae. This means the DAV and Pathfinder will have the only antennae that can talk to Kerbin or a satellite in space. So? Well I am thinking ahead to when maybe this scenario involves tasks (contracts) and information is provided via radio (maps maybe?). So what do you guys think, keep the pathfinder side trip or leave it out for now?
  8. I like the look of it, and it looks well made, one question, is it a replica if it hasn't been built yet, wouldn't it be a concept or artists impression?
  9. You know you don't accept submissions, you sort the forum for the last week and pick your own favourites?
  10. Someone else can do the modded version, or even do it in parallel with us. In the book he recharged every day, but had an oxygen day every four or five days. The batteries in KSP last about 5 to 10 minutes, so I need RTG's to make them last longer, so you can get an hours drive, then recharge. Overall I don't want people to have to drive the rover too long it can be a bit boring. That was my longest rover trip to date, just to get to pathfinder. The leg to get to the DAV is currently three times that. Edit: after getting past 10 minutes the urge to do donuts or something equally stupid faded. I think the more time you have invested in the trip the less you want to crash.
  11. Spent about an hour and a half and am probably within striking distsance of the pathfinder location, the rover handled very well, was watching TV with my finger on the button so I didn't see what caused the roll, so far it has handled even quite steep slopes well, even going across them. Top speed so far 35m/s, so here are some beauty shots. You can see the crater I came out of behind the rover Just after the roll, just lost the roofs, didn't even undock, the self righting system helped stop the roll The image is centered on the rover looking south, not much further to the end of the valley. So I could have gone straight south instead of going to the lowest part of the crater rim first and then turning south for the valley mouth. Would probably be at pathfinder right now. Good to remember, leave base and head 180 degrees south to get to pathfinder.
  12. OK I am rovering, the new rover is handling well, no problems with terrain so far, I went west to the edge of the crater, but that was a mistake, the terrain is gentle enough I could have gone straight south and saved some time. Took me 15 minutes to the crater edge. Having two batteries and four RTG's means there is hardly any current drain, I went full speed the whole way. It's probably full again in the time it takes to type this. Will have to reduce the RTG's. I have climbed about 1000m.
  13. If you are building it for this theres no need to remain completely truthful to the film, let practicality with stock parts have a hand.
  14. It would be pretty cool, reverse fairings, when you stage them they erect. Good idea for a mod. If we could fill them with lighter than air gas it would be even better.
  15. I was just keeping it flat out, but it wasn't particularly rough terrain, I went to map mode and back and found it flipping, no idea why. It was almost out of charge so that was the end of the journey. I am adding a system to right the rover in case of a roll. You are right about the engineer, I blew one tyre in earlier testing, lucky I had Bill on board.
  16. Docking alignment went much easier than expected, one tiny change to the front of the rover and everything docked easily Rover craft updated, docks to itself and the hab
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