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Everything posted by Secuas

  1. I think it's a good idea. But just granting building upgrades for free seems a little OP to me. How about a discount? Example contract: Achieve high Kerbin orbit 300 km Reward: x Funds, x Rep + 25% discount on Tracking station upgrade.
  2. Looks awsome ^^ can't wait for a release!
  3. I've been using KSO and adjustable landing gear for a while now and as of 0.90 I deleted all mods and installed them all over again. But now when i try to land/launch a KSO shuttle the wheel are not behaving as wheels they're just static objects and make the shuttle bounce. Any help would be apriciated.
  4. A mod that may help is the Pilot assistance mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100073-0-25-Pilot-Assistant-0-7-Nov-20-Atmospheric-piloting-aids I had this wobbly issue as well. Hope it helps ^^
  5. I'd love this mod but I also like FAR and from what I've expirienced it's really really wonky like an infini-glider when I want to land. Can you include FAR support?
  6. It's a button to report a post to the moderators to signal them that the one who posted it might have broken the forum rules.
  7. Hey, looks awsome! I am stunned by the detail that has been put into this. Maybe a greenhouse to produce food for TACLS?
  8. But for example the B9 wings (not updated to 0.90) are thicker wich to my opinion would fit better with the stock new mk3 parts. because it hasn't been updated and I wanted to play with the new parts so bad I tried the stock wings wich just look absolutely rediculous on such big parts. So for me if I ever want to use the new mk3 system, I am dependent on B9. Same for the engines for that matter if you would use Rapiers, good luck. Here again B9 to the resque.
  9. This is what I'm trying to explain: Don't you think they are a bit too thin?
  10. I agree maybe not too small because you can make humongous wings with them for a larger part count. But in comparisson with the absolutely huge mk3 parts look at how thin they are.
  11. When I saw a preview of the mk3 parts, all I could think was: "Oh those are so awsome!" But as KSP 0.90 got released and try them out for myself I found them really awkward to work with. So first off, Squad you did a great job on the 0.90 just awsome! They allow new cargo options for your stock game. But the little wings wich fit the mk2 system just great are simply too puny to work with on the mk3 system. The looks of the new mk3 system are beyond my expections and are a great new addition to the game, but maybe for the next update please include some bigger and/or thicker wings. Again, amazing job on the update. -Kaname
  12. I meant like the fulll trip, landing on the moon, tour guide. and return.
  13. And how about a regular SLS wich is basically a Saturn V with SRB's ductaped to the side. If it was capable of launching a lunar module to the moon.
  14. So in theory if I'd pick up a Falcon Heavy from the store and slap a lunar module on it. I could go to the moon? (considering money not a problem)
  15. As I building my base on the Mun I was thinking... What would an actual trip to the real moon cost? Or does such a service even exist? So purely out of curiosity, one trip to the moon please!
  16. I know for quite a while that a higher specific impulse is good for use in space. But I never knew what it actually was. So just out of curiosity I would like to know what a specific impulse is. Thanks in advance
  17. 1023: Your getting so high up the first few floors start to unload.
  18. You have to upload your images to a site like Imgur. Then when you have uploaded them to your account Imgur will display a BBcode link wich you can copy and paste in your post. At first it will look like a regular link but when you actually post it, your picture will appear.
  19. I have a small question about mods, like I almost run 30 mods and almost all gamefiles are modified, getting at least 1 crash a day. Since KSP 64 is soup-ier than the default aerodynamics model I am forced to play on KSP 32 bit, but does this have a mod limit? If so when do I know I hit this limit. Or when will it cost game stability? And 64 bit, I have come to believe you can have almost infinite mods as long as you have enough memory. Thanks in advance
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