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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. My pleasure. I chased that bug around for a day myself. I forgot who pointed my error out. Cheers! Skunky
  2. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launchings! Skunky
  3. They are working on getting fuel to flow across couplers sideways. It just hasn't been fully implemented into the game yet. Cheers! Skunky
  4. There's no manual yet since the game is still in development and anything can change. To get LREs and SRBs to fire at the same time, just make sure they are in the same stage. That should be all that's needed, although not quite sure why you'd want to. Oh, one other thing.... Welcome to the KSP Forums! Cheers! Skunky
  5. Update to v0.5 is ready for downloading!! New in this update: v0.5 - Added Mk1Pod retexture - Added SAS Module retexture - Added Radial Decoupler retexture - Added Stack Decoupler retexture - Added Winglet2 retexture Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  6. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Glad to see you gave us a try and are willing to stick around. Happy Launching! Skunky
  7. Any of you extremely talented individuals up to a request? I need a head shot for Capt'n Skunk E. Monkey the Pirate for use as an avatar and possibly a sig image. The head needs to be that of a monkey. The colors should be that of a skunk, i.e. black with white stripe. He needs an eye patch and an earring, possibly a pirate hat/space helmet combination. I would forever be in your debt and willing to tweak a part texture or two for you in trade. Arrr! Capt'n Skunk E. Monkey
  8. Welcome to the KSP forums! Happy Launching! Skunky
  9. BWAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! Shhhhhh! It's the boss!! I hope this brings you great fame and fortune HarvesteR. You deserve it. Cheers! Skunky
  10. Next release will be v0.9 slated for second week of August. We may get some experimental builds before then, but no promises! Cheers! Skunky
  11. The F1 key will take a screenshot and place it in the \Screenshots\ folder under the game folder. Cheers! Skunky
  12. Yup, just modify your original post and when ready to show the world, post a quick reply to let everyone know there's an update and up to the top of the forums you go! Cheers! SKunky
  13. You know, that's a very good question and idea. I would think it's quite possible. Would be an engine with little to no weight, a ton of fuel and very low thrust. Any modders care to take a stab at this one? Cheers Skunky
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launchings! Skunky
  15. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Skunky
  16. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Skunky
  17. You will need to restart the program to load new parts. You should only load the mods you're going to be using. If you download a part or pack and don't find any to your liking, you should delete them to speed up loading. Cheers! Skunky
  18. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! SKunky
  19. Welcome to the KSP Fourms! Happy Launching! Skunky
  20. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Skunky
  21. Version 0.4.1 is now available! Link in first post. New this version: - Medium SRB from Sunday Punch's Wobbly Rockets - Textures now persist when reloading. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  22. ARGGGGGGGGGGG That's the kind of error that chafes my ass. Ok, fixing now! Skunky
  23. You need a unique folder name if you don't want to overwrite the originals. As to the name attribute, that's used in the .craft file with an '_#' appended, the # being the instance number so you can have more than one of the same part in the stack. Here's version 0.4, haven't updated my project post with it since it's not working for me and I don't know how to fix it yet. http://www./?mi69ty41rm9pem1
  24. Welcome to the KSP forums! Happy launching! Skunky
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