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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. If it had been fake, the Russians would have been the first to expose it. Conspiracy threads here aren't exactly welcome. Case closed and so is this thread. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  2. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  3. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  4. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  5. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  6. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  7. Welcome Back Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  8. It says right there at the bottom of the post:
  9. Thanks Adrian. This really means a lot and I'm going to do my best to make sure the heartbeat of the Community is heard by those at the top. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  10. Grats on the promo to global mod.

  11. I really appreciate the support folks. Everything I have done, I did for you folks. As to why I am not around anymore, that's between me and Squad. Please don't ask for details, suffice to say I made a horrible error in judgement. I'm hoping that I can come back, but at the moment it is out of my hands. All I can do right now is apologize to the community and Squad as I feel I've let both down. Again, I really appreciate the kind words and they really do mean a lot to me. Cheers! Skunky
  12. Seeing as 0.17 has been released, this thread will now be closed. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  13. This is for discussing the next (v0.18) release of KSP. Keep it civil and on topic. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky
  14. Keep it civil and on topic. This is for discussing the v0.17 release of KSP. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  15. I take it you don't frequent any of the major game publisher forums either? Our rules are no more strict than any other major game publisher. In fact, our rules were based on the rules of those sites. Some major publishers are even more strict that we are in how they operate their forums. I think for the most part, the majority of members appreciate the hard, unpaid work the staff here do and we don't expect to please 100% of the people. There's always someone that's going to cry over something. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  16. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  17. MechWarrior Online. I've waited for this for so long. It's really shaping up to be pretty good. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  18. Oh, I get it. I was just pointing out that he's still luckier than I am because he at least has a copy of the game. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  19. Yeah, you have your parents footing your bills. Wait until you have to cover the bills AND buy your own entertainment. For some of us living on limited fixed incomes, this means New Game or Food this week. Yeah, food wins every time. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  20. Did you delete your persistence file by chance? Is there no debris remaining from any of the craft? Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  21. Folks, PLEASE, when you quote a post with images, snip the images from the quote. It makes the pages unnecessarily long. Also, we don't need to see the same image over and over and over.... Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  22. I suspect those are from that pile of debris in the background? It's a known bug that wings will fly around on their own. There was a guy that built a craft that flew by using that bug as the only means of propulsion. Pretty freaky to say the least. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  23. At least you can afford a copy. I got to hope I get lucky and win a copy or wait till it goes on deep discount Winter Steam Sale. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  24. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  25. It helps to lessen the learning curve if the system is similar to our own. It's not going to be exactly the same, Kerbin has two moons, but the idea is that if it's closer to what people already know, it's easier for them to learn other things. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
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