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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  2. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  3. Apologies to anyone that has replied by PM to this post. Please redirect all PM about this to myself. If you already sent a PM to Damion, please resend to me. If you sent your application before 5-25, I should already have a copy. Sorry for the confusion. Continue to send to Damion again. To anyone that sent to me, it has been forwarded on to Damion for collection. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  4. Apologies to anyone that has replied by PM to this post. Please redirect all PM about this to myself. If you already sent a PM to Damion, please resend to me. Sorry for the confusion. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  5. Welcome to the KSP Forums! An 'indie' developer is one that is developing without a publisher, they are taking on the project independently. There aren\'t 'droves' of developers on this. There might be a dozen people working on this project, primarily developers and a few non-programmer types Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  6. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  7. That 'radar' is the Nav Ball or Navigation Aid or Artificial Horizon, among other names. The yellow circle is prograde, the direction you are traveling. The yellow circle with an X is retrograde, the direction you are coming from. The purple markers point to KSC and away from KSC. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  8. Please do not bump threads. Even your own. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  9. Google bought YouTube, that\'s why. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  10. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  11. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  12. Attention Mod Authors! OUTDATED AS OF VERSION 0.21. UPDATE COMING I would like to suggest some tips and tricks for packing your project up into an archive file to be used as a standardized template. Archive Filename: The file for download should include your project name and version number. The reason for this is so people can organize their downloads and quickly see if they have downloaded the current version. Example: MechJeb 1.8.3.zip, NovaPunch 2.1.7z, DamnedAerospace 1.1.rar File & Folder Structure: Since most people will extract your project to a folder that contains other projects, the first thing inside your archive should be a folder with the same name as the archive, i.e. the project name and version number. Inside that folder should be your readme.txt and the folders for Parts, Plugins, etc. Example: MechJeb 1.8.3.zip ->readme.txt (optional) ->\Parts\[partname]\[files] ->\Ships\VAB\[files] (optional) ->\Ships\SPH\[files] (optional) ->\Plugins\[files] ->\PluginData\[files] (optional) ->\Source\MechJeb 1.8.3\[files] (optional) ->\[other folders]\[misc files] (optional) This format will insure that no files are overwritten by accident (except the readme, tho GME handles it). If you are using Generic Mod Enabler, it will properly rename the readme by adding the project name to the filename. All other files will give a warning about being over written. Cheers! Capt'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  13. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  15. The NovaPunch pack has a decoupler for attaching to the top of command pod where the chute goes. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  16. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  17. Considering you can rotate parts in any direction with WSADQE, there\'s no need to glitch anything. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  18. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  19. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  20. Not so easy running RP boards is it? Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  21. You can ignore the source folder, it\'s not needed to use the plugin. It\'s the source code to the plugin in case you want to look at it. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  22. The same place you can find all plugin mods, the Plugin-Powered Addon Releases board FYI: The current MJ version is 1.8.3. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  23. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  24. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  25. It\'s a new feature in 0.15, so a lot of people are getting tricked by it. 8) Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
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