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Everything posted by Ascensiam

  1. Hey, just work on it mate, you can get anywhere with hard work and experience. Thumbs up from me.
  2. Nice work, you're going to get further in the future if you just keep it up.
  3. Hey, how many do you think play Rome Total war, Homeworld, Half-Life and the like? Those games are nearing a decade in age, some simply get stuck on our brains, KSP is, by my opinion, one such game, it has that ''returning playability'' feel.
  4. Enjoy your unique thread tag, i'm basically a bicycle trip away from the lego factory, so i couldn't help it when i saw a LEGO enthusiast.
  5. Moved to the Spacecraft exchange as this doesn't really qualify as fan-works. Consider uploading the craft file too.
  6. He lived for a long time as well, promoting mun landings and space exploration right up till his death. It came as a surprise for me because he seemed so fresh and up to the task as he's always been. Truly an amazing man with amazing dedication.
  7. Done. Your storytelling is good, although this video borderlines a little on a normal mission AAR.
  8. Welcome to the non-stop train of explosions.
  9. In the beginning i didn't even know about ASAS, seriously, i stabilized craft with the controls all the way to orbit. Then i learned about it, and i've found it to be just precisely that of a tolerable level of assistance. The ASAS is a massive automatic help, but i prefer doing as much as possible by hand. So i have extremely few mods installed, and not Mechjeb, i want to continue sharpening my skill for the planet update.
  10. For those of you interested in more than just fanworks, Radion is running a roleplay on an offsite server here: http://kerbalroleplay.com/
  11. That is the best kind of publicity, from the masters themselves. And NASA knows what they are doing.
  12. People, this thread is about a guy that found the Mun Arch, you can always discuss Munar formation in the Off-topic forum.
  13. (My opinion) It's none of these things, it's a squished square, with a bigger top than bottom, the part you see to the left is the side of this shape lying in the shadow, it's a form of some sort, a spaceship part, a building, i do not know, but i believe it's a single object with a half faced away from the sun, with some sort of device on top.
  14. Actually that's better, considering that not many people consider spoiling those images, you're all good. The only thing i was worried about is NSFW pictures, fortunately people here have been mature.
  15. Let's hope history is written soon, it would really suck badly to see such a revolutionary and remarkably kerbal way to land end in a crater on the surface.
  16. Don\'t worry, we aren\'t after your creative content or your work. We do however oppose the idea of people dumping video mission reports here.
  17. Welcome aboard, i am sure you can find not so childish equations here that will blow your mind, the community just likes to have some fun, can you blame them? Anyways, good to have another player with us!
  18. A new tag, has been added to increase your options. Please take note that normal mission reports with gameplay is not considered Fan-works, it must be original content.
  19. ping, you\'re tired, go to bed.
  20. It\'s the new \'\'How Jeb would\'ve flied the craft on his own prediction\'\' I kid, this is a simple bug, it\'s only temprorary as far as i know.
  21. This is really creative, especially the way you\'ve managed to make it seem like several things are being controlled at once. Also, was there a hint of humor here? Not the missed shots, but i did laugh pretty loudly when the torpedo attack boat destroyed itself more than it\'s target. And, old explosions? I suppose you\'ve either chosen not to update for a particular reason, or as i suspect, this has been a WIP for a good deal of time.
  22. I have to say though, adding magic to minecraft to please the majority is in my opinion something that has ruined the game entirely, yeah, come at me, but that\'s how i see it. Same here, i\'ve played a great deal of these majority games and i find space mining way too far ahead of the tech area this game is at, docking and space stations, for example, is far more important in my opinion. So you\'ll always find people trying to immediately add commonly found features to streamline newer games like KSP.
  23. You\'ve definitely got the short covered. It seems you are trying to rhyme, if so, are you going to provide more than this?
  24. Sorry, the Fan-Fiction board is not the place to dump your screenshots. Thread Locked.
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