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Everything posted by Val

  1. Very nice looking design. Looks really sleek. And nice dV, too. Here's my humble attempt. Still haven't gone beyond LKO with it. Depends on pure Airbreathing to take off from Laythe, but I think that should be doable. Can reach 1350 m/s on Airbreathing, taking off from Kerbin. I think it looks like a coldwar relic. A mix of a B-58 Hustler and Myasishchev M-50. I'm quite happy with that.
  2. I think you need to change the CONICS DRAW MODE to 0 to be able to see the orbit when focusing on the Mun.
  3. I had a similar issue, where it wouldn't transmit data, even though the antenna extended. Turned out that the antenna was mounted too close to a service bay, and the antenna would only function when the service bay was open.
  4. OK. That makes sense. Thank you, both. Yeah, sorry about that little deception. I had to replace IntakeAtm with IntakeAir, to get it to load at all. Otherwise I got a freeze on loading KSP and this in the log: ... PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/RONTGEN/part/M2X_AtomicJet' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) [ShipTemplate]: No Resource definition found for RESOURCE (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) IntakeAtm not found in resource database. Propellant Setup has failed. (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleEngines.SetupPropellant () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ...
  5. @MaverickSawyer & biohazard15 The question was why the R4-D only has Air as propellant.
  6. I was wondering the same. No other propellants are listed in the part.cfg. Which as far as I can tell, means it's a perpetual motion machine as long as it's in an atmosphere. Or am I missing something?
  7. I used a rover with landing gear for wheels. Landed near and used RCS to roll into position. Retract gear to get the grabber to hit.
  8. You are confusing terms. What you're talking about is changing the Angle of Incidence, that is changing the angle between the aircrafts fuselage and wings. Adjusting AoA (Angle of Attack) is done with the elevators/horizontal stabilizer, as in rotating the whole aircraft.
  9. FAR changes the weight of wings depending on the Strength slider. If you didn't change the strength, then it seems the default setting is a lot heavier than Stock weights.
  10. 0.23.5, just a week or so before 0.24
  11. Even though it's a bit off-topic, I'll again refer to Veritasitum, regarding the Cell Phone Radiation studies. No bananas for scale
  12. This video by Veritasitum also gives great information about Radioactivity, in my opinion, including flying. (11 minutes) Bonus Info: Uses Banana for Scale
  13. Some countries/languages do have gender specific last names. Iceland for one. Many western last names ending with son or sen (i.e. Anderson, Jensen) are a remnant of gender specific last names, though they aren't used that way anymore.
  14. I don't think they'll allow you to run your own scripts. Also your counter increases every time I refresh this page.
  15. Reducing all 3 color channels an equal amount should equal reducing brightness.
  16. Me, too. Mostly the latter, but last time it was the former.
  17. Duna: Successful manned return mission. Eve: Unmanned lander.
  18. I'd very much like to see a aerodynamics model that doesn't punish using nose-cones, and does punish flat pancake rockets. I'm a fairly new player. I started in July. In the beginning, I tried to build long sleek rockets, because I thought it'd make it easier to punch through the atmosphere. I was very disappointed to go on the forums and find out that it worked better to build out radially, because it has no appreciable aerodynamic impact. I my mind it should be a trade-off between a long low-drag, but structurally unstable rocket, or a flat high-drag, structurally stable one. Right now long rockets are both high-drag and structurally unstable, which I think, is why people learn to build those whacky looking things... I'd also very much like to see fairings and cargo bays shield their contents.
  19. I've seen someone use the term, Kerbucks.
  20. I love the designs of these parts. It is my new preferred base for building large SSTOs. I wanted exactly the same. Here's what I built.
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