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Everything posted by Max.10.07

  1. Uhh it looks like you screwed up the download link. The "https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v16.2" text (6.2 is not part of the link) actually links to https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases/tag/v14.0.0, which looks like has caused issues for some people earlier in this thread, as well as me, just a heads up.
  2. I have a question, does FAR actually simulate a difference in air pressure and then lift from that change? Like when a typical lets say 747 is in flight, the air above the wing moves faster, reducing pressure, and making a pressure difference, allowing the low pressure at the bottom to push it up.
  3. * Made wheel autostrutting more configurable. YES THANK YOU I THOUGHT MY ROVER BUILDING CAREER WAS OVER JUST AS IT STARTED
  4. Wait so we can't make suspension through structural parts if we attach wheels on them? :C
  5. Fix the mediafire links, they skip the This website cannot be used on these forums and it's just www./download, here's the high res link http://www.mediafire.com/download/33p88o198agg37v/Better+Atmospheres+V5+.zip
  6. Squad is partnered with G2A?????!!?!??!? https://gyazo.com/bdeab1b3f68bb2285e8f43d391b5a35c
  7. I can't find the github link... That's what I meant.
  8. I read the post twice, and still counldn't find the dl, also, the thing where you said that you'll take down dls, is that only for the dev ver? Or also for the 0.2.1 "Stable" Version? Which would explain why I can't find it. I'm just terrible at finding DL links, sorry.
  9. 1/10 no momentum dumping reaction wheels. Anyway, I don't care since I don't use reaction wheels in ksp at all, due to no momentum dumping, I don't care about power doe, 10/10.
  10. You can do it if you increase the rear winglet deflection on the new firehound.
  11. Thats what EXACTLY happens in the skyeye, just after takeoff, something explodes within the fairings for me, I might try stock. So all I did was take FAR+stock and skyeye, and kaboom right after takeoff. Also one of my 1.25m batteries goes kaboom on my hypersonic-double-turbojet plane, or maybe more batteries explode.
  12. Ok, re-installed, seems good now! But I did get a revert crash, probs nothing to worry about, I just don't get why some problems like slow loading come up over time. No probs so far.. hehe, far... get it?
  13. Ok, re-installed, seems good now! But I did get a revert crash, probs nothing to worry about, I just don't get why some problems like slow loading come up over time. Also the skyeye has something exploding inside the fairing at about 110m/s I think you should look into it.
  14. No mods, new save, just built an mk3 jet plane with flaps, the fat wings, rudder and elevator, and one passanger cap and one large cargo bay. The tail is the slanted 2.5m-mk3, 1.5m to 2.5m slanted, and finally the slanted nosecone, I have the short, non sharp cone at the start of the jet, a small landing gear, the one we had for years and 2 medium landing gear. There are 3 of the large new control surfaces per wing. Cockpit->passanger cap-> cargobay->tail. I'll try to redownload the game, anyway my mods and saves for 1.0.2 are in another folder.
  15. Umm? Help? I built a jet with wings 1 shift-rotation up, and when it goes past about 150-200m/s the camera goes behind it, and whenever I touch the rotational controls the navball goes mad, showing insane changes in velocity, as well as the G-meter, in the mk3 cockpit the navball is upside down, and sometimes the craft just randomly explodes, I also tried giving Bill a 0-g ride in an mk3 cargo bay, but he was still dragged to the rear lke in 0.90. Or is it 1.0.4?
  16. Lol I had it so often before, never though it was TweakScale! xDDDDDD
  17. Why does it seem to not like TAC LS? Ill test more to see if it's some other mod with TAC LS and FAR.
  18. Finally a mod that makes it feel like parts are actually connected over their area, not a tiny stick in the middle.
  19. To not have to 180 rotate, just go to alt f12, cheats, and tick the not strict part rotation attachment thingy. Hope this helps. Same with KW rocketry btw. - - - Updated - - - Last setting in cheat menu. - - - Updated - - - Last cheat menu setting. - - - Updated - - - Look above. - - - Updated - - - Plz mention me in 1st page, so everyone can use old mods that have that bug, like kw rocketry an stuff.
  20. Same problem, the sparkling landing gear. - - - Updated - - - Can you just enable ground effects for everything, including wheels, for those races, and make the sparks for everything that is not a wheel?
  21. I don't know if this was asked, but does it cover parts that are in the airless shadow behind a part that moves the air outwards? Also, doens't seem to work with kerbals in cargobays :c
  22. Max.10.07


    Either their imagination, or happening in different places/universes.
  23. Maybe it depends on the staging, maybe they had all the parts going off, it is not because its many part fairing, kw fairings are many part but only the top seperates from the ship, since in kw, the low fairings are attached to the floating nose, bu I think staging only the bottom will be enough, but it will spin in the way you don't want it to, so a weak, low fueled sepatron should do. - - - Updated - - - So no floating fairing debris? Dammit, I want fairing debri!!
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