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Everything posted by michaelsteele3

  1. 78888888888^384927492^382984952729834^Number of atoms in the universe^32899919984939859582899898958989838^872937494857239^93749287539487^98237842765976954^927359457298457^98573249587324592374593247529347592375923576375923792364236489269582659823746583465892364529387456283796^982739275934759237846532758937589237459823749657^97923725947523498579328475932457923475932847679357694^79327696985265723459237592384753745384752984759823475 Nailed it:cool:
  2. Welcome to the KSP forums! Now about your problem, perhaps you have tried re-downloading it? (Simple and very commonly used tactic, but may be effective) If not, perhaps a mod can help? I'm just a user so... Good luck!
  3. That would be great! I'll give you +1 rep just for submitting! The main goal: Try to make an exact replica of Space Shuttle Columbia, and try to make it explode at the exact time Columbia would have. I'm thinking of making a movie, and this would be great to add! Thank you!
  4. I didn't even know that KSP had air vents. But not really, unless you count a few bugs.
  5. Late-Welcome to the KSP Community!
  6. They scrubbed (postponed) it All the live viewer's reactions: ;.;;.;:mad:
  7. Probably a glitch. (It was creepy though) I was new to KSP, and I decided to jump out while launching. But when I hit the ground, my screen went black, and the altitude counter was going bezerk. And it was playing music from when you reach space (the dreamy one) After that, I had to reboot my game.
  8. Yeah, new update on their blog. Launch time is approximately 9:44
  9. Well, they speak backwards spanish (At least, that's what the wiki says ) So maybe sosep? That's sounds familiar...
  10. "The fuel tanks of the Delta IV Heavy’s three core boosters will be pressurized and held for two minutes before the fill-and-drain valves are activated to see if they respond as they should. Again, the launch window today remains open until 9:44 a.m. EST." Most recent update from here (the time is off :/) https://blogs.nasa.gov/orion/
  11. Here is where you can talk about Orion! It is currently having issues with the booster valves. Watch it launch live here: http://www.nasa.gov It's on the front page. May launch within 45 minutes or less!
  12. I think you should remove "Dinosaurs" from the poll because more than 1/3 of the voters voted for it.
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