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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. @Neroziat, thanks for sharing info about that post. Perhaps more permanent solution hides in this: @Ziw, are you already being able to grab some free time to look at those new exposed API methods ? Good thing is that @NathanKell was part of SQUAD team while those autostruts were in development. He was thinking about IR mod even back than: So, instead of calling proper API method each time IR part motion is triggered as more "proper" solution, would be possible to add simple ON/OFF button on IR user interface ? That way user can toggle autostruting on demand. It would be handy, not only for IR mod, but also workaround of stock bug. When you build larger station or assembly craft modules in orbit, have some wheels onm both crafts and those autostrut themselfs on docking. That is not so bad on docking, but those remain connected even when you try to undock, creating strange kraken forces.
  2. This imgur galery shows workaround for wheel autostruting. Since a lot of people ask how to turn on visualisation of autostrut links I will put first screenshot from galery in this post too. On flight scene open cheat/debug menu with ALT+F12 on windows os or mod key if you are on linux or MAC. I appologize for few more pictures from galery, but I feel that is necessary, despite provided link for full galery. First thing to keep on mind, like mentioned earlier, is to put some non moving IR part as grandparent part, like on this picture: However, as shown on picture, when you put wheels in symetry mod, wheels put autostrut to their symetry counterpart too. That create wierd things if you try to move powered hinges. So, you need to place wheels on craft without symetry. First, I placed wheels in symetry mode. Then, I copied oposite symetry part with ALT + Click. Placed that part to hang in air in SPH editor. After that I placed only left side of wheels without symetry. Next step is to place that copied symetry counterpart without symetry on craft too. After that, folding of wheels can be done properly:
  3. There is several variants of foldatrons. Try with basic Foldatron first. I think that one have longest "arm".
  4. Does github is updated or it shows obsolete files only for me ? It shows that latest commit is ea259af... from October 11. I doubt that is intended last update. There is nothing new under releases either. Only last official update is shown there. I can try shaders on both, windows and linux, but I don't thonk that GitHub shows proper files for me. farshaders.ksp is 10 month old on GitHub. EDIT: Disregard question, Akira_R already answered.
  5. Wheels autostrut in same way with or without KJR. Problem with KJR is easy solved when you modify config XML file. Mentioned several times in this thread trough few pages back. Rover alone might work at one point, but when you add more parts on it to create lander and additional parts that form lifter, heaviest part on craft changes, and wheels always love to autostrut on heaviest part.
  6. Most probably wheels autostruts to your parts. Use ALT+F12 and under physics choose to show autostrut visualisation. It is a bit tricky to fool wheels to not autostrut into powered IR parts, but seems that is less issue with free moving ones. Also, wheels tends to autostrut with their counterpart on symetry, creating additional force your hinges have to fight. Like on this WIP Rocker Bogie rover. It ended up heavier than planed when I attached some science parts on craft based on those wheels. Also working on a way how to land properly this beast on mun and create feasible lifter for it. Unfortunately, folding/unfolding wheels will not be option due to fact that wheels autostrut to symetry counterpart. Does not influence free moving parts much as it work as intended, like it is on provided picture.
  7. Most of mods use default UI that comes with unity game engine. Those seems to need extra care, to intercept mouse on click event and don't allow to "pass" that click to other game objects, once it is catched with focused UI. It is due to unity game engine bad design choice, so all developers have extra workload because of it. Probably not even explained properly in unity documentation.
  8. Search for soulution regarding KJR just few pages back. It was repeated frequently in this thread lately.
  9. Should be. But this is better to ask in CKAN thread. Is it available already or not depends on values in .version file for both, AVC and CKAN bot. If there is written that max supported KSP version is 1.2.1, for example than it would not show up on CKAN. Metadata for those have to be manualy owerriden by CKAN staff members. That can be a while until everything is settled down. I'm still on KSP 1.2.1., so I can't check out for KSP 1.2.2.
  10. Thanks @V8jester and @MaxRebo, I have indeed missed that info about additional editing of xml file, it would be useful to know for other users too. @Ziw, seems that IR Sequencer is responsible for harmless spam in log: KSPUtil is obsolete assembly, it does not cause any other issues as classes from that assembly are integrated elsewhere in stock game since KSP 1.2.x. Happens when you enter VAB/SPH from any other scene change. Another thing found regarding clicktrough UI in VAB/SPH. When you edit groups, and want to move some part from one group to another by clicking on tiny button with arrow UP or DOWN. Clicking on that button and having some craft part in background deattach that part from craft. Input text boxes seems that does not suffer from same issue.
  11. I can't use IR on Blizzy's toolbar either. As soon as I check IR icon to be available at Blizzy's toolbar, whole toolbar UI disapear. However, if I check some icon from other mod, like final frontier or something, toolbar does not vanish, but IR icon is not shown on it either. @MaxRebo mentioned that he does not have issue with IR and toolbar at all. That was in kOS thread: Speaking of it, hvacengi seems to be able to fix toolbar for kOS in private release, those fixes will be available in next kOS release to public. He might have some tips how to fix it in IR, too. @RevengerXXL, like Ziw, I also use stock bar for IR. Have a little clue why it does not show up on your system. Only thing that pops up on my mind is that you didn't cleaned whole folders after some mod install. It is easy to miss settings file for Blizzy's toolbar. That one is not nested inside 000_Toolbar folder, it is saved under \Gamedata\ folder. Try to search for filename "toolbar-settings.dat" adn delete it. It was "known" issue from the past that if kraken attacks toolbar, deleting that file can help fixing it. Although, you will need to rearange your buttons on it again. Make sure you test everything on fresh KSP install, otherwise some leftovers from previous mod installs can interfere and broke something. Can't think of anything else what might be issue.
  12. Raising github issue on page that you can download latest release is probably more prefered, but you can also post your findings here on forum. Log files, craft and savegame files when required are best to be uploaded on some cloud service, like dropbox or similar. Provide only links to those on forum or github when needed. Reliable reproducing steps are also good to be on forum, so other users can try to reproduce them and confirm/deny issue.
  13. Once it get out of beta testing phase. It is close, but there is few issues left. Few of us testing this beta release and report feedback to iron out remaining issue. @Darren9, you are partly correct, additional free moving joints between helps a bit, still that was a bug, free joints were being locked on craft loads regardless. With latest release, however it is no longer a case, despite my bad WIP design, those joints were no longer locked at 0%. There is at least some small degree of movements shown. Also, you must not forget about stock KSP "feature" with wheels autostutings. Showing them trough ALT+12 cheat menu helps with troubleshooting of craft designs flaws. Following picture shows some progress with my own design flaws and how wheel autostruts were attached between IR parts. I have put additional truss adapter between wheel legs and free moving IR parts, creating a subassembly of it, that will make it easier to try general idea with different kind of IR parts. Orange lines are visulisation of wheel autostruts. It would be great if those free moving parts could be limited in editor, so additional strutting were not needed, but it is not absolutely necessary, there is more important stuff to iron out. I have yet to try stuff with powered IR parts, but first testings shows that autolock of parts is no longer issue. I have used tweakscaled parts on this craft without issues, although those are all new parts from Zodiusinfuser WIP repack.
  14. I encountered some new bug. Using latest dll and IR core. Only free moving rotatrons joints on this WIP Rover wheels: Free rotating Rotatron with wheels attached working fine when alone. However there is need to limit movement +/-45 or 35 degree. It is not possible to do that with free moving parts. So, I tried to limit movement by adding additional free moving parts. Tried different combo, using rotatrons and/or free moving joints, but no luck. Expected behaviour is that wheels stay on the ground all times, while rotate around rotatron axis. With strut conection to secondary free moving rotatron or free joint, movement should be limited to less degree, but 5-15 degree of rotation should still be possible. Unfortunately, it is not. Looks like free moving parts were locked in place, similar to powered parts like others described before, just there is no option to unlock it since those are free moving parts. Haven't found anything suspisious in log file. Let me know if you need craft file fro testing. Almost forgot to mention, I tried this with and without KJR mod, behaviour is the same. Also, wort to note that this is with KSP 1.2.1.
  15. @hvacengi, sure, I will make a copy of existing game and mod setup (KSP 1.2.1) and also with latest KSP 1.2.2. to see if there is any difference. Send a PM for details.
  16. No. If you unedit those, you will once again have no IR parts moving scenario. KJR stiff joints in many different way. It was assumed that MuMechToggle is not respected in KJR regarding to allow IR parts to move. MuMechToggle is used to detect when IR part animation is triggered to release KJR stiffnes and when it is ended to turn on stiffnes, but now at different position of joint. multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement do different thing. Closest way to described it is like stock autostrut, but not only to grandparent part it put autostruts to many other nearby parts, doesn't looking is it IR part or something else. multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement is not aware of MuMechToggle trigger and "autostrut" to closest part, regardless if it is IR part or not. I was saying in previous post that once multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement is disbled, you need to put regular struts on strategic places of your construction. Not that you need to turn multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement on again.
  17. You are fighting with different kind but yet similar animals(kraken) here. MuMechToggle - in KJR configs should recognize when IR parts and similar started/stoped animation and KJR should release stiffnes to allow them to move. multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement - that is new feature in KJR - quite similar in behaviour as stock autostruts. It will create invisible strut from some other part to IR part that should be able to move on demand. So, if you set multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement to zero, it means parts were no longer stiffened trough "autostruts", you need to add regular struts between parts to strength out your constructions. Gallery with example of varialble geometry wings is good example how it is possible to strength out your craft design. To be more specific, use stackable extendratrons instead of full sized, so you can put additional struts and still allow IR parts to move: When properly designed, your crafts would still be strong enough despite using IR parts. Of course there is limits somewhere if you wish to create something with unreasonable size and weight, like this one: You have to find weak spots on your crafts and strength them out with regular struts and being careful that those won't limit IR parts to move.
  18. Latest known working version of FAR no. If you search trough thread, you will find that is planed along with wing overhaul part of code. If there is no so many breaking changes between KSP updates we would see it much sooner. Until then we can only be patient and wait.
  19. Right. Be sure to delete AssetBundles folder before you install latest IR plugin over.
  20. @sal_vager, I got very similar issue with KSP 1.2.1. and moded game. I'm still observing it to narrow down issue and provide reliable reproducing steps and more meaningful output log. Trough my observations, seems that issue can be triggered more often if you have flag or more than one craft in close proximity. Only craft that is in main focus (the one that you switched to from tracking station) is jumped in air, while other nearby crafts behave as expected. Does not happen each time you switch to same craft, so it is tricky to provide reliable reproducing steps. If it matters, I'm forcing DX11 and here is how my settings file look like:
  21. Have you installed part pack at all ? I wrote order of install on previous pages. Links for exact download files are still missing, but it is not too hard to find. Latest IR 2.0.8 contains only plugin until all bugs are sorted out, so you need part pack from older IR release, but latest available IR core plugin. Answer is literaly one post above yours.
  22. Ah, sorry, I didn't read carefuly, probably because I should be in bed long time ago :). Boot feature is changed in one of latest kOS patches. Now, you need to create "boot" folder. Whatever script is in that folder, it will be available to choose in VAB/SPH on right click kOS CPU menu. Perhaps it is beter explained in changelog and in new files and volumes documentation. I also wandered how it is possible to change boot script when craft is already in flight. Answer i sburied somewhere in this forum: set core:bootfilename to "/boot/my_boot_script.ks".
  23. Check this post, one page back, it would be awkward to quote myself.
  24. Two small videos about ground effect topic: There is longer videos about same thing, but above should suffice, I hope.
  25. You would find better answer if asked in kOS thread. Maybe even better if you have account on reddit, kOS developers seems to be more active there. Anyhow, can't give you exact answer for KER, but if KER provide any additional data on right click menu on some part, it should be available to kOS CPU for usage. That part of kOS documentation seems to be still WIP, bud page about ship parts should be your first stop. Maybe for easier finding you may want to start with kOS general topics page and there you will find listed captions about Parts and Part modules. Some other general data that KER provide can be accessed in different way, trough ship sensors, kuniverse sufixes etc. I'm not best person to ask because I still learning about kOS mysteries by myself, but things that I have figured out I share with others. EDIT: Moderators, maybe it would be good to move those two posts in kOS thread ?
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