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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Welcome to forums. I doubt that SETI have anything with it. It does not mess with graphics at all and on picture is only stock parts as much as I can recall. SETI change some of part properies, like mass, removes monopropelant from command pods and some other minor tweaks for gamebalance purpose. Beside that there is rearange of parts trough tech tree and tweaking of contract rewards. Issue you have comes from something else, could be some mod that SETI recommend or something else. We can only throw blind guess what it could be. To help you further, list of all installed mods is needed as well as "output_log.txt" file. You can find output log inside KSP_x64_Data folder if you are using windows, on other OS location is slightly different. Do not post log file on forum, upload it on some cloud service like dropbox or pastebin and just post link for it here. Can't promise that issue will be instantly revealed, but it is at least starting point for anyone, to be able to help you further.
  2. Seems like author of mod changed ways how folder structure would look a like. Try to uninstall previous mod version first. Then check out if there is any leftovers of previous install (empty folders or folders of mod with some config/xml files or similar left still left in. Delete those and try to install phoenix industries mod again. That should fix install issue if all files belongs to that mod. In cases of dependencies, it can be indeed that something is poorly configured with netkan. I don't use this mod for myself, so I can't tell what is exact issue. I hope it will help you to troubleshoot what is exact issue and narrow down origin of bug. That will help CKAN staff members to solve issue faster.
  3. I'm not realy sure if I understand question properly, but I will try to answer. Part:controlfrom() should give you same result as if you right clicked on dock port or another probe on vessel. You still control same vesel, but navbal is oriented in different way - changing left/right up/down reference points. Craft still respond on control input sending values to control surfaces and/or engine gimbals. Take this info with a grain of salt, as I can't actualy check in game this right now and it is being a while since I have messed with those. Now, I only assume that, when you have staged, you have released torpedo and it is no longer part of your main ship, but you still want to control torpedo and somehow guide it to target. For that kind of purposes, you might need that your torpedo contains some battery, control probe and another kOS CPU. kOS CPU on torpedo should have software capable to listen mesages send to it and respond to those messages. Check out communication chapter of kOS documentation. So, you need to programm some AGs on main craft/CPU to send some messages, like go UP/DOWN or just send bearing/velocity where torpedo should lock their steering to. I think it should be possible to read heading from some camera somehow and send that info to torpedo/rocket to lock on. Or you can track bearing/distance from main craft and targeted craft, do some calculation and simply send heading/pitch info where torpedo should lock on. That should work, in theory, but I didn't have chance to try something like this in game, it is on my "to do in KSP" list, but real life issues put me away from playing KSP for a while, right now.
  4. Actualy, it is quite possible to get B9 Mk2 type cockpit in space. Re-entry is different story, though. Having less mass, compared to stock cockpit make it also to heat up much quicker, so even with increased heatr tolerance gamebalance is not ruined too much.
  5. I'm afraid that it will last only so long until SQUAD reinvent wheels again.
  6. Real chutes is one option. It can be configured in much more ways than stock chutes. Size of chute, number of chutes used, material of chutes etc. I'm not sure if it would be sufficient for HX parts. Other option is to use tweakscale and rescale chutes. You might need to write personal MM patch for tweakscale chutes, I no longer recall if there is available MM tweakscale patch for chutes or not.
  7. I don't think that issue is related with KAS/KIS at all. Similar bug encountered even with stock game: Seems that reducing terrain detail can help with this bug. I hope that Squad will be able to fix that one for next KSP release.
  8. Well each user have to weight out pros/cons for each, stock comm and RT system. Someone might like things that were better done in stock, while other stuff were better in RT. Mostly depends what each user wish/expect to experience in his playtrough. I was short in time for KSP playing sessions, also early versions of RT for KSP 1.2.2. were still in development, slightly bugged, so in last career game playtrough I was using stock comm system. Can't say it is way too simplified or bad. Just have to be aware of differences. Looking forward to see how RT would look like builded over stock comm system, for next career game. Hopefuly I will have more time for games at that time.
  9. There was debate in this thread when KSP 1.2.0 is released. Somewhere around page #20. You might need to read few pages before/after, I no longer recall exact spot. RT is similar, but yet different in some aspects. I will note a few, as much as I can recall from top of my head, so take this with a bit of grain of salt. - stock antennas - no need to adjust specific dirrection where antenna is pointed. You need to do that in RT on both end of communication node. - there is no signal delay in stock comm - you can choose to have signal delay or not in RT - there is no flight computer in stock as there is no need for it - you have flight computer in RT that you will need for proper node execution if you have enabled signal delay. Either that or you might prefer kOS autopilot - there is much more diversity of antennas in RT and they were more balanced for career gameplay (mass EC consuption, etc.), just my personal opinion - many other differences that you can only notice once you start using RT that I most probably forgot about because it was blended in game quite well If you just want some comm system that will give you need for launching comm sats/probes and don't want complex system that RT provide, then stick with stock game. However if you want some more chalange in game and don't mind learning a bit more of everything then give RT a try.
  10. Either wait for proper official working release to pop up on space dock, or use alternative links provided by @V8jester in few post above. I was run out of free time for KSP lately and get a bit tired to repost my own post again and again. Give a cookie to @V8jester for keeping thing in order.
  11. Time fall deep into "relative" term and subjective feeling, but already a year passed ? It's way too quickly, I didn't accomplished even 1/3rd of my personal "to do" list. I can only wish much more good years for this community of developers and players.
  12. IIRC, it is for meemorial of Martin Knudsen and his contribution in physics. More info is on wiki page regarding Knudsen number or to be more specific, relationship with mach and Reynolds number in fluids. More accurate info might be found if you search this thread where ferram anounced news about that FAR release.
  13. Thanks for sharing that info @blowfish.
  14. Place cockpit and some fuselage to create craft. Next, put some B9 procedural wings on craft. Now you need to hover mouse over attached procedural wing, to have it highlighted. While it is highlighted press "j". It will not work until you hover mouse over wing part you want to adjust.
  15. Click on [+] Note. Most probably you have missed something. It can be either, "new craft launched after accepting contract" or craft must contain some other stuff on it, like antenna, solar panels, thermometer or some other sci part that is not related to experiment etc. If it is new craft, it is good to check those condition on launch site, if you forgot to add something on craft.
  16. It is quite possible to reach orbit early, although it is a bit chalanging and require some more thinking "out of the box" as someone mentioned earlier. It is even possible using only one ground station at KSC without pilot at all.
  17. Be patient until fix is merged with official release. As noted in this post , private build was send to MaxRebo and me for testing. It worked properly for me, feedback provided by MaxRebo is probably same.
  18. Good enough, if my opinion matter. It would not create "major" dependency mod for B9, like RPM mod currently is, to hold back release on KSP updates if dependency mod is not updated properly. KSPWheel can then be recommended mod trough CKAN when it become available and you always put instructions in changelog for people who actualy read changelog and know how to install stuff without CKAN. At least you will not need to create additional part pack just for wheels, once KSPWheel mod and parts work properly together.
  19. Roverdude barely have enough time to update plugin properly, that is dependency for a lot of other mods. Parts are low on priority list for fixing due to lack of free time. Some list of "broken" parts might help to sort out part pack, to remove those parts that is no longer possible to fix and put some info about others that can be fixed but are still broken due to lack of free time.
  20. At the moment, I was confused, where Ariel is on that picture. I was expecting something like this: Then I was figured out that is about cat. I'm sorry, about your loss, but I laught on my own stupidity here.
  21. I have yet to create some advanced script that watch over resources and do something with it. However, first stop should be Aggregate Resource documentation - how to go trough craft part list and check amount of resources available. From provided example, should be simple enough to add same type of resource to variable instead of printing. Once you end loop trough all craft parts you got desired cumulative for each resource type. If you put some kOS tags on craft part, you might not need to loop trough all craft parts, only trough parts with specific kOS tag names - making script much faster and more efficient. Drawback from it is that it will work only with specific craft designs with such tag names.
  22. @Yemo, another mod that should be in "must have" recommended list:
  23. Seems like you don't have proper install of IR. Have you grabbed 2.0.10 dll from Ziws post couple of pages before ? There is bunch of other data available too, although buried very quickly in thread.
  24. I don't think it is possible. kOS allow you to read and set properties of any part that is exposed trough right click on craft part. Exceptions from those are mods listed on addon reference page. Unless something similar is created for gravity turn mod, I don't think it is possible. Some of mod developer have yet to confirm this, though. I don't think that is within scope of kOS development, but again, people that are active in development have to confirm this.
  25. What you mean by that ? IIRC, gravity turn mod is plugin and all calculations/loging are done trough plugin. So, I'm not sure what you mean by starting gravity turn mod with kOS. Also, I'm not sure what would be difference, starting gravity turn mod by kOS or by yourself trough available mod GUI. On the other hand, it is quite possible to write your own kOS scripts that would make same calculations as gravity turn does. Collect some data and write in log files, recalculate / create more optimized ascent slope based on loged data on second launch, etc. More fun and more stuff you will learn trough pure kOS aproach.
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