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Everything posted by FlyingPete

  1. They make good escape pods for LKO stations as you can run them on the inbuilt monopropellant supply in the command pods. Similarly, they're handy for minimalist landers around Minmus. Back in 0.90 I built a small SSTO that ran on a single turbojet and a couple of O-10 engines- not sure if this is viable now.
  2. You should capture him and bring him back to KSC for interrogation.
  3. I'm always on the lookout for Enemy Kerman. If you can't beat the Enemy you might as well hire him, keep your friends close and your Enemys closer etc....
  4. Maybe he was actually one of the technicians who was working on it in the assembly building, when someone got a bit too enthusiastic and launched it into space
  5. I had a fairly multinational crew- there was a Jongun Kerman, who I maintain was actually a Kerean defector called Kerman-Jong-Un. German Kerman also amused me I also hired a pilot called Chuck Kerman, who tended to get tasked with flying new aircraft. No prizes for guessing which duties Munbus Kerman got assigned either
  6. I've always thought the version numbering was a little optimistic. Really, 0.90 or even 1.0 should have been the final alpha (considering the big aero overhaul and resource mining that were brought in at 1.0) with a beta version following. The true '1.0' should be bug fixes to the existing features and nothing more.
  7. Whenever I first land on the Mun in a new save, I always put something along the lines of 'We came in peace for all Kermen'
  8. Stranger things have happened here: Broken DC-3? Only have a DC-2 wing available to replace it with? No problem!
  9. Use it as a resource mine. It just needs a couple of mining ships clawed onto it at odd angles, with a few eccentric prospectors flying around the place. Once you've attached a drill, resource converter, a couple of fuel tanks and an engine, you can more easily move it into a lower orbit for use as a self-refilling fuel depot. Or attempt to bomb KSC with it, your choice
  10. On the crashing from the loading screen, the only way I've found to fix this is to delete my settings file and let it reload the defaults. First thing I did with 1.0 was to change the settings to those I'd been using in 0.90 (mainly accounting for use of a dvorak keyboard layout). I use two screens, but this was never an issue in 0.90 as it would fullscreen onto just the one. Overheat memory leak sounds like a likely candidate for the crashing while flying though...
  11. I've been doing some experiments in 1.0 to check out the new features, and the game seems to have developed a habit of randomly crashing for no reason. Flying a plane around just now, the game froze and then crashed to the desktop. Sometimes it will also go through the loading screen (adding K to every word, treating kessler syndrome etc) then crash to the desktop before it even starts. 0.90 never had this trouble, and this is supposed to be a post-beta version... Anyone else having issues?
  12. With all the changes that have happened in 1.0, I reckon it would be worthwhile keeping this long-running 'pre-production' save going in a copy of 0.90, and start afresh in 1.0
  13. In the Kerbin system, I tend to have a couple of things going on. Given that the transit time to Minmus takes a few days, I'll have something going on at the Mun while the crew are coming or going. I usually have a space station and landers at one or both of Kerbin's moons so there's always some exploring or mission support to be done. Interplanetary missions are the same really- I'll do all the preparation at Kerbin, send the mission on its way, then focus on other things for a while. I think it adds to the gameplay for things not to be instant.
  14. I've done this before (hop out of Kerbin's SOI, do science, return, profit). The method I used was to just burn from LKO until I got an escape trajectory. Once you're in Kerbol orbit, fire directly at Kerbin and you should be recaptured. This works as long as you're barely escaping Kerbin.
  15. Mine was in the 0.13 demo, with stabiliser fins as substitute landing legs. I'm classing it as a 'touch and go' landing i.e. they bounced a bit on the surface and started to slip sideways, so I gunned the throttle and brought them home.
  16. What is to become of the Laythe mission now the 1.0 wave has struck? Do the planes still fly?
  17. I think it looks pretty good actually A nice simple design that's built to do a job. I guess you could swap the passenger cabin for a cargo bay to lift reasonable payloads too.
  18. Could be useful as a backup power source when a base etc is in shadow. Also for missions to the outer planets before you've researched RTGs. Definitely worth some experimentation on hybrid engines too
  19. It can capture itself if Minmus or the Mun provide a gravity assist, but the orbit won't technically be stable. Of course, once it's in a Kerbin orbit, it only needs a slight nudge to move it away from future encounters with the Mun and/or get the periapsis out of the atmosphere.
  20. Never found them helpful. The only one that I think is worth using is the science->funds one, once you've unlocked the tech tree. Earlier in the game, it seems like you don't really have enough of anything to justify the setup cost and constant drain on that particular resource.
  21. One thing which I found worked well on Minmus was to use the reaction wheel's torque to lift the rover onto two wheels. This meant you could actually use the brakes rather than locking the wheels, and likewise go up hills without spinning the wheels.
  22. I tend to use both once I've got the required tech. For lifting things like space station components, landers, interplanetary ships etc, it's rockets. I never liked the updated Mk3 parts- just too big compared to the available engines and other parts. Far easier to blast it up on a rocket. Kerbals, satellites and other small payloads go by plane. A small plane is easy to make fully recoverable and economical to run. The Kerbal crews tend to rendezvous with a space station in LKO where I keep the Mun Bus etc.
  23. Minmus takes longer to get to, but the Mun has higher gravity to deal with. Bases and things tend to go on Minmus, but for short trips and rovers the Mun is better. Rovers tend to have trouble stopping in a non-destructive manner on Minmus. Minmus has to be the place for mining though. The small extra dV to get there (with mostly empty fuel tanks) is outweighed by the ease of bringing things up from the surface.
  24. The EVA report is a different thing entirely. For experiments, if you're not recovering the part itself, you have to go on EVA to retrieve the data. Bring the kerbal close to the science part, so that when you right click on the experiment you get a 'collect data' option. For the materials bay and goo, you'll then get a warning message that collecting the data will make the part inoperable. Once you've collected the data, you can return to the capsule and the data should be stored on board.
  25. Official name is funds. Feel free to call it whatever you want though. I like Kerbits personally
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