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Everything posted by astrobond

  1. Hi Again and thank's for the new kind words My son ask me: "why don't you try to takeoff from lower altidude ?" So i tried... and here is a little video of a....6882m takeoff ! ^^ Same ship, here is the stock craft: Eve-104-SSTO-6.craft The Kos script (just install the Kos mod and add a Kos computer part to the ship if you want to test): E1.ks If you try manual piloting, aim 35degrees ascent, switch to prograde at 21km and reduce throttle to keep about 2.2twr, unlock rear front locked tank at about 44km, cut throttle when APO is at 91km, unlock last 2 front tanks at 88km, circularise at APO And the video: Fly safe with Val
  2. Hi All I'm playing with Kos from some days, and i don't understand why i didn't try this excellent tool before !!! I'm working on a Kos script to optimise my Eve SSTO ascent, but i didn't found a way to get the actual maxtemp of the ship in Kos to control throttle to have the maximum possible twr without exploding... Is there a way to get that information ? Fly safe with Val
  3. Hi All I'm playing with Kos from some days, and i don't understand why i didn't try this excellent tool before !!! I'm working on a Kos script to optimise my Eve SSTO ascent, but i didn't found a way to get the actual maxtemp of the ship in Kos to control throttle to have the maximum possible twr without exploding... Is there a way to get that information ? Fly safe with Val
  4. Hi KerikBalm I'm playing with Kos mod, excellent, i never tried it ! You can see in the picture on the left the exact ascent path i use BTW, thank's to all for your kind words xD But i never could reach Eve Orbit without the help and tips from Nefrums, Val, Foxster, Nitch, and other i forgot to mention sorry, but big Thank's to all Fly safe with Val
  5. After about 1.253.722 attemps, i put my SSTO ship on Eve Orbit from the top Eve mountain xD
  6. Thank's a lot Nefrums Your best limbo try was the beginning of my ship, you helped me a lot !
  7. GOT IT I post the album of my first achieved orbit in the Eve-SSTO-Limbo challenge http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/132211-Eve-SSTO-Limbo/page2
  8. Hi All I GOT IT !!! SSTO from Eve highest point IS doable xD Almost the same ship as my other attempts, but as light as possible (light landing gears, no advanced inline stabilizer, no other than pod batterie, and only one tail fin...) I'm Happy ^^ Here is the Album: Fly safe with Val !
  9. 9397m without airbrakes ^^ OMG that was funny, after a lot of fireworks explosions and F9 keypressed, i tried to put the ship nose totally down to break a maximum, using some fuel of the rear tank to find a good "breaking COG" and the Mammoth to turn the ship... This way the ship didn't explode, and when speed was enough down (about 1300m/s) i used the mammoth to recover the flight with a nose up AOA, the hard part was done ^^ Unfortunately, i have no pics of this part of the flight, because i was sure the plane will explode.... Fly safe with Val !
  10. Well... More difficult than i thought Another problem to solve lol
  11. Or you can turn the ship (very slow but that works too) while in "landing mode" with enough height Edit: Don't forget to press F5 key when you are ready to takeoff......
  12. I'll try AOA breaking... I think i made a test that worked with almost the same ship
  13. Just upside down the ship in orbit before clicking "ship lander" Don't know if there is a better tip, but that's how i do xD - - - Updated - - - Ok, Ok, i'll try the "standard" limbo challenge with this ship lol, but i'm not sure to beat Nefrums... Edit: I dream of a "touch and go" at 200m/s speed at the top of the big mountain !!!
  14. A new quick test... missed for 36m/s !!! i think i'll ask to Jeb to push the ship in EVA lol
  15. Hi KerikBalm Here is the last version: Eve-104-SSTO-4.craft Eve-104-SSTO-6.craft Eve Ascent: Nose 35°, prograde at 20km = 52m/s missing... for my best try (reduce throttle to avoid too much heat at about 30km, then full throttle, unlock fuel tank one by one from rear to front when big tanks are out, stop throttle when AP at over 90km, try to circularize at AP ^^) Edit: I let the plane go rear down from the Foxster's HE coordinates and then i stop the plane before takeoff, that lets a good distance to speed up and takeoff at the mountain top with about 10° AOA - - - Updated - - - Hi Nich No real tinkering, only throttle down to avoid exploding, but feel free to test the plane too !!! 52m/s missing in manual ascent... i'm sure a good pilot can do the orbit with it !!! ^^
  16. From all the things (but the wings) i tested with the mammoth, each time you add something, at the end you need more dV than without added things But i hope someone will find something working soon
  17. Yes that's an excellent idea Nefrums And Spikes are lighters than Nukes, that could be the solution... No time to test that now grrr I'll continue tonight !
  18. OMG 82m/s of the graal in manual piloting ^^ Now i'm SURE this is doable (ascent 35°, Prograde at 28km)
  19. Thank's Nich Less AOI, new wings, a little "diedre" (i don't know if this is the good word in English) My best try ! Almost done...
  20. Tested yesterday ^^ But added weight was not balanced by the LV-N's added dV to circularize... More dV needed at the end than for the published test. - - - Updated - - - Hi Nich Yes my AOI (and not AOA sorry) is one "shift click rotation tool" angle in VAB, not tried less AOI, could be a good idea I will also try big new wings...
  21. Thank's Nefrums, yes almost the same as your's ! Just a little more fuel and wings with Angle Of Attack to help climbing
  22. Close... but the last dV is really hard to find !!! More fuel = bad TWR and less dV at AP Less fuel = better TWR but less dV left at AP .... grrr But i'm too sure someone will find a way to do it Maybe i'll try MechJeb to help me... xD
  23. Hi all Some pictures of my best (manual) SSTO (pure lol) test, Plane put on Eve with HyperEdit at the coordinates given by Foxster: Fly safe with Val
  24. WOW really impressive, and really from sea level lol Congrat's Foxster !!!
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