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Bill Phil

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Everything posted by Bill Phil

  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observation_balloon That or some other method of target finding.
  2. Range is a function of velocity and angle. And some other factors. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Range_of_a_projectile A long barrel will probably get more velocity, especially if the powder charge is large.
  3. Well, there is targeted advertising these days... in which case they know exactly who you are. They would certainly need to communicate engine performance to customers...
  4. Prometheus? It is technically a result of our discovering fire.
  5. I just had a weird thought: What if memes are the Great Filter?
  6. It'd be great, but it's a mobile launch pad of the type used in the Mission Builder, meaning that it's going to be minimal.
  7. I'm pretty sure he was a citizen at that point. I also don't think he was NASA administrator. MSFC director, I think. Not the entirety of NASA.
  8. More stuff to do when we actually get to other planets and moons. And for stock: all around art pass. And clouds. All the clouds. More landing areas would be great. But planes got a lot of love back in the day, and it is Kerbal Space Program. Although electric propellers and thermal turbojets would be great, for planets/moons other than Kerbin and Laythe. What about better water physics and the addition of watercraft? Boats, submarines, seaplanes, and more. Could also be used on Laythe...
  9. ? Man, it's been a while since I've seen Futurama...
  10. They get more but you have to remember that the trajectory was carefully planned to a specific delta-v.
  11. No. No he wouldn't. NASA is only allowed to do certain things. They're not given a huge lump of cash and told to go to space, they're given programs, each with their own budgets and concerns. All of these small budgets add up to the total budget, but where that money is spent is not NASA's choice. Even with Zubrin at the top, he'd need Congressional approval, not to mention necessitating potentially cutting other programs. We just need someone competent and good at the job, whoever that is.
  12. Huh. Looks like Laythe... Also, really good.
  13. I do not shave regularly. I will shave on occasion, for formal events and the like.
  14. Not really. Heat's gonna be there. But lack of heat detection doesn't mean it's not there. Could be problems in the hardware or software of the plane. Could there be an advanced propulsion system with so much heat output that it overloaded the sensors? It just so happens that pressure times volume equals energy, at least dimensionally (units, force per area times volume results in force-distance). Of course, the question then becomes one of efficiency.
  15. Real quick: why is this in Science and Spaceflight? I think there are better methods of suggesting challenges than a forum thread. Not to mention I can't even really think of anything. Also: ^What s/he said.
  16. Hydrolox also needs active cooling, and to an extent methalox and kerolox as well. The only propellants that don't really need active cooling of some sort would generally be hypergolic propellants, and other types of storable propellants.
  17. Tanks are quite light. Just looking at the ET's dry mass, that thing is extremely light. But tanks are light no matter what we're talking about. What matters is mass ratio, and using hydrolox does hurt the mass ratio (kerolox can get up to 17 at least, counting engines, while hydrolox is kind of stuck at 11 as far as I know, when factoring in engines). However, if the isp increase is enough to overcome that then hydrolox outperforms the others. It depends on specific cases. Otherwise no one would ever use hydrolox. It works better than the alternatives in the cases where it is used most often. It certainly isn't optimal for a launching stage, as evidenced by the lower thrust of hydrolox engines (in general), but it works out pretty well for upper stages. Delta-V is directly proportional to ISP (benefiting hydrolox) and directly proportional to the natural log of the mass ratio (hurting hydrolox). But the natural log of ever larger numbers eventually stops increasing quickly. Basically, it depends on how much performance you lose in mass ratio vs how much you gain in ISP, or, rather, ISP is more important than mass ratio, but both are quite important. Hydrogen gets a pretty well sized edge, but there are instances where other propellants beat it. NTRs don't require active cooling save for propellant flow, as far as I know. Not to mention the serious benefits of reducing the necessary mass ratio for a given delta-V, which could potentially overcome the losses from the cooling system, if one is required. Doubling ISP is nothing to be laughed at. If your mass ratio needs to be 9 with a certain ISP, by doubling ISP you only need a mass ratio of 3.
  18. Tanks are light, so there's not much of a performance hit for using hydrogen. You get a lower mass ratio, but so long as the increase in isp overcomes it, then hydrolox would have higher performance, at least for the specific case under study. Nuclear thermal is not very good for launch, but in space, it would fair pretty well. The only issue would be tankage mass, but if we can build the tanks in space, they can be much lighter. Although that also applies to other propellants, but doubling ISP means we can reduce the mass ratio to the square root of its previous value.
  19. Actually, I've found myself just... getting a feel for it. It's really weird to me, but every time I've made a rocket recently it works pretty well and the payload on it makes orbit. Usually only barely. Sometimes with extra propellant, but margin is always good. Not to say that I wouldn't mind a Delta-V display. Or an apoapsis/periapsis display out of the map. This stuff could be a toggle in options, like advanced tweakables. That way the players who want it get it, and the new players aren't forced to deal with more numbers.
  20. Huh. Forgot about this thread. I'm actually an adult leader with a troop now.
  21. Out of curiosity, how's this going? If you've completed it, how close are you to completing the other requirements?
  22. I'm curious about this as well. I remember reading something about migrating it to steam changing up some things, so I wonder if I'll get it or not. I'll buy the DLC if the latter is the case, and I suppose we'll get the answer on the 13th.
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