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Everything posted by nicky4096

  1. thanks. i didnt use F5/F9 on the 2373 m/s run because the issue was in the design. for my new 2375 m/s run, i *did* quicksave before ditching SAS... but i am sick of maching for now, i spent hours and hours and hours and now its sunday night
  2. ok, so i got 2375 m/s again with a fixed version of the plane. i think i can get 2376 m/s though because the FTL-100 still had 30 fuel left, but i ditched the SAS modules a bit early so it was uncontrolable. so, next weekend i will do a re-run was a tense flight
  3. ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! so, i built a good plane, got it to 2373 m/s before dropping the outer tanks, only to eject my SAS modules by accident, because i forgot to add a way to decouple my droptanks. *sigh* time for another 3 hours of watching the altimeter, engine, computer temperature, orientation...... but thats for tomorrow. anyway, since it was still sort of fast even without proper droptanks, heres an album:
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! squishy! *sniff* will squishy be okay? great story though!
  5. now that sucks to levels i cannot even begin to comprehend... but, i got a new plane! lets hope my computer doesnt die from 418 parts...
  6. hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg...... just spent 2 hours of flying a plane only to discover that the panels didnt work... (but i forgot to ditch the oxidizer in the FTL-100 so i would have to refly anyway)
  7. well, i dont really care if i can get on the leaderboard or not. if you know an exsisting maintained machingbird challenge, then please link me to it!
  8. i thought it was the other way around! well then, time for another try
  9. just got to a (for me) record periaps of almost 450km ! then i ran out of power for my reaction wheel >.< never forget the RTGs i did bottle up 10 intake air, but even while pointing strait down only managed 2363 m/s. gotta get MOAR SCOOPS! although next time i will ditch them after burning.
  10. nice one SRiley. i might retry this later, i have a really fast plane but because it is so tight on fuel i have to fly it with a vertical climb and a constant altitude of over 24950m, and keep going 25002m.
  11. no. its just a cubic strut sticking strait out, and another forward-facing cubic strut, and then the shock cone intake. i can provide pictures if you like. but its just like you would stack ram intakes, except with an extra cube strut (which is useless, im just too lazy to take it out )
  12. i know, but im not very good at throttling back either, and i don't want to be put into a spin! im back to single engine designs now, they are just a lot easier.
  13. trying to see how fast i can get with a 3 engine design + unmanned + MJ current best is 2282 m/s. gotta beat at LEAST 2300!
  14. ahhh thanks! i learn something new every day! and not neccessarily from school!
  15. yeah, but i still want it to look somewhat like a plane...
  16. and scifi, try using the inline cockpit for more speed / less drag nice little plane though, but you could stage the wings and have more intakes. also a smaller fuel tank might help. just a suggestion
  17. ill get the link for the intake in the sec. pinalallo posted it on the K-prize thread. FYI debug menu clipping is considered cheating by henge, but hes not looking anyway intakes are part of the trick, but not all. how big is your tank? i usually use an FTL-100 for my speed run. you need as little weight as possible. try the mk1 lander can as a cockpit (drain the monopropellant too!) if the plane becomes uncontrollable without wings, spam reaction wheels (i like to use 4). if they weigh you down, drop them for your speed run. hope this helps the sweet intakes spot for me seem sto be 25.6 intake air or 128 intakes. here is pinalallo's technique: K-prize thread, page 53, post #524. i dont know how to link to posts, so heres the url for page 53: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/11214-The-K-Prize-100-reusable-spaceplane-to-orbit-and-back/page53
  18. 50,101m with the U3! just a shortened U2 the limiting factor now is the basic jets limit of 1000 m/s - throttle down, and you cant reach max alt, throttle up, you hit the velocity limit. but im happy with 50km nontheless.
  19. got above 45 km without staging =), 45,447m looely based on the lockheed U-2. maybe there should be categories for staging and non-staging planes, because planes like this and like slashy's are more realistic / more challenging than planes like matryoshka. machingfly, stock aero. flies beautifuly =) EDIT: almost forgot, i called it the U2
  20. hoioh - its easily possible to get something to LKO on jets alone. next step - geostationary orbit with only jets XD i only used 10 radial intakes or something, but they were all only like half full when i closed them. pics: speed at periaps was only 2275 m/s, you really should point strait down.
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