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Everything posted by Rocketscience101

  1. War is a terrible place to end up. All soldiers who have gone have stated that they don't want to go back. I personally do not want to go to war, even though I will join the military. I will go were they send me. I will proudly fight for my country, even when I feel it is wrong. Just recently I killed a rabbit and the pain from realizing what I did killed me. If I am forced to fight a war. I will mourn for every life taken in my actions even if I did nothing. It pains me thinking of the broken families broken because two old guys who are in the wrong place, and they send the young men to fight their battles for them. I hate thinking about that. Recently my older brother joined the marines, and I would be devistated if he died. But he has a job to do, because of the restarted old men who run the nations of the world have to act like jerks with eachother and send the troops just because he and some other nation are having a little argument. I feel war is a terrible thing. But we must understand what we are truley fighting for in those wars. Freedom, and the people back home.
  2. You could just play space program. It has missions, and a campaign and a free mode, but you have to unlock everything in campaign first to get it in free mode.
  3. Mine was also Called, Mun Rocket, and it was back in .13, and used the old Nova Punch Mod
  4. I prefer being human, although, they all are generally the same height, and being 16, and 6'3" has restricted me from doing anything that goes into tight corners.
  5. NASA is the only portion of the government that is not crazy funded, or supported because they are viewed as useless. Yet is is also the only one that gets stuff done off of the very little money they receive. Mainly because the people who run it are scientist.
  6. Not exactly plans, there are actually no "plans" on what the orion and SLS will actually do. Mainly because it is all the politics who approve of any "plans" NASA does, and they only feel like talking optimism about the subject saying, this is what we "hope to do" by set date, but there are never any "we will do this on this day" which frankly sounds better than "well I am not entirly sure, but we should land on an asteroid by 2143"
  7. I am in. Heres a link to my channel. (http://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceGuy177)
  8. I was thinking around 3 feet, being that they are just below 1 meter tall, or lying down, are almost as long as the diameter of the 1m parts.
  9. I don't believe in evolution, but I understand what little I could to come up with the theory of how they formed. In the first few years of the kerbal race, small lizards, started standing on their hind legs, to get low hanging fruit from the trees. After millions of years of doing this, they started standing and walking on their hind legs. Predators brought the new species close to extinction, moving them into caves were the large predators could not go. The predators soon go extinct from hunger, being that their only food supply reclines in caves all their lives. Within the caves, the small kerbals were forced to live off of small amounts of algae, and the little water that trickled into it. It is here in the caves of kerbin, that the kerbals gained their large eyes. The small amount of light that came in forced their eyes to larger sizes, so they can see better. It was not for a million years after this, that kerbals, as we see them now emerged from their caves. In the desert, were they made the great pyramids for a dead ruler, who was sculpted in giant proportions outside of his tomb. But a UFO, that crashed at the north pole, scared the small civilization back into the caves, were they rested for 3,000 years. Soon though, about 2 years ago the young kerbal Jebediah Kerman, stepped out of his small cave, and saw the great stars of the night, he then started the Kerbal space program. Kerbals reproduce by eggs, and because they eat algae, like certain earth reptiles, they actually during times of drought, can do little amounts of photosynthesis, to keep them alive. They live the lives of turtles, and can live for hundreds of years without aging effects which is why they can live for so long on their longer missions to Jool and Eloo.
  10. I am not a very popular youtuber but I do have some kerbal videos and have a great idea for what I want to add. A small landing craft launched on one rocket one carries 2 kerbals another one and a rover. To help start a base if this save file goes to a mun base.
  11. I think the Kerman name is more of a title, titles are added at the end of a name for kerbals, It would be like saying Neil Armstrong astronaut, instead of astronaut Neil Armstrong. Kerman is the term for astro-kerbal
  12. Well if surgery is needed, we can have a robot that is programmed to do it. Saves on weight in life support, and little bit of money.
  13. This is the idea of the space battles were you see the engines on the spacecraft, are always lit up and glowing when we see them, and I feel I have found a reason why. 1. Early on when space weaponry was first started, it was big ship vs. big ship (no were near as big as the star wars, or Battlestar Galactica ships) and pilots of the vessels, found that if he can stay ahead, by having little thrust turned on on the ship, pushing them into higher orbit, his rear gunners could target the ships much easier, and give them an advantage by targeting the bridge. Both sides of the wars would do this, and as time went on, it was taught this idea of staying ahead of your enemy gave you an advantage. Even giving in orbit spacecraft weak ion engines, to keep the ships in range, still stay one step ahead of the enemy. With smaller ships, as ships got bigger, small fighter ships, piloted by one man were developed, giving them the ability to deploy the small fighters and bombers, and attack the ships engines, to keep it from getting ahead of them, and even destroying critical points on the ship. They had very weak ion engines for battle mode, and as time went on, they discovered warp drive, to travel to new planets, and discovered how to change the weaker engines in the fighters, to warp engines. More on warp drive later. The small fighters, although you cannot see it, have rcs thrusters at every critical point, to give it an aircraft feel, then the weak ion engines, are burning constantly to continue the thrust. Which is why they seem to stay with the larger ships, because they are accelerating at the same rate. Space battles always happen in orbit around planets or stars, so in case of emergency, either a rescue crew can get them out of it, or they can get in the escape pods to get to the planets surface. 2. With warp drive, warp drive, is actually a form of time travel, they blast at great speeds to were the target would be first, and then time travel, which is an early stage of time travel, freezes time within the ship during the journey then, reverses it to the exact date of when the ship left, down to just a few seconds later. This requires great amounts of power to do, which is why the engines are so large, and the rear areas of small fighters that can go into warp speed. That is all I have for warp speed. Questions comments are helpful.
  14. A few months ago I would've done it, but now I realize that I have a family, and a life to live. I think another company needs to think of a similar idea, yet with a return plan, that one I would sign up for in a heart beat. They need to go with people, who have nothing here. No offense to those who feel that way, but if you have nothing i.e. a family, a job, a girlfriend, or something that you would need to take care of here on Earth. These people are those who have a better option on Mars than with what they have here on Earth. Again no offense to anyone, its just that is how I feel about this matter.
  15. Favorit moon huh, I would have to say Pluto/Charon because they are both roughly the same size, and orbit each other while orbiting the sun, and the pure mystery involved in it. Would never want to go there. Long mission, small world, but can't wait for the pluto mission to send back pictures. Even if they take 12 hours to get here.
  16. When i landed once, took my kerbal out for a quick walk, and ended up two hours later next to a Mun Arch, then tried to have a the lander fly over to jeb at the arch, jeb was the only surviver because he was not in the ship.
  17. I am interested and say we name them instead of after current kerbal s name them after earth scientists. Just so it is easier to remember. Like the area with the Armstrong memorial can be the Armstrong crater.
  18. Saw a guy build a ship that made artificial gravity using centrifugal force, and drove a rover around in it.
  19. Who said space travel was easy? You have to understand how hard it really is and enjoy your semi realistic game. Unless you work at NASA I see no reason to complain.
  20. For most of kerbalkind. I find that funny. I also want to know who you are leaving out. Is it the purple Kerbals from the south.
  21. Nice work, can you provide us a link to the original video. Would love to see it.
  22. I say yes, because all it takes is one massive natural disaster and we become like dino's. Dead before you know it. If we are on the moon, which would buy us some time before we could get to Mars, or farther. Then we become an infinite species.
  23. Their plotting to kidnap jeb, and take the shuttle into orbit themselves, they are tired of all the debris, and waisted work.
  24. The space shuttle was the longest lasting spacecraft in US history. It was way more efficient, and without it, many important discoveries made by Hubble, or the ISS would never have happened. But it was also outdated, and starting to slow down. I think 30 years is long enough for it, and it is time to pave the way for the next generation spacecraft.
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